
History: Where to commit

Comparing version 85 with version 376

  • You have fixed something?
  • You have added a feature?
  • You want to share back?

{DIV(class="lead well")}A very important decision is where to commit?: LTS? Stable? Dev? {DIV}
{BOX(title="General principle" align="left")}

The goal is to make the feature as generic as possible so it may be used in various contexts. Also, we must be sure it doesn't duplicate another existing feature.

The general principle is that everything goes to master (trunk), and once approved, cherry-picked (backported) to still supported branches (where more releases are planned). How far you can backport depends on the nature of the contribution.{BOX}

Where to commit

A very important decision is where to commit? Stable-LTS, Stable, Dev (trunk), Mods or experimental? You may want to checkout the RoadMap and Version lifecycle.

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