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Dev Team - Dashboard - Feature Requests

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alarm field type in trackers6.x
  • Feature request
Date and Time
ConfirmedAlejandroMarc Laporte, Philippe Cloutier (0)

Trackers are great in Tiki, it provides a way to build quick and easy register solutions.
When used in any context related to monitoring, it would be nice to have a way to associate a record with one or more events in time. For instance you would like to receive an email at the time the issue related to the task should be controlled and/or be resolved.

Thinking on it as a feature, the following could be considered in the solution:

  • It could exist more than one "timer" in the tracker record,
  • It should be added like any other tracker field to the record definition,
  • It could have different ways to alert: email, rss, ... (maybe only one choice when instance),
  • It could have rules, like auto disable when the record is closed (or other condition),
  • It could be (as an option) reprogrammed,

and also

  • Maybe a user wants to know about all his/her pending "timers".
  • Maybe timer implementation could be independent objects that are linked to (special fields in) tracker records (or other objects), so global management is possible.

I guess that a good part of above functionality is already in Tiki in some form.

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Version: Create show2.tiki.org instance
marclaporte-19 Apr 17
Areas / workspaces / perspectives: domain name doesn't change when I switch perspectives11.x
  • Feature request
PerspectivesNewMarc LaportePascal St-Jean (0)

Related: Areas Perspective Multi-domain dogfood

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Version: Create show2.tiki.org instance
Argument Variables are parsed even in "No parse" (np) zones6.x
  • Usability
  • Consistency
  • Conflict of two features (each works well independently)
Wiki Syntax (text area, parser, external wiki, etc)Confirmedluciash d' being 🧙Philippe Cloutier (0)

The following (without a space between braces) does not work anymore:

you can use the ~np~{{user} } Argument Variable

Instead the Argument Variable which is inside np gets parsed as current user login name.

Update: updated the Subject field to more reflect what is the report about

51 difficult5
Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


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luci-20 Sep 14
Calendar Feature: can it be like a spreadsheet instead of many clicks?11.x
  • Feature request
CalendarNewtaposPascal St-Jean


Calendar Feature: When Add-ing an event a user is presented with options to pickup the Start date and End date, there is a calendar icon which is good. When picking up the hour and minute a user is presented with arrow down list. This is good if only a few events to be Add-ed. However, when a user enters a lot or its users task to enter say appointments for many events. It would be easier to be presented with a data entry screen like a spreadsheet: where columns and rows are arranged in such a way that there are arrows to move days or months or years say located at the top row, while the next rows are breakdown of days hours and minutes divided according to a setting of say every 5 minutes or 10 or 15 minutes. The benefit of these is where a user's daily job is only to enter so many events everyday, user simply look at the top row for say a date of a month and look on the left hand side where there are rows of hours divided in to say 5-minutes event/appointment, then looking at the right coordinates of date-hour-minute for the event, the user simply click/2xClick to open the coordinate then type/enter a description of an event. Its done! For example event is 30th of June 2013 at 7:30 a.m. User looks at the top row, either click arrows to get the future date, then look on the left hand side for the row-column of 7 a.m. and click 30 and enter the event description, does the same for another event.

I don't know if this is a feature to be added but i think this is great, makes data entry quick on high volume addition of events. Sorry i am not a programmer.

Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

xavidp-31 May 13
Can't assign subcategories11.x
  • Error
  • Regression


I have a category structure with several levels.

But if I create a new wiki page and click on the Categories tab, I only see the first level categories. And there is no way to open them up to assign a subcategories. So in effect, you can only assign a Level 1 category to a wiki page.

Note that I CAN view the > level 1 categories in the Admin > Categories. I just can't assign any of them to a wiki page.

Note that I am using the Workspace UI feature which does some stuff with namespace of categories. Maybe that's the issue?

BTW: I upgraded this site to 12x, and it still exhibits the bug:


So It seems the bug is in 12.x also.

Dec 23, 2013

I tried to reproduce the bug on show, but am not able to.

And even on my site alpacatechnologies.com, it seems the bug only occurs when I am using the Darkroom theme (but on show, it works even with when using Darkroom).

I'll keep investigating.

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 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

Can't delete an item from a Structure directly after adding it9.x
  • Error
  • Regression
Wiki Structure (book & table of content)ConfirmedPascal St-JeanPascal St-Jean


Can't remove any items from a Wiki Structure directly after adding it to the structure. HTML/NULL error.

The bug was originally discovered on doc.tiki.org. I thought this could be due to the large volume of items we have in that Structure but I was able to reproduce the bug on a simple instance of Show.

Improve the contrast of that question that tiki asks before removing the page. This also need to be a feature request. Make the messaging much clearerImprove the contrast of that question that tiki asks before removing the page. This also need to be a feature request. Make the messaging much clearer5945
Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

pascalstjean-08 Aug 13
Display of categories has changed11.x
  • Regression


The behavior for browsing categories has changed, and not to my liking. If this was not intentional, then it is a regression (as I've listed it). If this was intended, then please consider this a "wish" to restore the old behavior or (perhaps better yet) provide a plugin that allows me to control the display.

I have two versions available for viewing. They are not show.tiki.org, but they should do for demonstration.



I like that in 9.2 it only shows the current category, and without watch links.

In 11.2, all categories are shown, with watch links (which in my opinion just add clutter to the page), and the category listing is expanded to the last viewed, not the current. To see this:
a) Browse categories on this site
b) Expand "How To-->Hulls"
c) On left menu, select "Models-->By Nationality"
d) Note that the results displayed are for nationality, but the category listing is still expanded to "how to--> hulls". Confusing to the viewer.
e) Change current URL from ..\home\.. to ..\home9\.. to see how "nationalities" looked in the old version. I much, much, much prefer this way.

I tried using PluginCategory for the same purpose, but I could not get the desired results. Indeed, I'm not even certain I get the results that should be expected. Based on my understanding of the parameters, I would expect the categories AND sub-categories to be displayed, and the results split when the category changes. That does not happen. You can see that here:

Copy to clipboard

Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

File Galleries Failing to Display in Tiki 11.0 — A Fix11.x
  • Error
File Gallery (elFinder or standard UI)NewAl DrakePascal St-Jean


Was getting the following error in my CGI Log when I tried to display the File Galleries in Tiki 11.0:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/.../.../.../.../wiki_11/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl" on line 253 "{quotabar length='100' value=$smarty.capture.use}" unknown tag "quotabar"' in /.../.../.../.../wiki_11/vendor/smarty/smarty/distribution/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php:665

I recalled having this problem a few times after an upgrade all the way back to version 8. The way I have fixed it is simply to go into templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl and remove the expression {quotabar length='100' value=$smarty.capture.use}. Once I do that and upload the modified file, I'm able to display my file galleries. Don't know if that will work for everyone, but it has worked for me.

Why is there a problem with quotabar? That's a file that I notice won't upload when I use Filezilla to upload the files for a new installation, so maybe that's the source of the problem. It seems to me that this issue has been around for several versions now. Can someone please fix it? Thanks in advance.

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To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

pascalstjean-10 Aug 13
File Gallery backlinks are a dysfunctional mess9.x
  • Usability
File Gallery (elFinder or standard UI)


NewDavid CarterPascal St-Jean


I want to use backlinks in File Gallery to show me what wiki pages reference the files. This is how I can identify orphaned files. However, this function is so broken that it is unreliable.

What I would expect from this feature is the following behaviors:

  1. Each file referenced in a wiki page has a single backlink to that page recorded in the File Gallery that contains the file
  2. Backlinks to wiki pages are uniquely indexed, so that even if there are numerous references to the same file on a page, there is only one backlink to that page shown in the File Gallery, rather than multiple backlinks to the same page
  3. Removing a reference to a file from a page will remove the backlink to that page from the file in the File Gallery
  4. Deleting a wiki page will delete all backlinks to that page in the File Gallery

The behaviors I have been able to duplicate in the demo wiki (http://demo.tiki.org/11x/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=6) are as follows:

  1. Linking to a file in a wiki page will create a row in the tiki_file_backlinks table for that page in the File Gallery every time you save the page, even if there is already a row for that page
  2. If you edit the page and then save it, the backlinks to the referenced files are sometimes incremented, and sometimes not
  3. Removing the link to a file in a wiki page and then saving it does not remove the backlink in the File Gallery to that page
  4. Completely removing a page from the wiki that is referenced by backlinks in the File Gallery will not remove those backlinks, but will instead leave orphaned backlinks to non-existent pages
  5. There is no reindex or cleanup function built into Tiki for File Gallery backlinks, and no way to manually fix or remove bad backlinks (other than directly editing the database tables)
Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


Create show2.tiki.org instance

pascalstjean-10 Aug 13
File Gallery Download dead loop if folder is customized11.x
  • Consistency
File Gallery (elFinder or standard UI)Confirmedjp_eagleMarc Laporte


I got a problem to see thumbnail and download file from File Gallery.
What I did are:
1. create a customized a folder for file gallery
2. point the file gallery folder destination to the new folder in setting.
3. upload a file
4. try to view the file and download the file, the system goes to endless loop, and no responds from server to client, logs are continuously generated till disk full.
Thu Jan 01 12:56:38 2014 error client PHP Notice: ob_end_clean(): failed to delete buffer zlib output compression. in /apps/tiki/tiki-download_file.php on line 147, referer: http://tiki.mydomain.com/file1
5. after I check the code. in the tiki/tiki-download_file.php, line 146, it has below
while (ob_get_level()) {
}// Be sure output buffering is turned off

6. I googled the coding, looks it should be changed as below.
while (ob_get_level()>1) {
}// Be sure output buffering is turned off

7. I changed, the code, the file viewing and download are perfect. problem is solved.

Could any developer please review the code, if it is the way to go, please merge the change into the main trunk for future releases.


5. after I check the code. in the tiki/tiki-download_file.php, line 146, it has below
while (ob_get_level()) {
}// Be sure output buffering is turned off

6. I googled the coding, looks it should be changed as below.
while (ob_get_level()>1) {
}// Be sure output buffering is turned off

Please demonstrate your bug on show2.tiki.org
 About show2.tiki.org

To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.


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marclaporte-07 Aug 14


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