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This page is to document "what Tiki should do". For feature documentation (what Tiki does), please see corresponding page on doc site

Unified Index

As of Tiki6, global search can be made through either a custom search indexing implementation or through MySQL's full text indexing. Both search features have different problems and come to hit limitations when additional filtering is required. For example, searching by language or by category requires several joins that slow down the execution significantly. Some features become unusable beyond a certain volume or require excessive resources on the database.

The problem of searching spreads further. Each feature has its own listing page and wiki plugins. Those plugins do not benefit from full text indexing and all of those come with different arguments. The differences between features cause severe inconsistencies for end users, leading to multiple feature requests and bug reports. One example is category filters. While categories are a global feature, the types of filtering available for each feature varies and the implementations are simply duplications of ad-hoc queries built.

The unified index proposes to defer listing and filtering to a specialized engine rather than using the database directly for all object listings for the end users. The relational model simply cannot perform some of the requested queries efficiently. Yet, SQL will allow the filtering to happen and will work in test environments. Moving to an external engine will force development to consider the efficiency. Better code organization will also lead global features to be available evenly. Internally, Tiki could still use direct function calls to the database when appropriate, but the advanced features should be removed from the libraries to clean up the code.

Target benefits:

  • Improved search results
  • Improved consistency across features
  • Improved efficiency for complex queries
  • Code reuse across features
  • Simplify the codebase

As an initial implementation, Zend_Search_Lucene is proposed as the indexing engine. The library is mature and already bundled with Tiki. Because it is written in PHP, there are no external dependencies and can work in multiple environments. The solution is expected to be sufficient for most Tiki installations. A quick search indicated that limitations were hit around indexes of around 200M when search quality was not sacrificed. Larger sites like or should fit well below this.

However, the engine has limitations that come with the PHP implementation, like memory consumption for large installations. For this reason, the unified index will work through an abstraction layer that would allow integration with different indexers for larger installations (Sphinx, Solr, ...). Those engines will have different attributes when it comes to search performance, indexing performance, scalability.


There will be a single index for all object types. Obtaining a list for a single type will be about adding a filter. The indexing mechanism needs to reflect the structure of Tiki. For each feature to be indexed, an adapter will be required to pull the basic information, like page titles, description, content, modification date and so on. Essentially all the indexable information coming from the database table. All fields for which sorting or searching is desired will need to be added to the index. Because similar information often has different names in Tiki, it will be important to impose a naming convention to make sure the index is usable.

Before being indexed, the basic information will be augmented with the global features, like categories, comments, attachments and others. This will guarantee consistency across features. Once implementation is completed, the category filters would apply the same way between wiki pages and blog posts. Future feature additions in the search index will also apply to all features without having to go through each feature individually.

Additional transformations can also be performed globally, like splitting camel case words so that searching for a single word would return results. Some global behaviors may also be implemented here, like wiki-parsing the wiki fields before indexing. The objective is to regroup site-wide policies in a single point to relieve the different features from those decisions. If it is determined that a special group need to be used to perform the wiki parsing for indexing, there would be a single location to update.

Information would then be provided to the indexing abstraction so that the index is populated in an optimal way. To allow future expansions, it will be important for the index builders not to assume the presence of some specific engine feature.

Indexing will be done either on update or batch (cron or on demand), depending on configuration or capabilities of the indexer. Larger sites may not be able to handle the constant index optimization required by incremental updates and require to do it offline from a database slave or something similar. Incremental updates will likely hook into the current searchlib.

Stemming will be relegated to the indexing engine. Lucene has a pluggable interface for those and the codebase already includes a stemmer for English (used in the configuration search). It may be required to build multiple search indexes to use different stemmers. Each index would contain the exact same content from all languages regardless.


The unified index will render multiple plugins obsolete. For backwards compatibility, some will need to be modified to use the alternative library. To better support the transition, they may be left untouched.

One of the main issues at the moment with the plugins is that they have a very large amount of parameters. Many of those parameters were added for very specific use cases. Sometimes, parameters that seem equivalent in two plugins will behave in very different way. Not to mention the inconsistencies in separators (colon, semi-colon, comma, plus, space, ...). The main issue is that the plugin parameter format does not allow for enough expressiveness.

Modifications to the parser could allow for a more readable format. Progress was already made on the plugin parser to invert the execution order. However, for historical reasons, it was never integrated. Now that we are past an LTS, it may be a good time to complete the parser and replace it. Doing so would allow to write the listing plugin in the following manner.

As implemented - NOT A SPECIFICATION
Copy to clipboard
{LIST()} {filter type="wiki page"} {filter categories="(1 and 2 and 3) or (4 and 5)"} {filter deepcategories="25 or 26"} {filter language="en or unknown"} {filter content="hello world"} {sort mode=modification_date_ndesc} {OUTPUT()}* {display name=modification_date format=date}: {display name=object_id} {OUTPUT} {LIST}

In the above, LIST is the plugin and it reads the content to identify the parameters of the query. Some arguments could be added on list for very common operations, but anything beyond trivial should be made through the configuration in the body. The body could also provide ways to specify a template for how to display the results and such.

To keep the implementation clean on the long run, the list plugin should limit the amount of primitives it support and use macro expansion for other tasks (essentially, using the plugin parser with a different plugin directory, and those plugins would output primitives for evaluation by the list). The syntax needs to form an understandable language that can be composed to perform advanced reports. Adding new features results in adding new vocabulary that can be used beyond the very specific use case for which it was created.

Internally, the plugin would generate a query object that it would send to the indexer abstraction to obtain the results and then format them for output. The same query object could be built from PHP to generate the tiki-listpages.php page or the search results from a search query. The default result formatter could also be used to render the list in those pages.

Multiple sorting modes would be available from the Tiki data, including advanced ratings. However, the ranking based on result relevance will be relegated to the engine. The engine's syntax often contains tricks that can be used to adjust the relevance. Those may be used when building the query for the engine based on the user's input.

Boolean Query Syntax

Traditionally, Tiki exposed the engine's syntax directly with all the features it contain. There is a significant amount of documentation explaining all the quirks of the MySQL full text search syntax which no normal user would ever use. Because multiple engines will be supported in the future, Tiki should commit to a minimal syntax that is frequently used. The syntax should be usable across engines, even if transformation is required on Tiki's end.

The proposed syntax is the following:

some search terms OR A wish to have a AND matching
some OR search OR terms OR matching
"some search term" exact match
some + search + term AND matching
some AND search AND term AND matching
some search AND terms (some OR (search AND terms))
some OR search AND terms (some OR search) AND terms
some OR (search AND terms) some OR (search AND terms)
some NOT search some OR NOT(search)
some AND NOT search some AND NOT(search)

Token priority: Quotes > Parenthesis > NOT > OR > AND > + > space

Note on exact match
The exact match is done on stemmed token and do not considered stopwords or short words.
A query "PHP framework" with the double quotes will find "PHP the framework" or "php frameworks", but not "framework php" or "php the best framework". A query "PHP the frameworks" will find "php framework".

Result Ordering

Tiki has a unified way of indicating the search order. The syntax can be found in various URL schemes and plugins. In order to ease the transition, the syntax must be preserved. The syntax used to be the database field name followed by _asc or _desc. The syntax is being converted directly to an SQL order by statement, which may cause SQL errors when an invalid field is provided. Moreover, the sort ordering heavily depended on MySQL. Because Tiki often uses text field to store generic values, when numeric sorting is required, the user had no control over the ordering.

Proposed conversions (fields are indexed fields):

Sort ModeFieldOrderSort Type

Permission Filtering

A long standing issue was the pagination of results when filtering permissions. The database structure in which the permissions were stored and some logic only stored in the code did not allow to perform the filtering within the query. As a result, the pagination could not be made evenly without going through a lot of trouble.

To resolve this issue, the unified index indexes the groups allowed to view an object through a global source. For each object added to the index:

  1. Verifies if the content source provided the view permission name
  2. Obtain the permission set for the object
  3. Introspect to find the groups affecting the permissions
  4. Check for each group individually to see if the view permission is available

See PermissionSource::getData for more details.

During the query phase, the list of groups of the active user is used to filter the allowed groups field.

Objects can be filtered efficiently because they are indexed while the indexing time increases. Because the permissions are no longer validated just in time, permission changes may lead to WYSIWYCA rules to be broken temporarily. Objects may be listed extra and some may be missing. However, a direct access to the object will still see the up to date permissions to be validated.

Date filtering

(request by ricks99)
Need to be able to filter out expired content:

  1. Calendar items that have passed
  2. Articles that have expired (even if the show after expired type option = y).

Formatting results

When it comes to formatting search results, Tiki has a standard table format that is a suitable default for internal applications that benefit from a unified look and feel. However, some cases require different layouts, especially when custom designs are used. In some cases, there are simply too many values to display in tabular format. Pretty trackers are a solution to this. Unfortunately, they are part of those features that are only available to a single feature.

The unified index should allow for multiple result rendering methods, from the default table to wiki-based templates to full-blown Smarty templates for more complex cases. Essentially, all of those share a common pattern:

  1. Obtain the search results
  2. Gather additional information required by display not provided in results
  3. Perform basic formatting on values
  4. Lay out the information

Ideally, the format specification for the default model should allow for wiki formatting within the cells. For example, a column could contain multiple actual values, allowing for some customization without having to go all the way with smarty templates.


The project requires a significant amount of work. A lot can be made incrementally by adding features where they belong and provide the benefit to multiple features. However, adapters still need to be written for every feature in Tiki that need to be indexed.

The primary components are:

  • Indexer
    • Pluggable interface for content sources, extracting basic information from Tiki (one per content feature)
    • Pluggable interface for global sources, extracting additional, site-wide, information about a single object (one per global feature)
    • Bridge to Lucene
  • Search Query
    • Internal structure definition
    • Translator to Lucene query
    • Result caching
  • Formatter
    • Fetching additional information (related to content adapters and global adapters)
    • Format as generic table
    • Value formatters (dates, numbers, currency, etc)
  • Plugin parser
  • List plugin
    • Build query
    • Build formatter
    • Macro expansion
  • Search UI
    • Multiple filters
    • As a re-usable component

As an initial step, a walking skeleton can be built to go from indexing of wiki pages to listing with a basic plugin. Then global features can be added. Additional adapters for features, expansion of the formatter and search UI can all happen in parallel once the core is in place.

Done this far:

  • Indexer, aggregating information from content sources and global sources
  • Query interface and transformation for Lucene
    • Query parser (described above, but currently using OR matching by default)
    • Basic type filtering
    • Full text searching, with boolean capabilities
    • Language filtering, with boolean capabilities
    • Category filtering, deep category filtering, with boolean capabilities
    • Permission filtering based on the user's groups
  • Result sorting
  • Formatting
    • Wiki (basic)
    • Smarty
  • Result pagination
  • Content sources
    • Wiki
    • Forum Post
    • Files in file galleries
    • Blog posts
    • Articles
    • Tracker items
  • Global sources
    • Permission
    • Category
    • Freetags
    • Advanced Ratings
  • Stemming
    • English (used as default - the Porter stemmer algorithm) + stopwords defined in lib/core/StandardAnalyzer/Analyzer/Standard/English.php
    • Some special characters as - , ?, .... are handled in lib/core/Search/Index/Lucene/php:buildTerm


Add a content source

Content sources are used to index objects of a given type (wiki pages, forum post, tracker items, ...)

  1. Create a new class for the content type implementing Search_ContentSource_Interface
    • List all objects in the system for global indexing
    • Provide the information for a requested object using the provided TypeFactory to describe the type of content
    • A list of the provided fields for general introspection
  2. Register the content source in unifiedsearchlib if the feature is enabled
  3. Update the field matrix in the documentation

Standardized field names are provided to help cross-feature searches. As a bare minimum, the following fields must be provided:

  • title
  • language (with the value unknown if unspecified)
  • modification_date

Additionally, the permissions must be specified in some way as the permission verification is done by the unified index. For typical objects, the view_permission field may be used to indicate the permission to check. Some object types will defer permission verification to the parent object (forum posts use permissions from the forum for example). In this case, the following fields can be provided:

  • parent_object_id
  • parent_object_type
  • parent_view_permission

Possible User Scenarios


Use Case 1

  • Page Foo is EN; page Bar is ES translation of Foo
  • EN User searches for a term
  • If Foo is returned in the results, need a way to let user know that ES translation of the page exists
    • Inform user of "up-to-dateness" of pages
  • If Foo is not returned in the results, but it exists in a translated page, return the EN page with a notation that the term exists in the ES version


When calculating search results, need to account for:

  • Free tags used in the page
  • Free tags used in translations of the page
  • Keywords assigned to the page
  • Prior search/click popularity
  • Content ratings (e.g., article ratings, wiki page ratings, comment ratings, forum ratings, etc.). Items with higher ratings should be returned as better matches

Integrated Tikis

For multi-tiki sites (or TRIM, maybe too?), users should be able to specify/filter searches across multiple sites.


I (ricks99) would love to see some new Tiki modules that take advantage of the improved search:

  • Top search terms
  • Top results
    • Based on returned values
    • Based on click-through values


In the scenario where flagged edits became a Tiki features, it would be nice that the unified index could index last version of pages and last approved version for your group. WYSIWYCA would be respected in search results.


  • r31459 tiki-searchindex.php (without arguments) shows all results instead of none
  • r31459 "Parse the results" is activated but I see wiki syntax
    • Preference not supported at this time. Not a bug.
  • Items from some trackers appear with "No title specified", although list tracker items manages to find a title. Happens on my local test install and on at least one more site. Chealer r31457
    • Need more details. Provide steps to reproduce or a profile.
    • Probably related: article "Foo" is listed as "Foo in No title specified". Chealer 20110916
  • Object titles are not escaped (seen with Wiki pages). Chealer r31457
    • Code does it. lib/smarty_tiki/function.object_link.php:60
      • That doesn't seem to be called. Might also be passed misencoded data. Reproduced with ampersands on r37327. Chealer
  • Tag filter does not escape its value properly (heavy jQuery seems involved). Chealer r31457
    • Again, everything seems to be in order. Provide more details.
    • This appears to be a general freetags issue caused by quotes. Chealer 20110916
  • Many objects show twice in results. Chealer r31457
    • Found a case where the documents were not being invalidated when containing special characters. Retry with r31686
  • Fatal error

    ( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception' with message 'Literal expected.' in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Search/QueryParser.php on line 389
    ( ! ) Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception: Literal expected. in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Search/BooleanExpressionRecognizer.php on line 198
    Call Stack

    1. Time Memory Function Location

    1 0.0414 894436 {main}( ) ../tiki-editpage.php:0

    2 0.3015 17148436 TikiLib->update_page( 'testlangother!', '
    Translation of this page is incomplete.
    \r\n\r\nanything\r\n', , 'admin', '::1', , 0, 'es', FALSE, array ('lock_it' => 'n', 'comments_enabled' => 'n'), NULL, 'n', '' ) ../tiki-editpage.php:1083

    3 46.3665 18886676 refresh_index( 'pages', 'testlangother!' ) ../tikilib.php:7445
    4 67.4136 18945356 UnifiedSearchLib->processUpdateQueue( ) ../refresh-functions.php:24
    5 83.1577 22902552 Search_Indexer->update( array (0 => array ('object_type' => 'wiki page', 'object_id' => 'testlangother!')) ) ../searchlib-unified.php:11
    6 115.8448 22987628 Search_Query->invalidate( class Search_Index_Lucene { private $lucene = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy { private $_index = class Zend_Search_Lucene { ... } } } ) ../Indexer.php:52
    7 159.5160 22987628 Search_Index_Lucene->invalidateMultiple( class Search_Expr_And { private $parts = array (0 => class Search_Expr_Or { ... }) } ) ../Query.php:115
    8 202.7310 23011544 Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Lucene.php:42
    9 516.7718 23012340 call_user_func_array ( array (0 => class Zend_Search_Lucene { private $_directory = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem { ... }; private $_closeDirOnExit = TRUE; private $_writer = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Writer { ... }; private $_segmentInfos = array (...); private $_docCount = 5810; private $_hasChanges = FALSE; private $_closed = FALSE; private $_refCount = 1; private $_generation = 68; private $_formatVersion = 1; private $_termsStream = NULL }, 1 => 'find'), array (0 => '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)') ) ../Proxy.php:346
    10 516.7718 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Proxy.php:0
    11 516.7721 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)', ??? ) ../Lucene.php:925
    12 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_FSM->process( 13 ) ../QueryParser.php:380
    13 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_FSMAction->doAction( ) ../FSM.php:413
    14 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser->subqueryEnd( ) ../FSMAction.php:63
    15 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserContext->getQuery( ) ../QueryParser.php:522
    16 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserContext->_booleanExpressionQuery( ) ../QueryParserContext.php:396
    17 516.7899 23525540 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_BooleanExpressionRecognizer->finishExpression( ) ../QueryParserContext.php:324
    ( ! ) Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException: Boolean expression error. in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Search/QueryParserContext.php on line 330
    Call Stack

    1. Time Memory Function Location

    1 0.0414 894436 {main}( ) ../tiki-editpage.php:0

    2 0.3015 17148436 TikiLib->update_page( 'testlangother!', '
    Translation of this page is incomplete.
    \r\n\r\nanything\r\n', , 'admin', '::1', , 0, 'es', FALSE, array ('lock_it' => 'n', 'comments_enabled' => 'n'), NULL, 'n', '' ) ../tiki-editpage.php:1083

    3 46.3665 18886676 refresh_index( 'pages', 'testlangother!' ) ../tikilib.php:7445
    4 67.4136 18945356 UnifiedSearchLib->processUpdateQueue( ) ../refresh-functions.php:24
    5 83.1577 22902552 Search_Indexer->update( array (0 => array ('object_type' => 'wiki page', 'object_id' => 'testlangother!')) ) ../searchlib-unified.php:11
    6 115.8448 22987628 Search_Query->invalidate( class Search_Index_Lucene { private $lucene = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy { private $_index = class Zend_Search_Lucene { ... } } } ) ../Indexer.php:52
    7 159.5160 22987628 Search_Index_Lucene->invalidateMultiple( class Search_Expr_And { private $parts = array (0 => class Search_Expr_Or { ... }) } ) ../Query.php:115
    8 202.7310 23011544 Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Lucene.php:42
    9 516.7718 23012340 call_user_func_array ( array (0 => class Zend_Search_Lucene { private $_directory = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem { ... }; private $_closeDirOnExit = TRUE; private $_writer = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Writer { ... }; private $_segmentInfos = array (...); private $_docCount = 5810; private $_hasChanges = FALSE; private $_closed = FALSE; private $_refCount = 1; private $_generation = 68; private $_formatVersion = 1; private $_termsStream = NULL }, 1 => 'find'), array (0 => '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)') ) ../Proxy.php:346
    10 516.7718 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Proxy.php:0
    11 516.7721 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)', ??? ) ../Lucene.php:925
    12 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_FSM->process( 13 ) ../QueryParser.php:380
    13 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_FSMAction->doAction( ) ../FSM.php:413
    14 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser->subqueryEnd( ) ../FSMAction.php:63
    15 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserContext->getQuery( ) ../QueryParser.php:522
    16 516.7887 23462788 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserContext->_booleanExpressionQuery( ) ../QueryParserContext.php:396
    ( ! ) Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception: Boolean expression error. in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Search/QueryParser.php on line 389
    Call Stack

    1. Time Memory Function Location

    1 0.0414 894436 {main}( ) ../tiki-editpage.php:0

    2 0.3015 17148436 TikiLib->update_page( 'testlangother!', '
    Translation of this page is incomplete.
    \r\n\r\nanything\r\n', , 'admin', '::1', , 0, 'es', FALSE, array ('lock_it' => 'n', 'comments_enabled' => 'n'), NULL, 'n', '' ) ../tiki-editpage.php:1083

    3 46.3665 18886676 refresh_index( 'pages', 'testlangother!' ) ../tikilib.php:7445
    4 67.4136 18945356 UnifiedSearchLib->processUpdateQueue( ) ../refresh-functions.php:24
    5 83.1577 22902552 Search_Indexer->update( array (0 => array ('object_type' => 'wiki page', 'object_id' => 'testlangother!')) ) ../searchlib-unified.php:11
    6 115.8448 22987628 Search_Query->invalidate( class Search_Index_Lucene { private $lucene = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy { private $_index = class Zend_Search_Lucene { ... } } } ) ../Indexer.php:52
    7 159.5160 22987628 Search_Index_Lucene->invalidateMultiple( class Search_Expr_And { private $parts = array (0 => class Search_Expr_Or { ... }) } ) ../Query.php:115
    8 202.7310 23011544 Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Lucene.php:42
    9 516.7718 23012340 call_user_func_array ( array (0 => class Zend_Search_Lucene { private $_directory = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory_Filesystem { ... }; private $_closeDirOnExit = TRUE; private $_writer = class Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Writer { ... }; private $_segmentInfos = array (...); private $_docCount = 5810; private $_hasChanges = FALSE; private $_closed = FALSE; private $_refCount = 1; private $_generation = 68; private $_formatVersion = 1; private $_termsStream = NULL }, 1 => 'find'), array (0 => '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)') ) ../Proxy.php:346
    10 516.7718 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene->find( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)' ) ../Proxy.php:0
    11 516.7721 23012636 Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser::parse( '++(object_type:"wiki page") +(object_id:testlangother!)', ??? ) ../Lucene.php:925

    updating page with an exclamation mark in its name (find() called with wrong query).
    • Could not reproduce the exception, although it may now be resolved.
    • Couldn't reproduce on r37237. Chealer9

Feature requests

  • Result snippet doesn't necessarily contain search term



RatingSubjectSubmitted byImportanceEasy to solve?PriorityCategoryVolunteered to solveCreated LastModifComments
(3) Trackers: Need to be able sort as numerical instead of textMarc Laporte8540
  • Error
  • Feature request
  • Dogfood on a * site
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Developer Training
  • Indexing
  • Easy for Newbie Dev
marclaporte-31 Mar 23
(1) Search index could not be updated. The site is misconfigured. Contact an administrator.Marc Laporte91 difficult9
  • Dogfood on a * site
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Indexing
xavi-29 May 18
(0) Unknown column 'defaultOrderKey' in 'on clause' on Laporte7856
  • Error
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-07-292013-11-0411
marclaporte-24 Dec 14
(0) Not possible to delete a tracker on Laporte10 high880
  • Error
  • Indexing
koth-04 Aug 14
(1) Monitoring pre-dogfood servers Marc Laporte10 high990
  • Feature request
  • Community projects
  • Indexing
Marc Laporte2013-08-212021-07-205
marclaporte-20 Jul 21
(0) Fix Dev.T.O indexing issues after daily ugradesMarc Laporte9545
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-11-262013-11-272
koth-28 Nov 13
(0) Indexing failed while processing "Update" (type wiki page) with the error "RemoteTransportException[Marc Laporte8540
  • Error
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-11-302013-11-300
(0) indexing failed while processing "Revert a commit" (type wiki page) with the error Marc Laporte25
  • Indexing
(0) SearchPhaseExecutionException on tiki-searchindex.php with sort_mode=modification_date_ndescMarc Laporte5840
  • Indexing
(0) Last date of re-index can be incorrect if I just changed from Elasticsearch to MySQL Unified IndexMarc Laporte2510
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Indexing
(0) MariaDB (MySQL) Unified Index doesn't permit same reports as Elasticsearch (No results for query)Marc Laporte7749
  • Indexing
luci-24 Jan 19
(0) "Error: Malformed search query" without anything else causes support issues. Add an actionable error message.Marc Laporte7856
  • Error
  • Usability
  • Indexing
marclaporte-13 Nov 18
(0) Automatic Indexing of Mathematical Calculation Tracker FieldsKevin Doyle5525
  • Indexing
josue.zirimwabagabo-19 Oct 23


RatingSubjectSubmitted byImportanceEasy to solve?PriorityCategoryVolunteered to solve CreatedLastModifComments
(0) Make Unified Index optionalMarc Laporte10 high880
  • Feature request
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-06-092013-11-043
marclaporte-22 Nov 13


RatingSubjectSubmitted byImportance Easy to solve?PriorityCategoryVolunteered to solveCreatedLastModifComments
(0) need way to remove temp/preference-index-en* Marc Laporte5420
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Indexing
jonnybradley-05 Nov 13
(0) Search issue when using CustomSearch with MySQL Full Text Search as the IndexPascal St-Jean5525
  • Error
  • Indexing
xavi-12 Aug 13
(0) Unified Index: Add spreadsheetMarc Laporte5525
  • Feature request
  • Indexing
(0) "No index available": offer a link to rebuild indexMarc Laporte8972
  • Indexing
marclaporte-21 Nov 13
(0) Login module does not remind of user name any moreJean-Marc Libs8864
  • Indexing
Jean-Marc Libs2016-04-062016-04-060
(0) PHP Fatal error with ANY profile since 15.x: Search_MySql_LimitReachedException Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column 'creation_date'Xavier de Pedro8648
  • Error
  • Community projects
  • Dogfood on a * site
  • Regression
  • Indexing
Jonny Bradley2016-05-182016-05-263
xavi-24 May 16
(0) Error on tracker first creation - error text is confusing and wrong: Field tracker_id does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_tracker_id.Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist8864
  • Usability
  • Regression
  • Consistency
  • Indexing
Victor Emanouilov2018-10-032018-10-121
marclaporte-04 Oct 18
(0) Search index errorvmchieu91 difficult9
  • Error
  • Indexing
marclaporte-24 Nov 11
(0) Make Unified Index with MySQL work well and be the default in Tiki12 (if Unified Index is selected)Marc Laporte9872
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-09-082013-11-176
pascalstjean-17 Nov 13
(1) Rebuilding index stats: add Execution time, Memory usage and number of QueriesMarc Laporte9981
  • Feature request
  • Indexing
Nelson Ko2013-10-252016-10-121
marclaporte-12 Oct 16
(1) Unified index incremental update fails on 12.x svn (untested in 14.x)Xavier de Pedro9327
  • Error
  • Regression
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
  • Release Blocker
  • Indexing


  • to debug the lucene database, you can usee luke
    • download the jar at lukeall
    • for my lunix I use the command java -jar ~/Software/lukeall-1.0.1.jar
    • open the lucene directory default temp/unified-index
    • Example: to search on tiki in wiki page type in the search tab +(contents:calabrio)+(object_type:"wiki page")

Cron job and command line

You can run this php file in a cron job or on a line command to have the indexes built

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<?php include_once('tiki-setup.php'); require_once 'lib/search/searchlib-unified.php'; $unifiedsearchlib->rebuild();

In Tiki 8+ this exists as a file in devtools. It needs to be run as apache (usually www-data), and an example (for a sudoer) command would be:

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sudo -u www-data php doc/devtools/rebuild_search_index.php

In Tiki 9+ you can also now use:

rebuild from command line
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sudo -u www-data php lib/search/shell.php rebuild

Get debug information during rebuild
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sudo -u www-data php lib/search/shell.php rebuild log

The debug information is in file temp/Search_Indexer.log

Process part of the unindexed items queue (number to process is configurable)
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sudo -u www-data php lib/search/shell.php process

If a rebuild is already ongoing, it will tell you:

Rebuild in progress
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sudo -u www-data php lib/search/shell.php process 2012-04-13T10:44:37+00:00 INFO (6): Rebuild in progress - exiting.

If this is in error, maybe a rebuild was interrupted and you can't rebuild because it claims that a rebuild is ongoing, you need to do:

Recover from interrupted rebuid
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sudo -u www-data rm -rf temp/unified-index-new/


For now the search has only an English Analyser

  • to add another language
    • update ib/core/Search/Index/Lucene.php
    • add the appropriate files in lib/core/StandardAnalyser

You can customize the stop words in lib/core/StandardAnalyzer/Analyzer/Standard/lang.php

Tips on setting a new field

Each object to be indexed has fields that identify the tiki information and the way it is managed in the indexer.

Tiki types of field

typetokenizedindexedstored in index databasespeciallucene type
plaintextyyn unstored
wikitextyynparsed before indexedunstored
timestampnyy keyword
identifieryyn keyword????
multivalueyyn unstored
sortableyyy ?????
textyyy stored

More information on Lucene type fields

Developer Notes

Content sources

These can be found in lib/core/Search/ContentSource

What determines if a field is full-text searchable in the default contents field

For each indexed source, there is a getGlobalFields() function. If the field in question is listed as one of the keys of the returned array, then it can be searched using full-text in the default contents fields, in addition, if the value is set to true, then it is preserved after it is included in the contents field, otherwise it is discarded. For example:

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function getGlobalFields() { return array( 'title' => true, // included in contents field and the field itself is preserved 'description' => true, // included in contents field and the field itself is preserved 'article_content' => false, // included in contents field and the field itself is discarded thereafter 'article_topline' => false, // included in contents field and the field itself is discarded thereafter 'article_subtitle' => false, // included in contents field and the field itself is discarded thereafter 'article_author' => false, // included in contents field and the field itself is discarded thereafter ); }

Adding new fields to be indexed

  • Remember to add it to the getProvidedFields functions. That function is used to get a list of indexed fields to iterate through for various purposes within Tiki.



The following is a list of keywords that should serve as hubs for navigation within the Tiki development and should correspond to documentation keywords.

Each feature in Tiki has a wiki page which regroups all the bugs, requests for enhancements, etc. It is somewhat a form of wiki-based project management. You can also express your interest in a feature by adding it to your profile. You can also try out the Dynamic filter.

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