
Category: Site Identity

Site Identity
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Initial homepage cannot be set for first view of anonymous viewer
When I set the homepage in Administration: General Preferences to "Articles" (which is what I want the homepage to be for both anonymous and registered visitors), the initial viewing for "anonymous" displays a homepage of "wiki".

When I set the homepage in Administration: General Preferences to Group homepage and then set the two group homepages to a typed-in "Articles" in the empty field and then log in as any user, the display is "No page 'Articles' found".

When I set the homepage in Administration: General Preferences to Group homepage and then set the two group homepages to a custom URL (http://www.progressiveomaha.com/tikidir/tiki-view_articles.php), the display is "no such page found".

One day I thought maybe the problem had to do with using Firefox on a Linux box, because my ancient Windows 98/IE machine brought up 'Articles' as the home page.

The next day both machines bring up the Wiki page as the home page. This is with the homepage set to 'Articles' in Admin-General.

Maybe I should be clear that I am refering to which page is brought up when TikiWiki is first accessed (from www.progressiveomaha.com/tikidir/).external link Once I have logged in as a user, I will access the 'Articles' homepage whether returning as another user or as anonymous. The problem only occurs on that initial anonymous access, and only after TikiWiki has had time to "forget" any earlier logons by that user.
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Multilingual Meta Keywords and Meta Description (and increase 255 characters limit)
Please increase the limit and make it multilingual
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A top-page horizontal login box should be an option in the Site identity feature.
1 click to add a login box instead of using the login module.

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Ability to use a structure as a menu {menu structureId=1}
I can't see the reason for the separation between the structures feature and the menu feature - structures are massively easier to create and edit, but only menus can be shown collapsibly. Separation of functions leads to confusion and harder support.
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Add Google Analytics setup as an option in the admin panel.
It's very easy to add manually by editing templates/footer.tpl, it would be nicer to have the _uacct saved in the database with the rest of the settings. Upgrades would be easier for site admins.

Please see:

This would be similar to gmap.


Maybe this feature request could be even more generic to include easy ways to add other services and/or make it easy to use with open source apps like phpOpenTracker or phpMyVisites.

http://www.phpmyvisites.us also recommends putting the code just before /body>

Also, there should be a way to exclude certain or all groups from tracking. If I use 1 Tiki for a public website and and Intranet, I don't want my Intranet traffic to pollute my public site stats. I could just want anonymous users to be tracked.

Also, let's integrate more tightly with the new [http://www.google.com/analytics/GATCmigrationguide.pdf|ga.js] code so we can track downloaded files, and take advantage of other nice stats.
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Better protection against accidental site breakage with improper use of code in modules + template
One of the nice things about Tiki is that, once setup, all the configuration is done Web-based. No FTP access is necessary. However, it can happen that a Tiki admin breaks his site and locks him/herself out.

This can happen in Site Identity as well.

For example, if you use the following code

in a module, you will get:

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in evaluated template line 1]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: show_image.php?id=13 (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 436) in lib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1088

and the site will be broken and you will be locked out of your Tiki site. (You need to go via phpmyadmin to delete the offending module)

I just added a warning to BRANCH-1-9 for modules but it would be much better that Tiki wouldn't break in this case.

More background info/ideas below
(01:17:27) marclaporte: I am wondering if there would be a way to avoid people locking themselves out of a Tiki site when putting invalid content in modules...
(01:22:27) chibaguy: One way of coping would be to include an admin_modules page (php and tpl files) that has no side columns, so people could input that URL admin their modules without the activated modules being displayed.
(01:23:28) chibaguy: Of course it would be more direct if the bad module just displayed without content when the content is bad, but is this possible?
(01:28:23) marclaporte: depends how bad I guess
(01:28:31) marclaporte: How about a test module page
(01:28:53) marclaporte: So you can test even before assigning
(01:29:18) chibaguy: Yes, if it opened in a new page, it wouldn't kill the main site.
(01:29:24) marclaporte: Some guy locked himself out using {show_image.php?id=13}
(01:29:42) marclaporte: It is very natural for the person to try this syntax
(01:31:27) marclaporte: instead he's locked out Fatal error: Smarty error: [in evaluated template line 1]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: show_image.php?id=13 (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 436) in lib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1088
(01:32:52) chibaguy: It does make sense to have a safe test zone for modules before they are assigned.
(01:33:17) chibaguy: Where failure doesn't lock up the site.
(01:33:38) chibaguy: Could that replace "preview"?
(01:33:52) chibaguy: Or "preview" be enhanced?
(01:37:17) marclaporte: where is preview?
(01:38:54) chibaguy: On Admin Modules page under "Assign new module" there's a "preview" button that displays the module in the center of the page.
(01:39:50) marclaporte: woah
(01:40:01) marclaporte: I never noticed that
(01:40:11) marclaporte: 4 years
(01:40:20) marclaporte: and I still discover stuff
(01:40:23) marclaporte: :-)
(01:40:33) chibaguy: Heh. Well, Tiki's got a lot of stuff.
(01:41:41) chibaguy: I'm not sure offhand how preview handles fatal error modules. With Opera, I just hit the back button and have the admin modules page again.
(01:41:56) marclaporte: I just tested
(01:42:03) marclaporte: it crashes
(01:42:11) chibaguy: Ouch
(01:42:31) chibaguy: What if preview previewed in another page or a popup?
(01:42:57) chibaguy: The user would still have control, I think.
(01:43:01) marclaporte: it crashes but just one page
(01:43:10) marclaporte: the site is still accessible
(01:43:17) chibaguy: OK.
(01:43:45) chibaguy: So users should be sure to preview first.
(01:44:29) chibaguy: Maybe Admin Modules needs some large warning messages.
(02:13:46) CIA-9: marclaporte BRANCH-1-9 * tiki/templates/tiki-admin_modules.tpl: Warning message about possibly breaking a Tiki site by improprer use of Smarty Syntax in modules
(02:13:48) marclaporte: incoming

Added on 2007-08-17:

Idea for modules:
Maybe tiki-admin_modules.php shouldn't show modules. So you could always get access to your Tiki to remove/fix modules. And it should offer a login box, when not logged in.

tiki-admin_modules.php could have some like (this doesn't work because modules are evaluated even in left & right columns are off, since a module could be in a wiki page):
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}

$smarty->assign('feature_left_column', 'n');
$smarty->assign('feature_right_column', 'n');

But it is nice to see the result of what you are doing. We could have &showmodule=y in the URL (with a link next to assign module/left modules/right modules/etc

__Same thing when you use tiki-edit_templates.php__ ->

If I don't close an if, I get:
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
Fatal error: Smarty error: [in evaluated template line 1]: syntax error: unclosed tag {if} (opened line 1). (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 317) in lib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1095

Would there be a way that a Smarty error doesn't break Tiki completely? Here again, there could be a light version of tiki-edit_templates.php which has nothing which can break in a module. Maybe everything is hard-coded and it doesn't take any theme into account. And it shouldn't be possible to edit the tpl of tiki-edit_templates.tpl via tiki-edit_templates.php?template=tiki-edit_templates.tpl

__Maybe useful?__
Smarty validation class

Here is another very famous error: "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted"

And they often cause blank pages. How can we can catch them and render a simple & descriptive error page (not enough memory) instead of a blank page?

dynamic contents in userdefined modules crashes tiki
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Built-in secondary menu managed from site identity in Tiki 5
Many (most) websites require the use of both a main menu and a secondary menu.
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Custom php layers menu and site identity not preserved on upgrade
After upgrading to 1.10, php layers menus from 1.9 are gone from site identity.

Apparently, there are also reports of display of horizontal CSS ("suckerfish") menus not correct. Tag isn't setting horizontal style or getting css/cssmenu_horiz.css so top-level items display vertically rather than horizontally.
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favicon settings: 3 issues

1- favicon box is limited to 32 characters. This is not enough for people using multiki.

2- When I try to change path to favicon, it doesn't save.

3- How do I deactivate this feature?

Shouldn't this feature be in Site identity?
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Fivealive and mod-logo: Site title displayed too much to the left (lack of contrast with white background)
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Floating top and/or bottom (footer) menu items (and why not left & right too)
We should have some ready-made zones, where template designers can just

It should be possible to populate these zones with Site Identity or in the templates.

Please examples of floating boxes here:

It could also be pull out thingies or horizontal bars
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fullscreen=y hides all info from top navigation bars in dev.t.o, doc.t.o and themes.to
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User Interface
Features Classification
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Make RSS feeds page look nicer
Please see:

The logo should be the site logo, if available.
Make sure of i18n
Make more generic. ie : no "Tiki RSS feed for forums". It should be just RSS for forums.

Test in various browsers. Especially IE6, IE7, and FF2
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menu in tiki-top_bar.tpl with no displayable options (user permissions won't allow) halts tiki.
When "site menu bar" is selected under "site identity features", and a menu is specified in the "tiki-top_bar.tpl" file, as below:

{if $feature_phplayers eq 'y' and $feature_siteidentity eq 'y' and $feature_sitemenu eq 'y'}
{phplayers id=44 type=horiz}

If the menu does not have any options that are permitted by the current user (no sections to display - prior to loggin in to site, for example), the system crashes because of an empty string.

To recover it is necessary to manually edit the tiki database to add a menu section that has no permission requirements.

In the example above, menu id 44 has no sections or options that are viewable by unregistered users. When the site is entered, tiki halts because of an empty string, apparently because there is no menu selection possible for the user (not logged in yet.)
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Need stable favicon URL
The favicon.ico image has to be manually loaded in the TikiWiki directory and is misplaced during an upgrade to a different directory. There should be a favicon retrieval method with an unchanging URL.

Maybe a URL rewrite rule in htaccess would help. I don't know if show_image.php works with .ico files, but if show_image is used there should be a reserved parameter to request favicon so it will not be necessary to change files and instructions for various sites, such as to define an image ID. It would be OK to configure favicon using an image ID within TikiWiki Administration tools but not in files close to the web server.
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New module: search page name, search text, edit page
In the early days of TikiWiki, we used a bunch of modules (last_modified_wiki_pages, last_articles, Last this, Last that, etc.) to show recent changes to visitors. We ended up with many modules and it was cluttered.

All this became a lot better once the "Since your last visit" module came around to adding all the features. As a bonus, it checks permissions and shows the information since the user's last login. Very sweet.

Now, I am hoping to get to the same result for the many edit/input boxes.

In version 3.0, the quick_edit module checks (with Ajax) for names of existing wiki pages to edit. This avoids duplication. Great stuff. Wikipedia does something similar when you are searching for a page name.

I almost always have the search box on.

However, I also add "search page name" because the general search engine may not return the page I am looking for as the search result.

Here is an idea:

A new module which combines three modules:

See top right of http://moinmo.in/ for an example.

The action buttons are grayed out until text is entered in the text box. -> Very nice

Button should be WYSIWYCA

See top-right search box at:

__Alternatively, we could combine search page name and search text, and in the search results, we would first show pages names, and then, search text. This involves more work, but could be better for the end user UI.__

^I think the existing layout for the search top right in TW is fundamentally good. A text box, then a drop-down then a button. Why because the drop down is more future proof than any of the layouts from the other sites you reference.

If we make the contents of the drop down easy to customise or at the very least document how to add to it. For example the CRM function could add items to the drop down for "Contacts" and "Accounts", webmail could add "Mail Messages" and so on.

I do agree the wikipage create/edit module should be included in the top right search function.

I think this is an example of where considering the future openness of the solution would be very important - MatWho^

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Page description, when activated, is always used in browser title display mode
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Phplayers menu gives error and dies when user has no access to a page
If a user has no access to a feature or a wiki page, normally the login page is shown. However, if the site has a phpLayers menu (E.g. {phplayers id=43 type=horiz} in Site Identity features - Custom Code - Content ), the phpLayers menu fails and dies. The user only sees a blank page with the message "LayersMenu Error: setMenuStructureString: empty string. Halted".
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Problem in adodb when using Chinese characters in browser title
using long Chinese characters as browser title will cause the browser title borken, for example, if you use '机电工程师' as browser title, the browser will show '机电工程帛'.

it's maybe an adodb problem.
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Remove breadcrumbs from 1.10
This feature has never worked well. There is no active development on it. Should be moved to mods or just removed.

But there is not unanimity on this yet :-)
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Right pannel disappears after log out
I have the following problem:
- as anonymous i load home page with two panels (modules) on the left and right (right one is logon box)
- I log in (both panels correctly diplayed still)
- I log out and right panel is not longer displayed on home page
I need to refresh page to see it again

I use Display Always for both modules in Look and Feel/general layout.
I use tikipedia theme.

Do u have any ideas why it might happen?
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Show Category Path + Show Category Objects should be available througout the site, not just the wiki
Show Category Path + Show Category Objects was implemented a long time ago, and somewhat in a rush. One of those temporary things which became permanent. It only works in wiki pages, yet it would be logical to have this throughout the various features.

Seeing the list of items in the same category is very useful as contextual navigation.

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Site Identity menu bar admin needs textarea for input
The Site menu bar in Site Identity can be turned on (checkbox), but there's no textarea to input the code to be used for the menu bar. (Nothing is displayed at two of my 1.9.7 sites, anyway.)

When set, the template should use {eval var=$sitenav_code} and I guess this should be stored in the tiki_preferences table. But there's no way to input it. Seems like tiki-admin.php?page=siteid needs a textarea similar to the one for custom code content for Site nav code (PHP Layers menu tag, etc.)

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Siteheader ad banner "activate"/"publish" checkboxes emptied by Look & Feel setting change
The first problem (maybe local) is that the ad checkboxes on tiki-admin.php?page=ads tend to not stay checked. Please confirm if this is true for other users.

The bigger problem (on two servers): when I switch the logo from left to right on the Look & Feel admin page, the ad checkboxes on tiki-admin.php?page=ads get emptied. Maybe any update on Look & Feel resets the ad activate and publish checkboxes to empty; I didn't check.

Also, on the ads and banners admin page, only the bottom "Apply" button works, for me.

Site header banner ad configuration worked before it was split off as a separate page, afaik. Maybe a bug was introduced by the move to its own page.
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stray div in tiki-searchindex.tpl
1.9.7 - validation error due to a stray opening div tag in tiki-searchindex.tpl.
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Tiki installer does not set site title
Just installed fresh site, set the site title in installer but it didn't work and site displays default "Tiki 3.0" instead.
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Top bar missing on clean install of 1.10
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