There is interest in integrating a new sort of voting system similar to that found in PluginConvene, but more possible votes and I'm not sure where to start to make it fully integrated into tiki.  Possibly starting with a plugin, which will probably be the first step, but will eventually need a tighter integration. Resolution (a better name, that would be great if needed)  will be very similar to polls or votes.  Most likley we will need to abstract the code in core and use it throughoutt tiki.

  • The use case is that someone starts a forum to hold deliberations on the ideas related to the forum subject. They add new ideas/proposals (new topics, the first message of a new thread each), for the deliberation of users.
  • The users are presented with a set of possible ways of resolution (each one is placed in the first message of a forum thread).
  • The users then can comment on each of those ideas (= on each topic, 1st message of a discussion thread), and vote on a scale for that 1st message of the thread. Comments from users CAN NOT be voted in the same way; only the first message of the thread can be voted on.
  • The vote itself can be -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 and can be decreased or increased based off of moderator preference, for example: -1 0 1 could be a choice, or "disagree nuetral agree". In an initial design, the whole forum will have the same range of options for all topics of that forum, to make things easy for the developer.


  • Some basic questions are how would such an entity be integrated into tiki if they could be used in comments, wiki pages, forums, perhaps other areas of tiki?  Is such a system needed in tiki, or could existing items be used? (Robert Plummer)
    • Ideally this feature could be integrated somehow with the rating feature in Tiki. Because the voting on those topics, is a way of rating the ideas expressed in the forum.

Delibera original system
Equivalent forum-content levels in Tiki
Display31 Delibera Topic List N One Forum

Display32 Delibera Topic List In One Forum With Results Shown


Current implementation of Deliberation

Changes needed

  1. each reply to the thread topic could have the rating of the user (and icon on the left of the smiley, if preferene is set) to the thread topic, as in the original deliberation system. Committed in r50153 by Xavi.
  2. allow setting rating options like "1=label1,2=label2,3=label3", as in radio button options in trackers. Committed in r51045 by Jshauk.
  3. get the question mark icon ({img src="img/rating_smiles/1.png}) out of the values for averages. Assign it to a non numerical value?, like "q" (from question), or "-" (from no number), or others.
  4. it seems that in delibera, users expect to see the options in reversed order: first green smileys (high values), on the left, and decreasing values as we move to the right. Make this an optional display preference in "Admin Rating > User Interface". Can be useful also for languages (such as hebrew) where thy display things right to left, etc. Committed in r51422 by Jshauk.
    1. The sorting should be set by the order in which the values are input in the admin panel, thus any creative layout approach will follow Committed in r51448 by Jshauk
  5. sorting threads by rating results in the forum threads view is needed.
  6. sorting or filtering comments by rating results in the thread view (will all replies below, etc) is needed. 
  7. Set rating options per forum, for rating the forum threads (isolated from comments rating options, which will continue to use the rating options in the section for comments in the rating admin panel).








Delibera System also implemented in physical coloured cards

  • As far as I remember, a similar system called Delibera uses colours in cards in their face-to-face meetings (from green to red: from general agreement to general disagreement, and grey meaning something like (I don't remember for sure): I don't have a general opinion on this and I don't want to block the discussion (like "I dont' vote because I don't have enough information/criteria on this topic  and I trust the decission of the group", maybe?).
  • Example: