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Category did not allow for proper edits.. (Fixed and submitted updates)

Category did not allow for proper edits.. (Fixed and submitted updates)
  • Usability
  • Patch
Resolution status
Not enough information
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Lastmod by
Pascal St-Jean

guys.. I fixed the probem.. doesn't appear that I can upload anything..

dthacker: thanks for the fix, but our dev's can't see what you changed. Could you please do a diff between your code and current CVS, and comment on the changes? Thanks!


inline.. 3 files

-- FILE: tiki-admin_categories.tpl

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{* $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/templates/tiki-admin_categories.tpl,v 2007/08/04 22:02:23 marclaporte Exp $ *} <h1><a class="pagetitle" href="tiki-admin_categories.php">{tr}Admin categories{/tr}</a> {if $feature_help eq 'y'} <a href="{$helpurl}Category" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}admin categories{/tr}"> <img src="img/icons/help.gif" border="0" height="16" width="16" alt='{tr}help{/tr}' /></a>{/if} {if $feature_view_tpl eq 'y'} <a href="tiki-edit_templates.php?template=tiki-admin_categories.tpl" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" title="{tr}View tpl{/tr}: {tr}admin categories tpl{/tr}"> <img src="img/icons/info.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt='{tr}Edit template{/tr}' /></a>{/if}</h1> <div class="navbar"><a class="linkbut" href="tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId={$parentId}" title="{tr}browse the category system{/tr}">{tr}browse category{/tr}</a></div> {if !empty($errors)} <div class="simplebox highlight">{section name=ix loop=$errors}{$errors[ix]}{/section}</div> {/if} <div class="tree" id="top"> <div class="treetitle">{tr}Current category{/tr}: <a href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=0" class="categpath">{tr}ROOT{/tr}</a> {section name=x loop=$path} &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a class="categpath" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$path[x].categId}">{$path[x].name}</a> {/section} </div> <div> {section name=dx loop=$catree} {assign var=after value=$smarty.section.dx.index_next} {assign var=before value=$smarty.section.dx.index_prev} {if ($smarty.section.dx.index > 0) and ($catree[dx].deep > $catree[$before].deep)} <!-- cjutzi - removed this because it didn't allow you to edit at all.. 3/8/2008 --> <!-- <div id="id{$catree[$before].categId}" style="display:none;"> cjutzi --> {else} {/if} <div class="treenode{if $catree[dx].categId eq $smarty.request.parentId}select{/if}" style="padding-left:{$catree[dx].deep*30+20}px;"> <!-- {$catree[dx].parentId} :: {$catree[dx].categId} :: --> {if $catree[dx].children > 0}<i class="mini">{$catree[dx].children} {tr}Child categories{/tr}</i>{/if} {if $catree[dx].objects > 0}<i class="mini">{$catree[dx].objects} {tr}Child categories{/tr}</i>{/if} <a class="link" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$catree[dx].parentId}&amp;removeCat={$catree[dx].categId}" title="{tr}delete{/tr}"><img style="margin-right:{$catree[dx].deep*10+10}px;" border="0" src="img/icons2/delete.gif" align="right" height="12" width="12" hspace="5" vspace="1"/></a> <a class="link" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$catree[dx].parentId}&amp;categId={$catree[dx].categId}" title="{tr}edit{/tr}"><img border="0" src="img/icons/edit.gif" height="12" width="12" hspace="5" vspace="1"/></a> {if $catree[dx].has_perm eq 'y'} <a title="{tr}permissions{/tr}" href="tiki-categpermissions.php?categId={$catree[dx].categId}"><img border="0" alt="{tr}permissions{/tr}" src="img/icons/key_active.gif" /></a> {else} <a title="{tr}permissions{/tr}" href="tiki-categpermissions.php?categId={$catree[dx].categId}"><img border="0" alt="{tr}permissions{/tr}" src="img/icons/key.gif" /></a> {/if} <a class="catname" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$catree[dx].categId}">{$catree[dx].name}</a> {if $catree[dx].deep < $catree[$after].deep} <a href="inhibited_js:toggle('id{$catree[dx].categId}');" class="linkmenu">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a></div> {elseif $catree[dx].deep eq $catree[$after].deep} </div> {else} </div> {repeat count=$catree[dx].deep-$catree[$after].deep}</div>{/repeat} {/if} {/section} </div> <B>TEST DIV <BR></B> <br /> <a name="editcreate"></a> <table class="normalnoborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div class="cbox"> <div class="cbox-title"> {if $categId > 0} {tr}Edit this category:{/tr} <b>{$name}</b> [<a href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$parentId}#editcreate" class="cboxtlink">{tr}create new{/tr}</a>] {else} {tr}Add new category{/tr} {/if} </div> <div class="cbox-data"> <form action="tiki-admin_categories.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="categId" value="{$categId|escape}" /> <table> <tr><td class="form">{tr}Parent{/tr}:</td><td class="form"> <select name="parentId"> <option value="0">{tr}ROOT{/tr}</option> {section name=ix loop=$catree} <option value="{$catree[ix].categId|escape}" {if $catree[ix].categId eq $parentId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$catree[ix].categpath}</option> {/section} </select> </td></tr> <tr><td class="form">{tr}Name{/tr}:</td><td class="form"><input type="text" name="name" value="{$name|escape}" /></td></tr> <tr><td class="form">{tr}Description{/tr}:</td><td class="form"><textarea rows="2" cols="40" name="description">{$description|escape}</textarea></td></tr> {if $categId <= 0}<tr><td class="form"><label for="assign_perms" title="{tr}Perms inherited from closest parent if possible or from global perms{/tr}">{tr}Assign permissions automatically{/tr}:<br /><i>({tr}recommended for best performance{/tr})</i></label></td> <td class="form"><input type="checkbox" name="assign_perms" id="assign_perms" checked="{$assign_perms}" /></td></tr> {else}<tr><td class="form" colspan="2"><a href="tiki-categpermissions.php?categId={$categId}">{tr}Edit permissions for this category{/tr}</a></td></tr> {/if} <tr><td class="form" align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="save" value="{tr}Save{/tr}" /></td></tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <a name="objects"></a> <table class="normalnoborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div class="cbox"> <div class="cbox-title"> {tr}Objects in category{/tr} <b>{$categ_name}</b> </div> <div class="cbox-data"> <table class="findtable"> <tr><td class="findtable">{tr}Find{/tr}</td> <td class="findtable"> <form method="get" action="tiki-admin_categories.php"> <input type="text" name="find" /> <input type="hidden" name="parentId" value="{$parentId|escape}" /> <input type="submit" value="{tr}find{/tr}" name="search" /> <input type="hidden" name="sort_mode" value="{$sort_mode|escape}" /> <input type="hidden" name="find_objects" value="{$find_objects|escape}" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <table class="normal"> <tr> <td class="heading"><a class="tableheading" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$parentId}&amp;offset={$offset}&amp;sort_mode={if $sort_mode eq 'name_desc'}name_asc{else}name_desc{/if}#objects">{tr}name{/tr}</a></td> <td class="heading"><a class="tableheading" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$parentId}&amp;offset={$offset}&amp;sort_mode={if $sort_mode eq 'type_desc'}type_asc{else}type_desc{/if}#objects">{tr}type{/tr}</a></td> <td class="heading">{tr}delete{/tr}</td> </tr> {section name=ix loop=$objects} <tr> <td class="even"><a class="link" href="{$objects[ix].href}" title="{$objects[ix].name}">{$objects[ix].name|truncate:25:"(...)":true}</a></td> <td class="even">{tr}{$objects[ix].type}{/tr}</td> <td class="even"><a class="link" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId={$parentId}&amp;removeObject={$objects[ix].catObjectId}&amp;fromCateg={$parentId}" title="{tr}delete{/tr}"><img alt="{tr}delete{/tr}" src="img/icons2/delete2.gif" border="0" /></a></td> </tr> {/section} </table> <div align="center"> <div class="mini"> {if $prev_offset >= 0} [<a class="prevnext" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?find={$find}&amp;parentId={$parentId}&amp;offset={$prev_offset}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}#objects">{tr}prev{/tr}</a>]&nbsp; {/if} {tr}Page{/tr}: {$actual_page}/{if $cant_pages eq 0}1{else}{$cant_pages}{/if} {if $next_offset >= 0} &nbsp;[<a class="prevnext" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?find={$find}&amp;parentId={$parentId}&amp;offset={$next_offset}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}#objects">{tr}next{/tr}</a>] {/if} </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> {if $parentId != 0} <br /> <table class="normalnoborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <div class="cbox"> <div class="cbox-title"> {tr}Add objects to category{/tr} <b>{$categ_name}</b> </div> <div class="cbox-data"> <table class="findtable"> <tr><td class="findtable">{tr}Find{/tr}</td> <td> <form method="get" action="tiki-admin_categories.php"> <input type="text" name="find_objects" /> <input type="hidden" name="parentId" value="{$parentId|escape}" /> <input type="submit" value="{tr}filter{/tr}" name="search_objects" /> <input type="hidden" name="sort_mode" value="{$sort_mode|escape}" /> <input type="hidden" name="offset" value="{$offset|escape}" /> <input type="hidden" name="find" value="{$find|escape}" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <form action="tiki-admin_categories.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="parentId" value="{$parentId|escape}" /> <table> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}page{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="pageName[]" multiple="multiple" size="5">{section name=ix loop=$pages}<option value="{$pages[ix].pageName|escape}">{$pages[ix].pageName|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addpage" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}article{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="articleId">{section name=ix loop=$articles}<option value="{$articles[ix].articleId|escape}">{$articles[ix].title|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addarticle" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}blog{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="blogId">{section name=ix loop=$blogs}<option value="{$blogs[ix].blogId|escape}">{$blogs[ix].title|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addblog" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}directory{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="directoryId">{section name=ix loop=$directories}<option value="{$directories[ix].categId|escape}">{$directories[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="adddirectory" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}image gal{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="galleryId">{section name=ix loop=$galleries}<option value="{$galleries[ix].galleryId|escape}">{$galleries[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addgallery" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}file gal{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="file_galleryId">{section name=ix loop=$file_galleries}<option value="{$file_galleries[ix].galleryId|escape}">{$file_galleries[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addfilegallery" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}forum{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="forumId">{section name=ix loop=$forums}<option value="{$forums[ix].forumId|escape}">{$forums[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addforum" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}poll{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="pollId">{section name=ix loop=$polls}<option value="{$polls[ix].pollId|escape}">{$polls[ix].title|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addpoll" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}faq{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="faqId">{section name=ix loop=$faqs}<option value="{$faqs[ix].faqId|escape}">{$faqs[ix].title|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addfaq" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}tracker{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="trackerId">{section name=ix loop=$trackers}<option value="{$trackers[ix].trackerId|escape}">{$trackers[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addtracker" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="form">{tr}quiz{/tr}:</td> <td class="form"><select name="quizId">{section name=ix loop=$quizzes}<option value="{$quizzes[ix].quizId|escape}">{$quizzes[ix].name|truncate:40:"(...)":true}</option>{/section}</select></td> <td class="form"><input type="submit" name="addquiz" value="{tr}add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> {/if}

-- FILE: categlib.php

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<?php /** \file * $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/lib/categories/categlib.php,v 2007/06/12 17:43:16 nkoth Exp $ * * \brief Categories support class * */ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class CategLib extends TikiLib { function CategLib($db) { # this is probably unneeded now if (!$db) { die ("Invalid db object passed to CategLib constructor"); } $this->db = $db; } function list_categs($categId=0) { global $cachelib; if (!$cachelib->isCached("allcategs")) { $back = $this->build_cache(); } else { $back = unserialize($cachelib->getCached('allcategs')); } if ($categId > 0) { $path = ''; $back2 = array(); foreach ($back as $cat) { if ($cat['categId'] == $categId) $path = $cat['categpath'].'::'; else if ($path != '' && strpos($cat['categpath'], $path) === 0) { $cat['categpath'] = substr($cat['categpath'] , strlen($path)); $back2[] = $cat; } } return $back2; } else { return $back; } } function list_all_categories($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode = 'name_asc', $find, $type, $objid) { $cats = $this->get_object_categories($type, $objid); if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $bindvals=array($findesc,$findesc); $mid = " where (`name` like ? or `description` like ?)"; } else { $bindvals=array(); $mid = ""; } $query = "select * from `tiki_categories` $mid order by ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_categories` $mid"; $result = $this->query($query,$bindvals,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvals); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if (!empty($cats) && in_array($res["categId"], $cats)) { $res["incat"] = 'y'; } else { $res["incat"] = 'n'; } $catpath = $this->get_category_path($res["categId"]); $tepath = array(); foreach ($catpath as $cat) { $tepath[] = $cat['name']; } $categpath = implode("::",$tepath); $categpathforsort = implode("!!",$tepath); // needed to prevent cat::subcat to be sorted after cat2::subcat $res["categpath"] = $categpath; $res["tepath"] = $tepath; $res["deep"] = count($tepath); global $userlib; if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($res['categId'], 'category')) { $res['has_perm'] = 'y'; } else { $res['has_perm'] = 'n'; } /* cjutzi - added so you could edit the damn thing.. */ /* only show / edit those who's parent == the requested */ // if (($res["parentId"] == $objid)) $ret["$categpathforsort"] = $res; } ksort($ret); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = array_values($ret); $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function get_category_path_string($categId) { global $cachelib; if (!$cachelib->isCached('allcategs')) { $categs = $this->build_cache(); } else { $categs = unserialize($cachelib->getCached('allcategs')); } foreach ($categs as $cat) { if ($cat['categId'] == $categId) { return $cat['categpath']; } } return ''; } function get_category_path($categId) { $info = $this->get_category($categId); $i=999999; $path[$i--] = array('categId'=>$info["categId"],'name'=>$info["name"]); while ($info["parentId"] != 0) { $info = $this->get_category($info["parentId"]); $path[$i--] = array('categId'=>$info["categId"],'name'=>$info["name"]); } ksort($path); return array_values($path); } function get_category($categId) { if(!isset($this->category_cache) || !isset($this->category_cache[$categId])) { $query = "select * from `tiki_categories` where `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); if (!$result->numRows()) { $this->category_cache[$categId] = false; } $this->category_cache[$categId] = $result->fetchRow(); } return $this->category_cache[$categId]; } function get_category_name($categId) { $query = "select `name` from `tiki_categories` where `categId`=?"; return $this->getOne($query,array((int) $categId)); } function remove_category($categId) { global $cachelib; $query = "delete from `tiki_categories` where `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); $query = "select `catObjectId` from `tiki_category_objects` where `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $object = $res["catObjectId"]; $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=?"; $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,array($object)); if ($cant <= 1) { $query2 = "delete from `tiki_categorized_objects` where `catObjectId`=?"; $result2 = $this->query($query2,array($object)); } } // remove any permissions assigned to this category $type = 'category'; $object = $type . $categId; $query = "delete from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId`=? and `objectType`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array(md5($object),$type)); $query = "delete from `tiki_category_objects` where `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); $query = "select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { // Recursively remove the subcategory $this->remove_category($res["categId"]); } $cachelib->invalidate('allcategs'); return true; } function update_category($categId, $name, $description, $parentId) { global $cachelib; $query = "update `tiki_categories` set `name`=?, `parentId`=?, `description`=? where `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($name,(int) $parentId,$description,(int) $categId)); $cachelib->invalidate('allcategs'); $cachelib->invalidate('childcategs'.$parentId); } function add_category($parentId, $name, $description) { global $cachelib; $query = "insert into `tiki_categories`(`name`,`description`,`parentId`,`hits`) values(?,?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array($name,$description,(int) $parentId,0)); $query = "select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `name`=? and `parentId`=?"; $id = $this->getOne($query,array($name,(int) $parentId)); $cachelib->invalidate('allcategs'); $cachelib->invalidate('childcategs'.$parentId); return $id; } function is_categorized($type, $objId) { $query = "select `catObjectId` from `tiki_categorized_objects` where `type`=? and `objId`=?"; $bindvars=array($type,$objId); settype($bindvars["1"],"string"); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); if ($result->numRows()) { $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res["catObjectId"]; } else { return 0; } } function add_categorized_object($type, $objId, $description, $name, $href) { global $cachelib; $description = strip_tags($description); $name = strip_tags($name); $now = date("U"); $query = "insert into `tiki_categorized_objects`(`type`,`objId`,`description`,`name`,`href`,`created`,`hits`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array($type,(string) $objId,$description,$name,$href,(int) $now,0)); $query = "select `catObjectId` from `tiki_categorized_objects` where `created`=? and `type`=? and `objId`=?"; $id = $this->getOne($query,array((int) $now,$type,(string) $objId)); $cachelib->invalidate('allcategs'); return $id; } function categorize($catObjectId, $categId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=? and `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $catObjectId,(int) $categId),-1,-1,false); $query = "insert into `tiki_category_objects`(`catObjectId`,`categId`) values(?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $catObjectId,(int) $categId)); } function get_category_descendants($categId) { $query = "select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); $ret = array($categId); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res["categId"]; $aux = $this->get_category_descendants($res["categId"]); $ret = array_merge($ret, $aux); } $ret = array_unique($ret); return $ret; } // Returns a hash indicating which permission is needed for viewing an object of desired type. function map_object_type_to_permission() { return array('wiki page' => 'tiki_p_view', 'forum' => 'tiki_p_forum_read', 'image gallery' => 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery', 'file gallery' => 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery', 'tracker' => 'tiki_p_view_trackers', 'blog' => 'tiki_p_read_blog', 'quiz' => 'tiki_p_take_quiz', // overhead - we are checking individual permission on types below, but they // can't have individual permissions, although they can be categorized. // should they have permissions too? 'poll' => 'tiki_p_vote_poll', 'survey' => 'tiki_p_take_survey', 'directory' => 'tiki_p_view_directory', 'faq' => 'tiki_p_view_faqs', 'sheet' => 'tiki_p_view_sheet', // these ones are tricky, because permission type is for container, not object itself. // I think we need to refactor permission schemes for them to be wysiwyca - lfagundes // // by now they're not showing, list_category_objects needs support for ignoring permissions // for a type. 'article' => 'tiki_p_read_article', 'image' => 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery', 'calendar' => 'tiki_p_view_calendar', // newsletters can't be categorized, although there's some code in tiki-admin_newsletters.php // 'newsletter' => ?, // 'events' => ?, ); } function list_category_objects($categId, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode='pageName_asc', $type='', $find='', $deep=false, $and=false) { global $userlib; // Build the condition to restrict which categories objects must be in to be returned. $join = ''; if (is_array($categId) && $and) { $i = count($categId); $bindWhere = $categId; foreach ($categId as $c) { if (--$i) $join .= " INNER JOIN tiki_category_objects tco$i on (tco$i.`catObjectId`=o.`catObjectId` and tco$i.`categId`=?) "; } $where = ' AND c.`categId`=? '; } elseif (is_array($categId)) { $bindWhere = $categId; if ($deep) { foreach ($categId as $c) { $bindWhere = array_merge($bindWhere, $this->get_category_descendants($c)); } } $where = " AND c.`categId` IN (".str_repeat("?,",count($bindWhere)-1)."?)"; } else { if ($deep) { $bindWhere = $this->get_category_descendants($categId); $bindWhere[] = $categId; $where = " AND c.`categId` IN (".str_repeat("?,",count($bindWhere)-1)."?)"; } else { $bindWhere = array($categId); $where = ' AND c.`categId`=? '; } } // Restrict results by keyword if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $bindWhere[]=$findesc; $bindWhere[]=$findesc; $where .= " AND (`name` LIKE ? OR `description` LIKE ?)"; } global $user; $permMap = $this->map_object_type_to_permission(); $groupList = $this->get_user_groups($user); $where .= " AND (( u.`objectId` IS NULL AND (o.`type` IN (''"; $allowField = ''; $bindAllow = array(); $addTrackerItem = false; foreach ($permMap as $objType => $permName) { if (empty($type) || $type == $objType || ($type == "trackerItem" && $objType == "tracker")) { if ($type == "trackerItem") { $allowField .= "(o.`type`like ? AND u.`permName`=?) OR "; $bindAllow[] = "tracker %"; } else { $allowField .= "(o.`type`=? AND u.`permName`=?) OR "; $bindAllow[] = $objType; } $bindAllow[] = $permName; global $permName; if ($permName == 'y' && (empty($type) || $type != "trackerItem")) { $where .= ",?"; $bindWhere[] = $objType; } if ($objType == "tracker" && $permName == 'y') { $addTrackerItem = true; } } } $where .= ")"; if ($addTrackerItem) { $where .= " OR o.`type` like ?"; $bindWhere[] .= "tracker %"; } $allowField = preg_replace("/OR $/",") ",$allowField); if (!$userlib->user_has_permission($user, 'tiki_p_admin')) { // do not filter on group if admin $allowField .= " AND u.`groupName` IN (''"; foreach ($groupList as $grp) { $bindAllow[] = $grp; $allowField .= ",?"; } $where .= ')'; } $where .= ") OR (($allowField )))"; $bindVars = array_merge($bindWhere, $bindAllow); $orderBy = ''; if ($sort_mode) { if ($sort_mode != 'shuffle') { $orderBy = " ORDER BY ".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); } } $query_cant = "SELECT DISTINCT c.*, o.* FROM `tiki_category_objects` c,`tiki_categorized_objects` o LEFT JOIN `users_objectpermissions` u ON u.`objectId`=MD5(".$this->db->concat("o.`type`","LOWER(o.`objId`)").") AND u.`objectType`=o.`type` $join WHERE c.`catObjectId`=o.`catObjectId` $where"; $query = $query_cant . $orderBy; $result = $this->query($query,$bindVars,$maxRecords,$offset); $resultCant = $this->query($query_cant,$bindVars); $cant = $resultCant->numRows(); $ret = array(); $objs = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if (!in_array($res["catObjectId"], $objs)) { $ret[] = $res; $objs[] = $res["catObjectId"]; } } $retval = array(); if ($sort_mode == 'shuffle') { shuffle($ret); } $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } // get the parent categories of an object function get_object_categories($type, $objId) { if (!$objId) return null; $query = "select `categId` from `tiki_category_objects` tco, `tiki_categorized_objects` tto where tco.`catObjectId`=tto.`catObjectId` and `type`=? and `objId`=?"; //settype($objId,"string"); //objId is defined as varchar $bindvars=array($type,$objId); settype($bindvars["1"],"string"); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res["categId"]; } return $ret; } // get the permissions assigned to the parent categories of an object function get_object_categories_perms($user, $type, $objId) { $is_categorized = $this->is_categorized("$type",$objId); if ($is_categorized) { global $cachelib; global $userlib; global $tiki_p_admin; $parents = $this->get_object_categories("$type", $objId); $return_perms = array(); // initialize array for storing perms to be returned if (!$cachelib->isCached("categories_permission_names")) { $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', 'categories'); $cachelib->cacheItem("categories_permission_names",serialize($perms)); } else { $perms = unserialize($cachelib->getCached("categories_permission_names")); } foreach ($perms["data"] as $perm) { $perm = $perm["permName"]; if ($tiki_p_admin == 'y') { $return_perms["$perm"] = 'y'; } else { foreach ($parents as $categId) { if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($categId, 'category')) { if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $categId, 'category', $perm)) { $return_perms["$perm"] = 'y'; } else { $return_perms["$perm"] = 'n'; // better-sorry-than-safe approach: // if a user lacks a given permission regarding a particular category, // that category takes precedence when considering if user has that permission break 1; // break out of one FOREACH loop } } else { $categpath = $this->get_category_path($categId); foreach ($categpath as $cat) { if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($cat['categId'], 'category')) { if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $cat['categId'], 'category', $perm)) { $return_perms["$perm"] = 'y'; break 1; } else { $return_perms["$perm"] = 'n'; // better-sorry-than-safe approach: // if a user lacks a given permission regarding a particular category, // that category takes precedence when considering if user has that permission break 2; // break out of one FOR loop and one FOREACH loop } } else { /* no special perm on cat so general perm: (to see the categ panel as anonymous */ $return_perms[$perm] = $GLOBALS[$perm]; } } } } } } return $return_perms; } else { return FALSE; } } function get_category_objects($categId) { // Get all the objects in a category $query = "select * from `tiki_category_objects` tbl1,`tiki_categorized_objects` tbl2 where tbl1.`catObjectId`=tbl2.`catObjectId` and `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $categId)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } return $ret; } function remove_object_from_category($catObjectId, $categId) { global $cachelib; $query = "delete from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=? and `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($catObjectId,$categId)); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=?"; $cant = $this->getOne($query,array((int) $catObjectId)); if (!$cant) { $query = "delete from `tiki_categorized_objects` where `catObjectId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $catObjectId)); } $cachelib->invalidate('allcategs'); } // FUNCTIONS TO CATEGORIZE SPECIFIC OBJECTS //// function categorize_page($pageName, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('wiki page', $pageName); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_page_info($pageName); $href = 'tiki-index.php?page=' . urlencode($pageName); $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('wiki page', $pageName, substr($info["description"], 0, 200), $pageName, $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_tracker($trackerId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('tracker', $trackerId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_tracker($trackerId); $href = 'tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=' . $trackerId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('tracker', $trackerId, substr($info["description"], 0, 200),$info["name"] , $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_quiz($quizId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('quiz', $quizId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_quiz($quizId); $href = 'tiki-take_quiz.php?quizId=' . $quizId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('quiz', $quizId, substr($info["description"], 0, 200), $info["name"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_article($articleId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('article', $articleId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_article($articleId); $href = 'tiki-read_article.php?articleId=' . $articleId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('article', $articleId, $info["heading"], $info["title"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_faq($faqId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('faq', $faqId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_faq($faqId); $href = 'tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=' . $faqId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('faq', $faqId, $info["description"], $info["title"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_blog($blogId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('blog', $blogId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_blog($blogId); $href = 'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=' . $blogId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('blog', $blogId, $info["description"], $info["title"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_directory($directoryId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('directory', $directoryId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_directory($directoryId); $href = 'tiki-directory_browse.php?parent=' . $directoryId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('directory', $directoryId, $info["description"], $info["name"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_gallery($galleryId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('image gallery', $galleryId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_gallery($galleryId); $href = 'tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $galleryId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('image gallery', $galleryId, $info["description"], $info["name"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_file_gallery($galleryId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('file gallery', $galleryId); if (!$catObjectId) { // The page is not cateorized $info = $this->get_file_gallery($galleryId); $href = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $galleryId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('file gallery', $galleryId, $info["description"], $info["name"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_forum($forumId, $categId) { // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('forum', $forumId); if (!$catObjectId) { global $commentslib; if (!is_object($commentslib)) { require_once('lib/commentslib.php'); } // The page is not cateorized $info = $commentslib->get_forum($forumId); $href = 'tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=' . $forumId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('forum', $forumId, $info["description"], $info["name"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_poll($pollId, $categId) { global $polllib; // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('poll', $pollId); if (!$catObjectId) { if (!is_object($polllib)) { require_once('lib/polls/polllib_shared.php'); } // The page is not cateorized $info = $pollib->get_poll($pollId); $href = 'tiki-poll_form.php?pollId=' . $pollId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('poll', $pollId, $info["title"], $info["title"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } function categorize_calendar($calendarId, $categId) { global $calendarlib; // Check if we already have this object in the tiki_categorized_objects page $catObjectId = $this->is_categorized('calendar', $calendarId); if (!$catObjectId) { if (!is_object($calendarlib)) { require_once('lib/calendar/calendarlib.php'); } // The page is not cateorized $info = $calendarlib->get_calendar($calendarId); $href = 'tiki-calendar.php?calId=' . $calendarId; $catObjectId = $this->add_categorized_object('calendar', $calendarId, $info["description"], $info["calname"], $href); } $this->categorize($catObjectId, $categId); } // FUNCTIONS TO CATEGORIZE SPECIFIC OBJECTS END //// function get_child_categories($categId) { global $cachelib, $language, $feature_multilingual; if (!$categId) $categId = "0"; // avoid wrong cache if (!$cachelib->isCached("childcategs$categId")) { $ret = array(); $query = "select * from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=? order by name"; $result = $this->query($query,array($categId)); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $id = $res["categId"]; $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $res["children"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_category_objects` where `categId`=?"; $res["objects"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $ret[] = $res; } $cachelib->cacheItem("childcategs$categId",serialize($ret)); } else { $ret = unserialize($cachelib->getCached("childcategs$categId")); } if ($feature_multilingual == 'y' && $language != 'en') { foreach ($ret as $key=>$res) { $ret[$key]['name'] = tra($res['name']); } } return $ret; } function get_all_categories() { global $cachelib; /* // inhibited because allcateg_ext is cached now $query = " select `name`,`categId`,`parentId` from `tiki_categories` order by `name`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res; } */ return $this->get_all_categories_ext(); } /* build the cache with the categpath and the count */ function build_cache() { global $cachelib; $ret = array(); $query = "select * from `tiki_categories` order by `name`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $id = $res["categId"]; $catpath = $this->get_category_path($id); $tepath = array(); foreach ($catpath as $cat) { $tepath[] = $cat['name']; } $categpath = implode("::",$tepath); $categpathforsort = implode("!!",$tepath); // needed to prevent cat::subcat to be sorted after cat2::subcat $res["categpath"] = $categpath; $res["tepath"] = $tepath; $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $res["children"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_category_objects` where `categId`=?"; $res["objects"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $ret[$categpathforsort] = $res; } ksort($ret); $ret = array_values($ret); $cachelib->cacheItem("allcategs",serialize($ret)); return $ret; } // Same as get_all_categories + it also get info about count of objects function get_all_categories_ext() { global $cachelib; if (!$cachelib->isCached("allcategs")) { $ret = $this->build_cache(); } else { $ret = unserialize($cachelib->getCached("allcategs")); } return $ret; } function get_all_categories_respect_perms($user, $perm) { global $cachelib; global $userlib; global $tiki_p_admin; // if (!$cachelib->isCached("allcategs")) { $ret = array(); $query = "select * from `tiki_categories` order by `name`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $add = TRUE; if ($tiki_p_admin != 'y' && $userlib->object_has_one_permission($res['categId'], 'category')) { if (!$userlib->object_has_permission($user, $res['categId'], 'category', $perm)) { $add = FALSE; } } elseif ($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { $categpath = $this->get_category_path($res['categId']); $arraysize = count($categpath); for ($i=$arraysize-2; $i>=0; $i--) { if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($categpath[$i]['categId'], 'category')) { if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $categpath[$i]['categId'], 'category', $perm)) { $add = TRUE; break 1; // break out of one FOR loop } else { $add = FALSE; break 1; // break out of one FOR loop } } } } if ($add) { $id = $res["categId"]; $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $res["children"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_category_objects` where `categId`=?"; $res["objects"] = $this->getOne($query,array($id)); $ret[] = $res; } } // $cachelib->cacheItem("allcategs.$user.$perm",serialize($ret)); // } else { // $ret = unserialize($cachelib->getCached("allcategs.$user.$perm")); // } return $ret; } // get categories related to a link. For Whats related module. function get_link_categories($link) { $ret=array(); $parsed=parse_url($link); $urlPath = split("/",$parsed["path"]); $parsed["path"]=end($urlPath); if(!isset($parsed["query"])) return($ret); /* not yet used. will be used to get the "base href" of a page $params=array(); $a = explode('&', $parsed["query"]); for ($i=0; $i < count($a);$i++) { $b = split('=', $a[$i]); $params[htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[0]))]=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[1])); } */ $query="select distinct co.`categId` from `tiki_categorized_objects` cdo, `tiki_category_objects` co where cdo.`href`=? and cdo.`catObjectId`=co.`catObjectId`"; $result=$this->query($query,array($parsed["path"]."?".$parsed["query"])); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[]=$res["categId"]; } return($ret); } // input is a array of category id's and return is a array of // maxRows related links with description function get_related($categories,$maxRows=10) { if(count($categories)==0) return (array()); $quarr=implode(",",array_fill(0,count($categories),'?')); $query="select distinct cdo.`type`, cdo.`description`, cdo.`objId`,cdo.`href` from `tiki_categorized_objects` cdo, `tiki_category_objects` co where co.`categId` in (".$quarr.") and co.`catObjectId`=cdo.`catObjectId`"; $result=$this->query($query,$categories); $ret=array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if (empty($res["description"])) { $ret[$res["href"]]=$res["type"].": ".$res["objId"]; } else { $ret[$res["href"]]=$res["type"].": ".$res["description"]; } } if (count($ret)>$maxRows) { $ret2=array(); $rand_keys = array_rand ($ret,$maxRows); foreach($rand_keys as $value) { $ret2[$value]=$ret[$value]; } return($ret2); } return($ret); } // combines the two functions above function get_link_related($link,$maxRows=10) { return ($this->get_related($this->get_link_categories($link),$maxRows)); } // Moved from tikilib.php function uncategorize_object($type, $id) { // Fixed query. -rlpowell $query = "select `catObjectId` from `tiki_categorized_objects` where `type`=? and `objId`=?"; $catObjectId = $this->getOne($query, array((string) $type,(string) $id)); if ($catObjectId) { $query = "delete from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $catObjectId)); // must keep tiki_categorized object because poll or ... can use it } } // Moved from tikilib.php function get_categorypath($cats) { global $smarty; global $feature_categories; $catpath = ''; foreach ($cats as $categId) { $catp = array(); $info = $this->get_category($categId); $catp["{$info['categId']}"] = $info["name"]; while ($info["parentId"] != 0) { $info = $this->get_category($info["parentId"]); $catp["{$info['categId']}"] = $info["name"]; } $smarty->assign('catp',array_reverse($catp,true)); $catpath.= $smarty->fetch('categpath.tpl'); } return $catpath; } //Moved from tikilib.php function get_categoryobjects($catids,$types="*",$sort='created_desc',$split=true,$sub=false,$and=false) { global $smarty; global $feature_categories; $typetokens = array( "article" => "article", "blog" => "blog", "directory" => "directory", "faq" => "faq", "fgal" => "file gallery", "forum" => "forum", "igal" => "image gallery", "newsletter" => "newsletter", "poll" => "poll", "quiz" => "quiz", "survey" => "survey", "tracker" => "tracker", "wiki" => "wiki page", "calendar" => "calendar", "img" => "image" ); //get_strings tra("article");tra("blog");tra("directory");tra("faq");tra("file gallery");tra("forum");tra("image gallery");tra("newsletter"); //get_strings tra("poll");tra("quiz");tra("survey");tra("tracker");tra("wiki page");tra("image");tra("calendar"); $typetitles = array( "article" => "Articles", "blog" => "Blogs", "directory" => "Directories", "faq" => "FAQs", "file gallery" => "File Galleries", "forum" => "Forums", "image gallery" => "Image Galleries", "newsletter" => "Newsletters", "poll" => "Polls", "quiz" => "Quizzes", "survey" => "Surveys", "tracker" => "Trackers", "wiki page" => "Wiki", "calendar" => "Calendar", "image" => "Image" ); $out = ""; $listcat = $allcats = array(); $title = ''; $find = ""; $offset = 0; $firstpassed = false; $maxRecords = 500; $typesallowed = array(); if ($and) { $split = false; } if ($types == '*') { $typesallowed = array_keys($typetitles); } elseif (strpos($types,'+')) { $alltypes = split('\+',$types); foreach ($alltypes as $t) { if (isset($typetokens["$t"])) { $typesallowed[] = $typetokens["$t"]; } elseif (isset($typetitles["$t"])) { $typesallowed[] = $t; } } } elseif (isset($typetokens["$types"])) { $typesallowed = array($typetokens["$types"]); } elseif (isset($typetitles["$types"])) { $typesallowed = array($types); } foreach ($catids as $id) { $titles["$id"] = $this->get_category_name($id); $objectcat = array(); $objectcat = $this->list_category_objects($id, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort, '', $find, $sub); $acats = $andcat = array(); foreach ($objectcat["data"] as $obj) { $type = $obj["type"]; if (substr($type,0,7) == 'tracker') $type = 'tracker'; if (($types == '*') || in_array($type,$typesallowed)) { if ($split or !$firstpassed) { $listcat["$type"][] = $obj; $cats[] = $type.'.'.$obj['name']; } elseif ($and) { if (in_array($type.'.'.$obj['name'], $cats)) { $andcat["$type"][] = $obj; $acats[] = $type.'.'.$obj['name']; } } else { if (!in_array($type.'.'.$obj['name'], $cats)) { $listcat["$type"][] = $obj; $cats[] = $type.'.'.$obj['name']; } } } } if ($split) { $smarty->assign("id", $id); $smarty->assign("titles", $titles); $smarty->assign("listcat", $listcat); $out .= $smarty->fetch("categobjects.tpl"); $listcat = array(); $titles = array(); $cats = array(); } elseif ($and and $firstpassed) { $listcat = $andcat; $cats = $acats; } $firstpassed = true; } if (!$split) { $smarty->assign("id", $id); $smarty->assign("titles", $titles); $smarty->assign("listcat", $listcat); $out = $smarty->fetch("categobjects.tpl"); } return $out; } //Moved from tikilib.php function last_category_objects($categId, $maxRecords, $type="") { $mid = "and tbl1.`categId`=?"; $bindvars = array((int)$categId); if ($type) { $mid.= " and tbl2.`type`=?"; $bindvars[] = $type; } $sort_mode = "created_desc"; $query = "select tbl1.`catObjectId`,`categId`,`type`,`name`,`href` from `tiki_category_objects` tbl1,`tiki_categorized_objects` tbl2 "; $query.= " where tbl1.`catObjectId`=tbl2.`catObjectId` $mid order by tbl2.".$this->convert_sortmode($sort_mode); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,0); $ret = array('data'=>array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret['data'][] = $res; } return $ret; } // Gets a list of categories that will block objects to be seen by user, recursive function list_forbidden_categories($parentId=0, $parentAllowed='') { global $user, $userlib; if (empty($parentAllowed)) { global $tiki_p_view_categories; $parentAllowed = $tiki_p_view_categories; } $query = "select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($parentId)); $forbidden = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $child = $row['categId']; if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($child, 'category')) { if ($userlib->object_has_permission($user, $child, 'category', 'tiki_p_view_categories')) { $forbidden = array_merge($forbidden, $this->list_forbidden_categories($child, 'y')); } else { $forbidden[] = $child; $forbidden = array_merge($forbidden, $this->list_forbidden_categories($child, 'n')); } } else { if ($parentAllowed != 'y') { $forbidden[] = $child; } $forbidden = array_merge($forbidden, $this->list_forbidden_categories($child, $parentAllowed)); } } return $forbidden; } function approve_submission($subId, $articleId) { $query = "update `tiki_categorized_objects` set `type`= ?, `objId`= ?, `href`=? where `objId` = ? and `type`= ?"; $this->query($query, array('article', (int)$articleId, "tiki-read_article.php?articleId=$articleId", (int)$subId, 'submission') ); } /* build the portion of list join if filter by category */ function getSqlJoin($categId, $objType, $sqlObj, &$fromSql, &$whereSql, &$bindVars) { $fromSql .= ",`tiki_categorized_objects` co, `tiki_category_objects` cat "; $whereSql .= " AND co.`type`=? AND co.`objId`= $sqlObj "; $whereSql .= " AND co.`catObjectId`=cat.`catObjectId` "; $whereSql .= " AND cat.`categId`= ? "; $bind = array( $objType, $categId); if (is_array($bindVars)) $bindVars = array_merge($bindVars, $bind); else $bindVars = $bind; } function exist_child_category($parentId, $name) { $query = 'select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `parentId`=? and `name`=?'; return ($this->getOne($query, array((int)$parentId, $name))); } } global $dbTiki; $categlib = new CategLib($dbTiki); ?>

-- FILE: tiki-admin_categories.php


// $Header: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/tiki-admin_categories.php,v 2007/06/12 17:43:15 nkoth Exp $

// Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al.
// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.

// Initialization


if (!isset($polllib)) {
$polllib = new PollLib($dbTiki);

if (!isset($commentslib)) {
$commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki);

if ($feature_categories != 'y') {
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled").": feature_categories");


if ($tiki_p_admin_categories != 'y') {
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature"));


// Check for parent category or set to 0 if not present
if (!isset($_REQUEST%22parentId%22)) {
$_REQUEST%22parentId%22 = 0;

$smarty->assign('parentId', $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addpage%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a page
// $categlib->categorize_page($_REQUEST%22pageName%22,$_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
// add multiple pages at once
foreach ($_REQUEST'pageName' as $value) {
$categlib->categorize_page($value, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addpoll%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a poll
$categlib->categorize_poll($_REQUEST%22pollId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addfaq%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a faq
$categlib->categorize_faq($_REQUEST%22faqId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addtracker%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a tracker
$categlib->categorize_tracker($_REQUEST%22trackerId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addquiz%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a quiz
$categlib->categorize_quiz($_REQUEST%22quizId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addforum%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a forum
$categlib->categorize_forum($_REQUEST%22forumId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addgallery%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize an image gallery
$categlib->categorize_gallery($_REQUEST%22galleryId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addfilegallery%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a file gallery
$categlib->categorize_file_gallery($_REQUEST%22file_galleryId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addarticle%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize an article
$categlib->categorize_article($_REQUEST%22articleId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22addblog%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a blog
$categlib->categorize_blog($_REQUEST%22blogId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22adddirectory%22) && $_REQUEST%22parentId%22 != 0) {
// Here we categorize a directory category
$categlib->categorize_directory($_REQUEST%22directoryId%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);

if $_REQUEST%22categId%22 {
$info = $categlib->get_category($_REQUEST%22categId%22);
} else {
$_REQUEST%22categId%22 = 0;

$info%22name%22 = '';
$info%22description%22 = '';

if $_REQUEST%22removeObject%22 {
$area = 'delcategobject';
if ($feature_ticketlib2 != 'y' or 'daconfirm') and isset($_SESSION[%22ticket_$area%22]" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips isset">$_POST'daconfirm') and isset($_SESSION%22ticket_$area%22) {
$categlib->remove_object_from_category($_REQUEST%22removeObject%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
} else {

if $_REQUEST%22removeCat%22 {
$area = "delcateg";
if ($feature_ticketlib2 != 'y' or 'daconfirm') and isset($_SESSION[%22ticket_$area%22]" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips isset">$_POST'daconfirm') and isset($_SESSION%22ticket_$area%22) {
} else {
$confirmation = tra('Click here to delete this category');
key_get($area, $confirmation);

if (isset($_REQUEST%22save%22) && isset($_REQUEST%22name%22) && strlen($_REQUEST%22name%22) > 0) {
// Save

if 'parentId', $_REQUEST'name'" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">$this_categId = $categlib->exist_child_category($_REQUEST'parentId', $_REQUEST'name'
&& ($this_categId != $_REQUEST'categId')) // - cjutzi added 3/8/2008 - to allow updates to cat (this was an edit)
$errors[]= tra('You can not create a category with a name already existing at this level');
if ($_REQUEST%22categId%22) {
if ($_REQUEST'parentId' == $_REQUEST'categId')
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("Category can`t be parent of itself"));
$categlib->update_category($_REQUEST%22categId%22, $_REQUEST%22name%22, $_REQUEST%22description%22, $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
} else {
$newcategId = $categlib->add_category($_REQUEST%22parentId%22, $_REQUEST%22name%22, $_REQUEST%22description%22);
if 'assign_perms'" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips isset">$_REQUEST'assign_perms' {
if ($_REQUEST'parentId' == 0) {
$userlib->inherit_global_permissions($newcategId, 'category');
} else {
$newcategpath = $categlib->get_category_path($newcategId);
$numcats = count($newcategpath);
$inherit_from_parent = FALSE;
for ($i=$numcats-2; $i>=0; $i--) {
if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($newcategpath$i'categId', 'category')) {
$userlib->copy_object_permissions($newcategpath$i'categId', $newcategId, 'category');
$inherit_from_parent = TRUE;
break 1;
if (!$inherit_from_parent) {
$userlib->inherit_global_permissions($newcategId, 'category');

$info%22name%22 = '';
$info%22description%22 = '';
$_REQUEST%22categId%22 = 0;

$smarty->assign('categId', $_REQUEST%22categId%22);
$smarty->assign('name', $info%22name%22);
$smarty->assign('description', $info%22description%22);

// If the parent category is not zero get the category path

if ($_REQUEST%22parentId%22) {
$path = $categlib->get_category_path($_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
$p_info = $categlib->get_category($_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
$father = $p_info%22parentId%22;
$categ_name = $p_info'name';
} else {
$path = "";
$father = 0;
$categ_name = tra('Top');

$smarty->assign('path', $path);
$smarty->assign('father', $father);
$smarty->assign('categ_name', $categ_name);

// -------------------
// Convert $childrens
$ctall = $categlib->get_all_categories_ext();
$tree_nodes = array();
// was the beginning of coments

foreach ($ctall as $c) {
$tree_nodes[] = array(
"id" => $c%22categId%22,
"parent" => $c%22parentId%22,
"data" => '<a class="catname" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=' . $c%22categId%22 . '" title="' . tra(
'Child categories'). ':' . $c%22children%22 . ' ' . tra(
'Objects in category'). ':' . $c%22objects%22 . '">' . $c%22name%22 . '</a>',
"edit" =>
'<a class="link" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=' . $c%22parentId%22 . '&amp;categId=' . $c%22categId%22 . '#editcreate" title="' . tra(
'edit'). '"><img border="0" src="img/icons/edit.gif" /></a>',
"remove" =>
'<a class="link" href="tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=' . $c%22parentId%22 . '&amp;removeCat=' . $c%22categId%22 . '" title="' . tra(
'remove'). '"><img border="0" src="img/icons2/delete.gif" /></a>',
"children" => $c%22children%22,
"objects" => $c%22objects%22

$tm = new CatAdminTreeMaker("admcat");
$res = $tm->make_tree($_REQUEST%22parentId%22, $tree_nodes);
$smarty->assign('tree', $res);
// was end of comment
// -------------------
function array_csort($marray, $column) {
if (is_array($marray)) {
$sortarr = array();
foreach ($marray as $key=>$row) {
$sortarr$key = $row$column;
array_multisort($sortarr, $marray); return $marray;
} else {
return array();

$catree = $categlib->list_all_categories(0,-1,'name_asc',,,0);

// if this was an edit.. kill the catagepath in all the list.. otherwise the user can put an infinite loop in here */

// cjutzi - added 3/8/2008 to target coorectly the root tap in menu
$smarty->assign('parentId', $_REQUEST%22parentId%22);
// cjutzi - added 3/8/2008 to — NO SELECT — itself
if ($_REQUEST%22categId%22)
$newArray = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($catree%22data%22 as $bar)
if ($bar%22categId%22 == $_REQUEST%22categId%22)
$bar%22categpath%22 = 'NO SELECT';
$catree%22data%22 = $newArray;
$smarty->assign('catree', $catree'data');
$smarty->assign('deep', 'off');

// var_dump($catree);

// -------------------

$smarty->assign('assign_perms', 'checked');

if (!isset($_REQUEST%22sort_mode%22)) {
$sort_mode = 'name_asc';
} else {
$sort_mode = $_REQUEST%22sort_mode%22;

if (!isset($_REQUEST%22offset%22)) {
$offset = 0;
} else {
$offset = $_REQUEST%22offset%22;

$smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset);

if $_REQUEST%22find%22 {
$find = $_REQUEST%22find%22;
} else {
$find = '';

$smarty->assign('find', $find);

if $_REQUEST%22find_objects%22 {
$find_objects = $_REQUEST%22find_objects%22;
} else {
$find_objects = '';

$smarty->assign('find_objects', $find_objects);

$smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('find', $find);
$objects = $categlib->list_category_objects($_REQUEST%22parentId%22, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, '', $find, false);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('objects', $objects%22data%22);

$cant_pages = ceil($objects%22cant%22 / $maxRecords);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_pages', $cant_pages);
$smarty->assign('actual_page', 1 + ($offset / $maxRecords));

if ($objects%22cant%22 > ($offset + $maxRecords)) {
$smarty->assign('next_offset', $offset + $maxRecords);
} else {
$smarty->assign('next_offset', -1);

// If offset is > 0 then prev_offset
if ($offset > 0) {
$smarty->assign('prev_offset', $offset - $maxRecords);
} else {
$smarty->assign('prev_offset', -1);
$categories = $categlib->get_all_categories();
$smarty->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories);

  • /

$galleries = $tikilib->list_galleries(0, -1, 'name_desc', 'admin', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('galleries', $galleries%22data%22);

$file_galleries = $filegallib->list_file_galleries(0, -1, 'name_desc', 'admin', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('file_galleries', $file_galleries%22data%22);

$forums = $commentslib->list_forums(0, -1, 'name_asc', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('forums', $forums%22data%22);

$polls = $polllib->list_polls(0, -1, 'title_asc', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('polls', $polls%22data%22);

$blogs = $tikilib->list_blogs(0, -1, 'title_asc', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('blogs', $blogs%22data%22);

$pages = $tikilib->list_pageNames(0, -1, 'pageName_asc', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('pages', $pages%22data%22);

$faqs = $tikilib->list_faqs(0, -1, 'title_asc', $find_objects);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('faqs', $faqs%22data%22);

$quizzes = $tikilib->list_quizzes(0, -1, 'name_asc', $find_

Demonstrate Bug (Tiki 18
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To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show2.tiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show2.tiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show2.tiki.org.

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To help developers solve the bug, we kindly request that you demonstrate your bug on a show.tikiwiki.org instance. To start, simply select a version and click on "Create show.tikiwiki.org instance". Once the instance is ready (in a minute or two), as indicated in the status window below, you can then access that instance, login (the initial admin username/password is "admin") and configure the Tiki to demonstrate your bug. Priority will be given to bugs that have been demonstrated on show.tikiwiki.org.

Version: Create show.tikiwiki.org instance
Ticket ID
Thursday 06 March, 2008 22:44:28 GMT-0000
by Unknown
Thursday 21 November, 2013 17:37:08 GMT-0000


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