

[11:15:42 AM] Marc Laporte added Xavier de Pedro to this chat
[11:15:50 AM] Marc Laporte says: ok, this should be it
[11:16:09 AM] Marc Laporte has changed the chat topic to "TikiFest198"
[11:17:08 AM] Marc Laporte says: hi
[11:17:26 AM] Marc Laporte added luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek, Nelson Ko to this chat
[11:17:35 AM] Marc Laporte says: Alain?
[11:17:34 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: hi
[11:17:44 AM] Marc Laporte says: Did we lose Alain?
[11:17:51 AM] Alain Désilets says: I can chat but I can't hear
[11:17:59 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: neither can I
[11:23:17 AM] Marc Laporte added Dave Thacker to this chat
[11:24:35 AM] Marc Laporte says: Dave?
[11:25:40 AM] Marc Laporte says: dave: you are coming in
[11:39:39 AM] Marc Laporte says: Dave: ask your questions here
[11:40:50 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: Marc, Gary joined but he needs to be invited to the conference
[11:41:13 AM] Marc Laporte says: ok, I will invite Gary
[11:41:18 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: great
[11:41:38 AM] Marc Laporte says: Dave: please ask your questions here!
[11:43:00 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: I don't have
[11:43:04 AM] Alain Désilets says: www.cardmeeting.com
[11:43:06 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: BTW, canyou hear me?
[11:43:27 AM] Alain Désilets says: community ID is C1405
[11:43:33 AM] Dave Thacker says: Alain, java will not load for me. sorry
[11:43:38 AM] Alain Désilets says: pwd is hawai! (with trailing (!)
[11:49:02 AM] Xavier de Pedro says: I could log in to carmeeting, indeed (nice!)
[11:49:14 AM] Marc Laporte says: cool!
[11:50:12 AM] Dave Thacker says: somebody please add zero support install
[11:50:49 AM] Marc Laporte says: Dave: I just added a card for you!
[11:51:09 AM] Dave Thacker says: install without having to contact anybody for questions
[11:51:18 AM] Dave Thacker says: "It Just Works"
[11:51:39 AM] Dave Thacker says: I want the user to have an easy experience
[11:52:10 AM] Dave Thacker says: easy install more users
[11:52:17 AM] Dave Thacker says: yes
[11:52:36 AM] Dave Thacker says: good
[11:52:40 AM] Marc Laporte says: :-)
[11:54:59 AM] Dave Thacker says: yes, more money
[11:59:10 AM] Dave Thacker says: easier for communities without IT professionals to install TikiWiki?
[12:00:40 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: re
[12:00:49 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: ok, how can i hear you again ?
[12:00:50 PM] Marc Laporte added francisco athens to this chat
[12:01:45 PM] Marc Laporte says: new user: Francisco is with us
[12:01:47 PM] Nelson Ko says: we are using cardmeeting now.
[12:02:02 PM] Nelson Ko says: to brainstorm
[12:02:02 PM] francisco athens says: hello tikifest
[12:02:17 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: hello francisco
[12:02:26 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: Marc, lukas request to hear the voice...
[12:03:02 PM] Dave Thacker says: Dave is the admin for a small IT dept that wants to use a wiki for documentation. Please add
[12:03:54 PM] Marc Laporte says: Lukas is online in audio
[12:04:10 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: and Lukas' kids also :-)
[12:04:12 PM] francisco athens says: Marc is a father and wants to use Tiki to keep track of his childrens development as well as track bugs
[12:04:30 PM] francisco athens says: this would be useful for me too
[12:04:48 PM] francisco athens says: as I'm currently using the Gallery2 script
[12:05:40 PM] Dave Thacker says: Fred is the webmaster for a youth football(soccer) league that wants to use a wiki to post schedules and results. please add
[12:06:53 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes, Dave knows Linux and has installed apache
[12:07:06 PM] francisco athens says: Joey has a mediawiki wiki and phpbb forum and would like to migrate to tikiwiki.
[12:08:53 PM] francisco athens says: <muted mic input>
[12:12:21 PM] Marc Laporte added Gary Cunningham-Lee to this chat
[12:13:25 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: i've muted my mic in kmix setup i hope you don't hear my son anymore ;) (hm, Alain is too loud compared to others, isn't he ?)
[12:13:45 PM] Marc Laporte says: I still hear some kids in the background
[12:13:50 PM] Marc Laporte says: (note sure where)
[12:13:58 PM] francisco athens says: hehe I always hear kikds in the bg
[12:14:28 PM] Marc Laporte is really happy to have all these people online
[12:14:38 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: :-)
[12:14:45 PM] Marc Laporte says: (thank you Alain, Skype and CardMeeting)
[12:19:56 PM] francisco athens says: Lori is college student who wants to use tikiwiki as a front end for her internet radio show
[12:20:22 PM] Dave Thacker says: woot, my card meeting is up!
[12:20:56 PM] francisco athens says: hehe
[12:21:37 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: :-)
[12:23:08 PM] Nelson Ko says: hi francisco,
[12:23:18 PM] Nelson Ko says: why joey is using phpbb and mediawiki for?
[12:23:37 PM] Nelson Ko says: for what purpose?
[12:24:00 PM] Marc Laporte says: maybe they want to have a wiki and a forum in single sign on
[12:24:25 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: (reasonable)
[12:24:35 PM] francisco athens says: Joey was using MW and phpbb for a community portal and wants to use something more integrated
[12:24:38 PM] Marc Laporte added mlpvolt to this chat
[12:24:40 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes.
[12:24:58 PM] francisco athens says: Joey was me long ago
[12:25:24 PM] Marc Laporte says: ( I know that feeling!!!!!!!)
[12:26:07 PM] Dave Thacker says: hehe
[12:26:39 PM] Marc Laporte says: who is not on cardmeeting?
[12:26:45 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: me
[12:27:02 PM] francisco athens says: I think TW excells at getting ppl to join a community, because some folks prefer to blog, post on forums, or edit wiki pages and TW has all of these
[12:27:35 PM] francisco athens says: however I sometimes get feed back that the interface can get rather complicated with so many features.
[12:27:36 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: CardMeeting ID ?
[12:28:02 PM] Marc Laporte says: it is listed on tiki.org/tikifest198
[12:28:09 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: C1405
[12:28:20 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašekis the one most interested in simplification ;)
[12:28:22 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: Community Id: C1405
[12:28:39 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: Community Password: hawai!
[12:28:41 PM] francisco athens says: "Discovering TW for the first time"
[12:28:46 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: Invalid Meeting ID format: Meeting ID's start with an 'M' followed by digits
[12:29:06 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: YEs, I got the same before luciash...
[12:29:36 PM] Nelson Ko says: go to "list all meetings of gcommunity/"
[12:29:53 PM] Nelson Ko says: and put C1405 in the community ID box
[12:30:10 PM] Dave Thacker says: who want to get versatile tool up quickly
[12:30:18 PM] francisco athens says: because they are not gentoo users
[12:30:34 PM] Dave Thacker says: lol francisco...
[12:31:29 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes, that's a good point stay focused on task
[12:31:46 PM] francisco athens says: I wonder if there is a possibility for a TW live disk that can install to a remote server?
[12:32:20 PM] francisco athens says: yeah there might be several TW setup examples running on the live CD
[12:32:55 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: francisco, that would be lovely :-)
[12:32:56 PM] Marc Laporte says: we have a live CD somewhere, but that only takes them to a default install, which is too complex for new users
[12:33:16 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: "somewehere": http://tiki.org/TikiLiveCD
[12:33:26 PM] Marc Laporte says: tks xavi
[12:33:27 PM] Dave Thacker says: in less than 60 minutes
[12:33:26 PM] francisco athens says: tikibuntu
[12:33:45 PM] francisco athens says: or damnsmalltiki
[12:33:46 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: "tikibuntu" :-)
[12:34:03 PM] francisco athens says: DSL is a very quick boot
[12:34:11 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: DSL-Tiki: :-)
[12:34:35 PM] francisco athens says: time to reboot the kids
[12:34:51 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: DSL-Tiki-LiveCD: I tried but I left it since it was not i18n properly for non-english keyboards, etc.
[12:34:52 PM] francisco athens says: or put them in chroot jail
[12:35:54 PM] Dave Thacker says: or security. (documentation)
[12:36:40 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: i don't see the link "list all meetings of gcommunity/" on http://cardmeeting.com/
[12:36:57 PM] Nelson Ko says: below the box you tried
[12:37:17 PM] Dave Thacker says: luciash, use the C1405 code and password in the bottom two boxes, then select this meeting from the page you receive.
[12:37:28 PM] Nelson Ko says: I want to see list of all of my communities' meeting...
[12:37:34 PM] Nelson Ko says: bottom 2 boxes on left side
[12:37:42 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: tw.o/Tiki1Fest98 updated: Where it says: "I want to see a list of all of my community's CardMeetings", log in with:
[12:38:30 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: got it, thanks
[12:38:37 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: welcome
[12:39:21 PM] Dave Thacker says: are we wandering off into features......?
[12:39:32 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: ?
[12:39:51 PM] francisco athens says: maybe some thumbnails in the template install linking to screenshots so users can "see" what their install might look like?
[12:39:57 PM] Marc Laporte says: (maybe we are, sorry if we are)
[12:44:18 PM] francisco athens says: wikicasting?
[12:44:25 PM] Marc Laporte says: :-)
[12:44:30 PM] francisco athens says: tikitossing?
[12:44:37 PM] Marc Laporte says: (LOL)
[12:45:11 PM] Marc Laporte says: we need more tikiprofiles (and an easy way to make tikiprofiles)
[12:46:09 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: http://tiki.org/TikiProfiles
[12:46:13 PM] Marc Laporte says: http://doc.tiki.org/Profile
[12:46:21 PM] Dave Thacker says: fish hobbyists. useful for a any hobbyist organization
[12:46:25 PM] francisco athens says: fishclub! I've been looking for one
[12:46:49 PM] Marc Laporte says: http://doc.tiki.org/Profile
[12:48:15 PM] Dave Thacker says: so we need to move profile descriptions from feature list "tasks you want to accomplish"
[12:48:17 PM] francisco athens says: fishywiki
[12:53:17 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes! yes! yes!
[12:54:02 PM] Dave Thacker says: joomla has a hierarchal (sp) menu structure
[12:54:34 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: joomla administration sucks :P
[12:55:14 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: yes, wizard concept is ok
[12:55:34 PM] francisco athens says: there is obviously some strong joomla opinions among TW users..
[12:57:28 PM] Nelson Ko says: are you online?
[12:57:36 PM] Dave Thacker says: and there he goes...
[12:57:38 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: nop
[12:57:40 PM] francisco athens says: perhaps they could just see some examples
[12:57:48 PM] francisco athens says: oh dear
[12:57:48 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: voice went away...
[12:57:52 PM] Nelson Ko says: marc is currently offline
[12:57:55 PM] Nelson Ko says: one sec
[12:57:59 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: ok
[12:58:01 PM] Nelson Ko says: trying to recover
[12:58:28 PM] Gary Cunningham-Lee says: Hmm. No more audio here.
[12:58:35 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: using this moment to add profile page to contents structure in doc.tw.o :-)
[12:58:51 PM] Dave Thacker says: threw another green card in
[12:59:15 PM] francisco athens says: who is physically at the TW conference?
[12:59:22 PM] francisco athens says: er Tikifest
[12:59:30 PM] Marc Laporte says: we are 3
[12:59:30 PM] Alain Désilets says: Did you all loose my audio?
[12:59:40 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: I did loose it
[12:59:43 PM] francisco athens says: I dont hear anyone
[12:59:44 PM] Nelson Ko says: yes. audio is lost at the moment
[12:59:46 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes
[12:59:46 PM] Alain Désilets says: Weired
[1:00:00 PM] Nelson Ko says: because marc lost connectivity
[1:00:00 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: who is most stable online ?
[1:00:13 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: I'm in again
[1:00:24 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: create the room and invite others ?
[1:00:24 PM] Marc Laporte says: this is fun!
[1:00:27 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: ah me too
[1:00:31 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: :-)
[1:00:32 PM] Dave Thacker says: i hear audio
[1:00:36 PM] Gary Cunningham-Lee says: :-)
[1:00:42 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: (my first time ever on a voice chat) :-)
[1:00:51 PM] francisco athens says: audio is back from me to
[1:00:55 PM] Marc Laporte says: I lost my connection and since I was the host, you all lost it
[1:01:01 PM] Dave Thacker says: blue cards
[1:01:19 PM] Marc Laporte says: :-) :-)
[1:02:10 PM] francisco athens says: I think an average user installing TW will have issues with TW server processing/ram requirements...
[1:02:24 PM] luciash d' being aka Lukáš "luci" Mašek says: i have trashed my blue card :-)
[1:02:33 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: :-)
[1:03:59 PM] francisco athens says: how can that user import existing data easily? like from another CMS or excell db?
[1:04:29 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: from other db: difficult. From excel db: through tracker or spreadsheet import...
[1:04:38 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: (through CSV)
[1:04:42 PM] Dave Thacker says: Please repeat the name of the concept?
[1:05:43 PM] Marc Laporte says: sorry
[1:05:06 PM] Dave Thacker says: no audio again...
[1:05:06 PM] Nelson Ko says: hello?
[1:05:06 PM] Alain Désilets says: lost audio again
[1:05:12 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: gone again
[1:05:30 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: thanks nelson
[1:05:39 PM] Dave Thacker says: got it
[1:06:24 PM] francisco athens says: good question
[1:06:36 PM] Dave Thacker says: Please repeat the name of the error correction concept you just spoke about.
[1:07:18 PM] francisco athens says: hmm maybe an an irc interface in the install script ^^
[1:08:20 PM] Dave Thacker says: Useful: establishing the user focus. Identifying the users.
[1:08:27 PM] francisco athens says: tikiwiki_user: "I'm in the middle of a TW install and I'm lost!"
[1:09:27 PM] Dave Thacker says: itching synergy!
[1:09:32 PM] Marc Laporte says: :-)
[1:10:40 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes'
[1:10:41 PM] francisco athens imagines telling his boss "I'm trying to get our itches scratched"
[1:10:49 PM] Dave Thacker says: sounded like sandman?
[1:10:57 PM] Alain Désilets says: Jeff Patton
[1:11:00 PM] Alain Désilets says: He's my mentor.
[1:11:02 PM] Alain Désilets says: Great guy.
[1:11:10 PM] Alain Désilets says: Buy his book when it comes out.
[1:11:19 PM] Marc Laporte says: :-) :-)
[1:11:32 PM] Dave Thacker says: yes, you said he talked about a concept that he had not written about much. What was that concept?
[1:11:58 PM] Alain Désilets says: It's called a Span Plan
[1:15:07 PM] Dave Thacker says: ok, I'm following.
[1:15:12 PM] Dave Thacker says: Yes!, thanks!
[1:16:45 PM] Alain Désilets says: http://www.abstractics.com/papers/HowYouSliceIt.pdf
[1:17:07 PM] Dave Thacker says: got it. thanks!
[1:18:09 PM] Alain Désilets says: alain.desilets at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
[1:18:17 PM] Dave Thacker says: Thank You!
[1:18:27 PM] Marc Laporte says: Thanks Alain!
[1:18:31 PM] Gary Cunningham-Lee says: thanks.
[1:18:33 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: bye
[1:18:38 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: (and thanks)
[1:19:06 PM] Dave Thacker says: ok, I'll go buy a microphone
[1:19:34 PM] Marc Laporte says: ok guys!!
[1:19:39 PM] Marc Laporte says: we get some some food
[1:19:46 PM] Marc Laporte says: you guys can continue :-)
[1:19:47 PM] francisco athens says: nice chatting with you all
[1:19:52 PM] Marc Laporte says: and do all the hard work
[1:19:54 PM] Nelson Ko says: same here
[1:19:56 PM] Dave Thacker says: I'll check back at 1430 EDT
[1:20:01 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: same here
[1:20:04 PM] Marc Laporte says: so when we come back, we will feel like heros
[1:20:12 PM] Marc Laporte says: :-)
[1:20:35 PM] francisco athens says: maybe I'll have my avatar made by then
[1:20:39 PM] Dave Thacker says: ok, later all
[1:20:47 PM] Xavier de Pedro says: see you later
[1:20:51 PM] Gary Cunningham-Lee says: cya

next day


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