The list below is really old. Instead, please check the wish list in order of "easy to fix"

This page is to list all wishes thought to take less than 30 minutes to address. To add something to this list, edit the bug, and check the "30 minute fix" checkbox. This concept was initiated during TikiFestNY and continued at TikiFestConfoo2010

To help:

  1. Go through the list, and pick one you feel comfortable with (you know the feature, etc.)
  2. Try to reproduce in trunk (Tiki5)
  3. If you can reproduce and think you can fix in 30 minutes
    • Go for it
    • Close the bug
    • Indicate in the comments which revision number solved it (if relevant)
  4. If you can't reproduce, and it looks like the report clearly has too little information.
    • Close the bug
    • Put in the category "works for me" or "not enough information"
    • Add to the comments what you did/saw (just quick note)
  5. You may want to watch the wish to receive future updates on it, in case someone says it's not fixed or to thank you 😊



1.1.2. Pending

  • «
  • 1 (current)
  • 2

1.1.3. Closed
