There are different sorts of slideshows

  • Image slideshows like the Infinite_carousel or the S5 slideshow from the file galleries with neat ColorBox popup windows.
    => did you know, that you can watch YouTube videos in a ColorBox and that you can show wiki pages in it aswell?
    do not forget the PluginSlider
  • PowerPoint-type presentation from a wiki page with the feature 'Slideshow'
    Slideshows can be done either from Headlinesections out of single wiki pages or from wiki structures

  • There is a new tool appeared in the cloud, which is called Prezi and which is aswell stunning cool as non-free Flash based proprietary software, that we thought to find and implement a similar tool.
    with Prezi you can setup a non-slide based presentation on a literally infinite canvas. You can zoom in and out and twist and turn along arbitrary paths and views.
    Torsten made a still ongoing research for possible FOSS alternatives and tried a few of the most promising tools.
    follow the research and a later coming report here: Prezitations

This page should be merged with S5& Prezitations
-> I made a structure - is too complex for one page --ToF

  • make a structure for Slideshows done
  • make a category for slideshows already existed
  • make a perspective for working on the pages (2 column!) done
  • apply perspective module left top to 0; 2 done
  • apply modules to either 0; 1 or 0;2 or 0 or 1 or 2 done
  • ask Devs for a "module not in perspective" preference done
  • apply magic module menu for the structure left top under switch perspective and limit to P2 done
  • put content of e-mail onto a comparing page done -> Prezitations
  • work on Slideshow featurepage - sort content and make neat page layout
  • make feature request / wishlist tracker especially for slideshows and prezitations
    consider the existing ones (maybe just add a simple survey?
  • explain the difference between both sorts of slideshows
  • compare the features and the tech base of each and report about the research
  • ...

Open and Pending



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