Tiki Sprint is over. It was a great experience. We will do it again!

What's this?

Marc Laporte hired 4 members of the Tiki Brazil community for a coding sprint for the last 2 weeks of January 2006. This page is intended to coordinate activities.


  • Should it be more bugfixing (BRANCH-1-9) or new features (HEAD)? BRANCH-1-8 should be only for severe security bugs.
  • All new features should be, where possible, things that this group will continue to work on & support after the sprint.
  • Bugfixes should be in limited features (Calendar, RSS, categories & trackers are preferred areas) or in features Tiki Brazil group is accustomed to (to avoid learning curve).

Priority: integrating patches

  • Priority should go to integrating patches which never made it to CVS (the longer we wait, the worse it gets). Authors are to be invited to contribute via CVS. Please see:



The following items have been selected amongst the complete list of trackers. Many low-priority items have been chosen because they are thought to be easy/quick to solve (importance vs easiness).

Can you (yes, you) review the list and add any relevant comments? Has the bug been solved? Can you describe how to reproduce?


A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z . All
No records found

Project specific

Specific to a project (not sure if / how to release):
Wiki include page plugin (making it possible to include publish a hidden wiki page). Needs to protect wiki pages in a staging area but still publish them via wiki include. Maybe an option: this page can only be included via include wiki page plugin...