Planning for Show3 has started

See Overview first. Here is a great intro: (see PDF)


  • Do we need to run different versions of Tiki with different versions of PHP? trunk now needs 5.5, how do older Tikis work with that?


  • Own set of scripts
    • We have a very defined set of things to do. Adding something like puppet as a layer over calling these very defined scripts doesn't add anything else than overhead.
  • All on one server
    • If in future we need to have multiple servers we can simply have multiple machines behind proxy (we will only need this if we are too successful)
  • Create apache virtual hosts for etc...
  • A global htpasswd protection
  • Have local mirrors of various Tiki SVN tag versions (part of release procedure, or potentially when we are tired of adding them write a cron job to check for new tags - pretty trivial)
  • On, there is ssh access via key which can be accessed from
  • Connection to can be through
    • If we end you using another tool, e.g. Puppet/Chef, there might be PHP libs provided that can do the connection as well
    • executable on provides response with info e.g. the domain back to server
    • In the case of failure on scripts on, best effort to put up a warning HTML on the domain as much as possible, and also send out email to admin and (different email) user about error.
  • Would need a secure execution environment on that has no access to system shell, but only to allowed script services.
  • Need some security precautions to avoid server compromise from instance.

Scripts needed

Whether or not we use a tool like Puppet/Chef, there will need to be scripts - whether it is a shell script, or puppet script, etc...

Instance creation

  1. Virtual host creation
  2. Instance creation from tag
    1. clone tag instance to target directory (use subdirectory if provided by user)
    2. svn switch(checkout?) to specific revision if specified by user.
    3. Import tiki.sql
    4. Modify tiki.sql
      1. Create random password and let the user know?
      2. Turn on action log and turn on everything
      3. Admin email set to user's email
      4. Name of site dynamically set based on username with an algorithm which guarantees that we can trace all sites of a given user, and still have nice legible names for the simplest cases (not a high priority).
        • If the username has anything other than letters and numbers without spaces, just use "user<tikiuserId>" to be safe. Name of site is e.g. or
    5. Run
    6. Run (this is an option on setup and can be triggered afterwards), set RewriteBase if in subdirectory (and message that we did it)
  3. Send email after instance creation (from show)

Snapshot creation

  1. On demand from, will create a snapshot, store it on a folder A snapshot is a tarball for source and a tarball for database.
  2. The snapshots on are matched to corresponding items in a snapshots tracker on (visible through items list field on the bug tracker).
  3. On deletion of the snapshot item on the snapshots tracker, a request for deleting of the snapshot is done on Probably only admins will delete snapshots (no harm in keeping more).
  4. Once the bug tracker item is closed, the links to the snapshots will no longer be visible in case they have been deleted.

Instance upgrading

  1. Make exact clone from existing (code + db);
  2. svn -rxxxx or switch
  3. doctools/
  4. run for composer.
  5. Need to be able to detect error, same handling as for new instance, email admin and user.
  6. Perhaps the script can be tried twice before considered fail.
  7. We could also write in the email "please try again later tomorrow" or something like that

Instance destruction

  1. 30 days after tracker item is closed on dev, the instance is removed, triggered from dev.
  2. Delayed destruction of snapshots.
  3. Provide a way for admin of dev to trigger an immediate destruction and clearing of this.
  4. When users are deleted from, the instance needs to be destroyed as well, this should happen through lib/setup/events.php.
  5. When tracker item is deleted, it should also remove the show instance similarly.
  6. Add a popup warning for an admin deleting a tracker item that a show instance will be deleted.
  7. 48h before destruction, there is an email sent with instructions to postpone destruction, if necessary.


There is ssh:// which has tim-ssh as its login shell and can create, destroy and snapshot instances. You can call it like

TIM examples
Copy to clipboard
# ssh create -t <SVN-Tag> -u <user> -i <Instabce-ID> # ssh destroy -t <SVN-Tag> -u <user> -i <Instance-ID> # ssh snapshot -t <SVN-Tag> -u <user> -i <Instance-ID>

The main script is /usr/local/sbin/tim and /usr/local/sbin/tim-ssh is a wrapper around it that is being used as the login shell.

The created sites can only be accessed via their subdomain. So works, but doesn't. This is due to the registrar that we have registered with, doesn't allow for wildcard domains.

To get access to this demo please contact


  1. Broken feedback for "SVN update" button

RatingSubject Submitted byImportanceEasy to solve?PriorityCategoryVolunteered to solveCreatedLastModifComments
(0) clone and upgradeMarc Laporte8540
  • Feature request
Merci Jacob2013-10-042024-05-300
(0) Show2 instance server doesn't easily support Tiki26Marc Laporte7321
  • Community projects
marclaporte-14 May 24
(0) spinner doesn't last long enoughMarc Laporte7535
  • Usability
koth-14 Nov 13
(0) upgrade any trunk checkout to latest HEADPascal St-Jean8540
  • Feature request
marclaporte-17 Aug 13
(0) : should be a way to use activate .htaccessMarc Laporte3824
  • Feature request
(0) Remove tiki file-tree from show2.t.o instance when item is closedXavier de Pedro7856
  • Feature request
  • Community projects
  • Dogfood on a * site
(0) Make 26.x work on show2.tiki.orgJonny Bradley428
  • Support request
  • Community projects
  • Dogfood on a * site
  • Bug
marclaporte-20 Oct 23
(0) has show related contentMarc Laporte1 low44
  • Usability
  • Dogfood on a * site
(0) Enable .htaccess or its nginx equivalent on show instances for SEFURLs demonstrationsluciash d' being 🧙210
  • Feature request
(0) Add as a mirror domain to show.tikiwiki.orgMarc Laporte3824
  • Dogfood on a * site
Nelson Ko2013-08-142013-09-210

We solve, close, or ignore?

Subject To be solved To be ignored To be closed Comment
show server doesn't have latest stable versions (ex.: 11.1). item4848 y has up to version 18 while has all other latest versions
Make 26.x work on item8544 - y - this will be fixed on item8491 "Change password enforced" should not happen when I click "Reset password to 12345". item4859 y the bug relates to Tiki 14x which is unsupported for a while
Show.t.o requires php 7.1+ (was: Tracker Field Location no longer fetching coordinates from tracker field address). item6907 y there is no show.t.o instance making it hard to reproduce the issue. Additionally, the issue might is based on older Tiki versions currently unsupported
Remove tiki file-tree from show2.t.o instance when item is closed. item7548 y - - -
Bug Tracker / Wishlist broken - no Category saving and show instances fail on installing. item4829 - - y the issue relates to an old Tiki version; 12x, currently unsupported
"SVN update" button doesn't work anymore on existing show instances. item6796 y - - use "GIT update" instead upgrade any trunk checkout to latest HEAD item4645 y - - - clone and upgrade. item4788 y - - relates to item4645
Show1 and Show2: Remove cache on text files like item8031 y - - should be further tested on current show*.t.o instances has show related content. item5303 y - - - spinner doesn't last long enough. item4825 y - - -
Enable .htaccess or its nginx equivalent on show instances for SEFURLs demonstrations. item6128 y - - -
Allow to create show.t.o AND show2.t.o for the same bug report. item7117 y - - -
svn update on show2.t.o instance from dev.t.o does apparently nothing. item7799 - - y Duplicate of item6796
Add as a mirror domain to item4648 y - - - : should be a way to use activate .htaccess. item4864 y - - -
Show2 instance server doesn't easily support Tiki26. item8491 - y - will be fixed with the introduction of show3.t.o. Relates to item8544 : SVN update should also do a db update and run Composer. item4909 y - - relates to item6796