Users upgrading from previous Tiki versions might like to know which are the new features and improvements added in that new Tiki version they upgraded to. In a similar fashion to the Profiles Wizard or to the Admin Wizard.

For the sake of simplicity, let's consider to show just the new features and changes for upgraders since the last LTS version (Tiki9 in the case of Tiki12; from Tiki12 for versions 13, 14 & 15).

Proposal of Preferences to be included in that Upgrade Wizard (note that some of them are already shown in previous screens, at the admin wizard), with a warning that some of them might be still experimental or beta and "use with caution" in large production sites, etc.






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1.1. UI

  1. Use Menu icons...
  2. elFinder, and use by default in file gals
  3. jquery chosen
  4. jquery sortable tables
  5. jQuery Zoom
  6. Wiki inline edition (wysiwyg)

1.2. Usability

  1. Infos:
    1. Wizards
      1. Profiles
      2. Admin
      3. Upgrade
      4. User
  2. User Wizard, with user details screen.
  3. Truncate internal message notification to number of characters
    (in Admin home > messages)

1.3. Other Improvements

1.3.1. Trackers

  1. Allow changing tracker field type
  2. Tracker inline edition
  3. Display last comment author and date
    (in lists of tracker items: "tracker edition > Features > Allow comments > Display last comment author and date")
  4. Show comments below tracker items instead of in side tab

1.3.2. Other features

  1. Terms and conditions (feature)
  2. jCapture Screencast
  3. Docs (WebODF)
  4. Draw (SVG-edit)
  5. New settings in the Action log
    • BigBlueButton join/leave
    • ...

1.3.3. Permissions

  1. Info on new Permissions (and link to manage them)
    1. Can view results from user ratings (Tiki_p_ratings_view_results)
  2. use wysiwyg inline (?)
  3. switch between wysiwyg and plain text editor (was that added between 9 & 12?)
  4. ...

1.4. Other infos

You need to set cron jobs for several Tiki features, if you use them:

  • unified search index (highly recommended)
  • daily reports (optional)

See Cron

1.5. New in Tiki 13

New settings and features coming in Tiki13 (Taken from doc:Tiki13 )

Iframes showing doc:Tiki12from9 and doc:Tiki13

1.7. Others

Get more from:

1.8. Send feedback to the Community! (Connect)

Screen to promote the Connect feature
See is up & running again to collect the data sent by the Tikis around the globe.