Next Tiki 13 release "scrum" meeting

While not truly a "scrum" meeting as defined by the software development methodology, all developers and documenters are encouraged to participate in these sessions. The goal is to supplement communications that are on this wiki page as well as on the dev-list with a real-time sync-up on release efforts.

The format of the meeting will be similar to the "10 am" meetings at TikiFests, where there is a quick touch-base of what each other has been doing, what's the next highest priorities, and talk about the "divide and conquer" strategy for the remaining tasks.

Right now, there is no meeting scheduled.

Tiki13 is now being prepared for the release. Once Tiki 12.1 is released, we are then ready to create the 13.x branch, and then the first alpha for Tiki 13 can be released shortly after this branching, and aim is to have final release by second week of June. The release coordinators are Bernard Sfez and Nelson Ko.

Since this is just after the LTS, it is expected to have a lot of enhancements (like Tiki4 and Tiki7). In fact, current estimates of development planned will make it the release with the most development ever (in terms of developer hours)!

To take advantage of new features from PHP 5.5, as recommended by a member of the PHP core team, we will make this the minimum requirement. Even if PHP 5.5 is quite new and still has a very small market share, it will be much higher by the time Tiki 13 is released (April 2014). Also, a big part of our community goes from LTS to LTS and thus, will only start upgrading to 15.x in the later part of 2015 and 2016, by which time PHP 5.5 and up will be quite common.

Documenting of Upgrading Issues

Please document those at

Latest Update

As of June 27, I have finished upgrading to Tiki 13. is the very next one (will do it tomorrow morning). If all is well, will follow in a few days.

Unless serious problems are discovered with the upgraded, I will also be proceeding to releasing Tiki 13.0 beta over the weekend, once I've upgraded

I will send a message about temporary commit freezing before commencing tagging and packaging of Tiki 13.0 beta.

Testing on

PLEASE CHANGE THEME TO FIVEALIVE-LITE with CLASSIC layout before testing. Also, set the Jquery UI theme from None back to default. Also approve all plugins in tiki-plugins.php by clicking "Approve all pending plugins" at the bottom of the page.

Steps that need to be done on other sites before upgrading

The following can and should be done before upgrading.

  • h3 in shared footer custom need to be changed to h4
  • Logo source should be changed from previewxxx to dlxxx (so that it shows without dithering)
  • You should set Containing Class in Admin...Modules (Appearance tab) for the Topbar search module to "col-xs-3"
  • You should set Containing Class in Admin...Modules (Appearance tab) for the Topbar menu module to "col-xs-9"
  • Remove under Admin...Look and Feel (Customizations) any custom CSS except
Copy to clipboard
.twfooter .box {width: 106px; float:left; text-align: left;margin-left: 30px;} .twfooter .box:first-child {margin-left: 0;} .twfooter img.externallink {display:none;}

Opinions on side column widths?

  • IMO the left and right columns may be too narrow (currently the column width proportions are 20%-80%-20%). I think maybe switching to the 25%-50%-25% layout template might be better (although that would make the center column considerably narrower) .

gezza: What is difference between basic and classic layout?
I think we should cut down the layout options for this release and rename what is left. I think since having columns is a matter of configuration it should not be included in the name. We should have a simple name and a short description,eg:
1)Name: "Default" Description: "Default layout. Maximum 3 columns, where center column takes 50% or 75% or 100% depending on the number of enabled side columns. Proportions in case of 3 columns: 25%-50%-25% (left-center-right). In case of 2 colums: 75% for the center and 25% for the side column (left or right)."
2)Name: "Classic" Description: "The classic center focused layout with narrower side columns. Maximum 3 columns available. Center column takes 66,67%, 83,33% or 100% depending on the number of enabled side columns. Proportion in case of 3 columns: 16,66%-66,67%-16,66% (left-center-right). In case of 2 colums: 83,33% for the center, 16,67% for the side column (left or right)"
3)Name: "Social" Description: "The Default layout with a fixed navbar on the top of the screen."
4)Name: "Plain" Description: "Only a center column is available, no header, no side columns, no footer."

+1)Internal: maybe this one should not be displayed at all in the theme admin interface

Nelson to gezza: I am trying to see how to rename the layout labels without actually renaming the layout itself (because too risky at this stage right?) IMO,
Basic -> Standard Bootstrap
Classic -> Classic Tiki
Three Containers ->
Three Containers with 3-6-3 Columns

  • Internal
  • Jquery Mobile
  • layout_plain.tpl

"* means for internal system use only"
- classic layout supports shadows, basic does not.

Things to test in general (any new or test upgraded Tiki)

If you are testing, please write down what was exactly tested below so others can refer. Thanks.

  • Registration in its various forms (depending on email/admin validation) and if tracker info is required etc...
  • Try creating some articles and editing them
  • Try creating forum and use the forum

More details including Video Introduction

Earlier in the year, while development was still in progress, a summary of development work was on this page, now moved to Tiki13Development.

External Libs to Upgrade

See Tiki 13 Composer Dependencies

Featured bugs

  • - This one requires a change to support 4-byte UTF8 in MySQL. But this means requiring a certain level of MySQL. Probably should be taken care of in installer.


 To who find/report a bug:

  1. Test on your website, test on neutral ground demo, test on different version (and log results).
  2. Report to the WishList/Bug Report tracker.
  3. Give short BUT COMPLETE explanation about the problem. (keep the essential remove the rest).
  4. Create an instance so next available Dev will have anything he need to try to solve the issue.
  5. Retest regularly with new release and for each test, confirm your input. Change date and improve explanation.
  6. Answer to the Dev request.
  7. Log any changes and mark as solved IF RESOLVED (pleassssseeeee).

Wishlist items categorised as "13.x Regression" - status open or pending.






Wishlist item categorised as "Blockers" (non-specified versions) - status open or pending.

Other 13.x bugs

Other Open

Other Pending

Other Closed



Upgrading to Tiki13?

See notes here:

Pages linking to Tiki13

2 pages link to Tiki13
