
Category: Community projects

Community projects
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Send notification email to forum moderator when a user posts a message which is queued pending moderation
tracker item
*.tiki.org sites: make the navigation & interface more consistent
tracker item
Tracker templates (import/export tracker definitions/structure)
If Trackers had the "tracker template" feature, it would allow for better pre-made extended features for Tiki at install time.
In tw.o forums, some people requested like: address books (imagine with the same basic fields as Mozilla Thunderbird & Evolution, etc. address books, ... Export from you local program (through csv), and import to your address book in Tiki (through csv).

The same for "Offers & Demands (linked or linkable)", that many people/communities would like to use like "out of the box" feature. I do have that kind of trackers made (basic, but working for production already: http://valldelcorb.org/trackers - http://valldelcorb.org/Comparteix (1.9.x) or http://intercanvis.net (1.10.x) using tracker plugins in a general Wiki page).

Since duplicate tracker is already coded in 1.10, and templates concept already exists in Tiki, Tracker templates would be a nice MUST in the MID and LONG run.

Tracker templates should be selectable at install time (in the new installer devs. are thinking/designing -> ((Install)) ), or at a later stage through Mods, maybe?

tracker item
12.x - 14.x: PluginColorBox produces nothing
tracker item
12.x - 15.x: Sheet profile Handler doesn't get sheet content added (following lastest available documentation)
tracker item
12.x: Page Alias broken in dev.t.o?
tracker item
12.x: slideshow issues in contrast with bg and right-hand-side colors in recent commits
tracker item
12.x: content of tracker comments tab is not shown! (in dev.t.o)
tracker item
13.x dev.t.o bug tracker: missing category at submit time didn't take the user up to the source of the issue, and no message at the bottom
tracker item
13.x dev.t.o: Print version for tracker item almost empty
tracker item
13.x dev.t.o: Print version for tracker item almost empty
tracker item
13.x doc.t.o: apply template to wiki page adds no new content on reload
tracker item
13.x in dev.t.o: some toolbar buttons like wiki link broken (reload the whole page)
tracker item
Add existing pages to structures at page edition time through the structures header box
tracker item
13.x: applying a profile from Profiles Wizard doesn't send the user to the "Step2" indicated in the url (some steps anchors gone?)
tracker item
13.x-14.x: can't add new arguments to the 'wishes' plugin alias edited in dev.t.o
tracker item
13.x: Comments can't be posted in some pages of a FeaturedProfile
tracker item
13.x: Contents of Plugin Code shown twice when shown through an iframe (the Upgrade Wizard uses that to display some doc.t.o pages)
tracker item
13.x: dev.t.o fivealive-lite.css: images can't be uploaded or selected throught the toolbar icon from tracker textarea
tracker item
13.x: doc.t.o menu 43 (public info for anons) doesn't show 'section level 1' records, but only section level 0 and options
tracker item
13.x: email param from PluginTracker too difficult to get it working as expected for end users
tracker item
13.x: Floated box classes (divs thirdfloat, to have display in 3 cols) stopped working after the upgrade
tracker item
13.x: group permissions seem to be only globally assignable (no object perms)?
tracker item
13.x: PluginSlider in featured profile overlaps footer
tracker item
13.x: Profiles with "random header images" stopped working as expected compared to 12.x
tracker item
13.x: System Error on t.o when searching a word
tracker item
13.x: Tabs from PluginTabs stopped working when using PluginTracker inside
tracker item
13.x: User Tracker can't be chosen in the interface to edit groups
tracker item
13.x: User Tracker can't be chosen in the interface to edit groups
tracker item
14.x & 12.x LTS: Screencast (jCapture) needs a new valid certificate (as of September 2015 at least)
tracker item
14.x & 15.x & doc.t.o: export sheet as CSV produces 'Array, Array, Array....'
tracker item
14.x: tab toggle button from PluginTabs not shown or not working
tracker item
15.x regression: autotoc non-optionally wastes vertical space below the box
tracker item
15.x Regression: Some Profiles (including featured) can't create some objects (wiki pages, tracker ids or fields, ...)
tracker item
15.x: Allow running console.php to apply profiles from behind a proxy (to run new R script to check errors when testing the application on all Profiles on several tiki branches)
tracker item
15.x: Improvements needed for mobile view of many *.t.o sites (dev, themes, doc, ...)
tracker item
15.x+: Expose back preference filters on Admin UI for new tiki admins
tracker item
18.x svn: Data too long for column 'log' at row 1
tracker item
Quick Admin module no longer assigned by default (starting from Tiki 19)
tracker item
articles needs aids to fight spam (e.g. admins see tiki-list_submissions.php at info.tw.o)
I looked today at http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_submissions.php and there are nearly 300 spam submissions there so far, and no way to delete them in groups. Maybe that's why nobody noticed my prior submission as info.tw.o editor from last month...

(the user need to be in info.tw.o Admin group in order to see the spam list. If your users is just in the info.tw.o_editors group, you'll see nothing but your own submissions if any.)

A text box to select the amount of rows to be listed would be welcome, and multiple checkboxes to select some or all, like with users, etc.

By the way, how can anonymous spammers post submissions to info.tw.o? They can't through http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-edit_submission.php (at least, nowadays)... Spam hole somewhere?
tracker item
Rating Tracker Bugs - with field type 'Stars (system)'
If I add a rating to a new tracker, the rating is not saved.

Also the rating value star has an opaque white background.

These occur on dev.tiki.org presently.

~~#F00:Update:~~ Still not working on dev.tiki.org revision 48335. {sign user="Bsfez" datetime="2013-11-05T07:14:49+00:00"}

The rating gets saved now but is not displaying. {sign user="pascalstjean" datetime="2013-11-24T00:42:50+00:00"}

~~#F00:Update : ~~ I retested on the 28/11/13. {sign user="Bsfez" datetime="2013-11-28T13:22:50+00:00"}
Not logged i saw that they were 3 votes but could see star on or off;
{img fileId="645" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}

Once logged i voted and the score was reseted to 0;
{img fileId="646" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}
This worked well in Tiki9., and it's still borken as of r49090 (December 15th). {sign user="xavi" datetime="2013-12-15T10:27:49+00:00"}
If Rating with "Stars (system)" is supposed to be deprecated, could someone please help to switch the rating system in the dev.t.o Bug Tracker ([tracker5]) so that it can use whatever new rating system is not "deprecated"?
This way, since the new [http://doc.tiki.org/Rating%20Tracker%20Field|Rating field is not documented] as of Dec 14th 2013, we could see it here at least as a working example.{sign user="xavi" datetime="2013-12-15T10:39:46+00:00"}
Ok, added the new Rating system myself to the Bug Tracker (new field 152: "New Rating"). And it works out of the box. Good job whoever coded the new feature. {sign user="xavi" datetime="2013-12-15T10:45:10+00:00"}
tracker item
A backup script that can be put on a cron job to save to a distant backup server
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A secure way to store large videos (Ex.: TAG recordings)
tracker item
Add a grid / masonry display for the profiles in the Profiles Wizard with filters
tracker item
Add checkbox to tag forum thread as [SOLVED] and allow filtering and reporting based on that also
tracker item
Add Group Watches to Categories, so that Organic Groups can receive automatic notification on changes about their topics (e.g. Infrastructure Team when tracker item related with *.t.o sites).
tracker item
add history & rollback capabilities to structures
add history & rollback capabilities to structures (record dump somehow when struct. changes, or allow saving structure dump for backup...)
This way, when the structure gets mixed by machine or human error, the structure can be rolled back to the previous state.

This way, we could be more open for registered users to manage http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Documentation (or others) without the risk of failure when nodes get moved to the wrong place (due to some bug in the code). Or due to mistake by benevolent newbies mixing things without bad intention.


UPDATE: Still desired for some LTS version. {sign user="xavi" datetime="2013-11-17T09:31:50+00:00"}
tracker item
Add natural sorting of Priority field in the bug tracker at dev.t.o
tracker item
Some stats for CVS and SVN activity :: looking for a volunteer to host stats server and maintain app
Once upon a time, we had http://sourceforge.net/projects/cvsmonitor/ running on cvs.tikiwiki.org It was taken offline because it needed 4 gigs of RAM to run (!)

This provided some fun and useful stats about CVS activity. It would be nice to have something like this again.

There are some nice demos of what we could have.

We could have stats.tikiwiki.org to aggregate all stats from the TikiWiki community.

Any volunteers?

M ;-)
tracker item
Adding "x-cms-engine: tikiwiki" in HTTP headers
This would permit us to have stats about TikiWiki usage.

This idea is from [http://www.phportail.net/|Philippe Gamache] and [http://www.nexen.net/|Damien Séguy]

We could suggest to other cms/forums/wiki engines, etc to use similar headers

More info:

[11:07:19 AM] Philippe Gamache says: x-cms-engine : tikiwiki 1.9
[11:07:22 AM] Philippe Gamache says: or
[11:07:46 AM] Philippe Gamache says: x-cms-engine :tikiwiki
[11:07:46 AM] Philippe Gamache says: x-cms-version: 1.9

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Admin or team shouldn't wait 120s to post in tiki.org forum
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legal & admin at- this domain: set-up with a mirror on tiki.org forums
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Google results for Tiki Wiki Donation don’t point where it should
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Allow profiles to be found by associated freetag in profiles.t.o through the "Control Panel > Profiles" search box
tracker item
Allow searching by categories and TAGS through the Profiles Control Panel in Tiki
tracker item
allow seing username in user tracker at registration time, step 2 (filling user tracker item)
I've set up a user tracker at registration time on tw.o, when TwCOmmunity group is chosen between the two listed right now at registration time.

This tracker mainily requests selecting a checkbox to indicate that the user understands and will follow the rules and guidelines of TW Community, etc.

I've set up a user field at that tracker, so that we can see when each users decided to join TW Community by selecting that checkbox. And while the compulsory checkbox is not acting as compulsory (due to bug), which users did accept and which ones didn't accept.
tracker item
Allow to reply messages to anonymous users (which provided their email) from the contact-us tracker
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allow_comments or comments from a profile blog definition stopped working
tracker item
Announcements: There should be an easier way for ppl to stay up to date
Currently, an administrator of a Tikiwiki installation has to hunt for upgrades, updates, and security related information of his installation. It is often cumbersome and sometimes dangerous, think of the delay in fixing a crucial vulnerability, it has happened elsewhere before. It might also be nice to know that ppl are using current and feature complete software.
tracker item
Applying Personal Blog and Profile fails
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Automatic SVN commit of secdb and syncdb
This one should be run every time a php file is changed:

This should be automatic. Is there a way to this with SVN?
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Backport fixes to Profiles Wizard in 19.x to 18.x LTS
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Bi-monthly developer-focused webinars
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Bootstrap Sandbox - Default Tiki Theme
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Bootstrap Sandbox - Amelia Bootswatch Theme
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Brand new install forces to display Homepage as if SEFURL was enabled (but fails if disabled server side like in show.t.o)
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Broken Link on tiki.org/Versions
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BrowserTitle is empty after upgrading Tiki
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Building and maintaining TikiPlaces around the world for Tikizen Teams
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Calendar date selection and Since last visit module results are broken at Tiki.org
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Calendar event (Community event) not visible for anonymous
tracker item
Calendar Synchronisation
There are a lot of different PIM applications using the iCal format, that Tiki can export.

As example I showed a usecase, where s.b. needed a synchronisation between Tiki and Google calendars, to make Tiki generated events visible in his Google Calendar, to ease the effort of sheduling between Tiki generated events and his personal google events.

I suggest a project for Calendar Syncronisation.

Please see: ((Calendar Synchronisation))
tracker item
Can't get login popup to *.t.o sites from android smartphone
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Can't post a reply on tiki.org forums! (wysiwyg textarea never shows up)
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can't upload an image to a file gallery in doc.t.o with elfinder (default UI) since 16.x
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Can’t save an item on tracker 24 at Tiki.org
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Can’t set 2 tracker as related on the wishlist
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CASL Spam Compliance
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Change the release script to stop linking to ReleaseNotesXYZ (Use doc.tiki.org/TikiX instead)
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Changing (modernizing) Tiki smileys (we should support Emoji)
tracker item
Check all Wiki-parsing for environment-preservation
toggg fixed the broken Wiki-parsing in Blog/Trackers etc. - basically every feature except Wiki

We now need to cross-check for breakings!!

To get a list of all files to check, use this command:

$ find . -name '*.php' -exec grep -iEH 'parse_data\(' {} \;
tracker item
Check if tiki-atom.php is still needed
[23:29:48] <red_adair> who knows tiki-atom ? it's you amette talking of it, no ?
[23:30:05] <amette> tiki-atom - that's completely unknown to me! :O
[23:30:19] <red_adair> $description = htmlspecialchars($tikilib->parse_data($chg["$descId"]));
[23:30:29] <red_adair> is kinda weird
[23:30:43] <amette> it redirects me to tiki-view_articles.php....
[23:31:52] <mdavey> tiki-atom : mose, march '04
[23:32:57] <mdavey> oh, it is for RSS atom feeds
[23:33:12] <amette> better not kill it then.. ;)
[23:34:20] <mdavey> I think it might be redundant - I think that the RSS library we use supports atom, too, now. Need to do some investigation.
tracker item
Check if tiki.sql and tiki_xtoy.sql give the same results
This occured to me, while looking at the homework-perms remove issue...
... could be, that there is still something left... not sure though - reminder!
tracker item
Check that all is OK with Composer & Console
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checking out H5P in a show instance
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Clarify extent of support for http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle
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Clarify the way people should report "site down" or application down issues
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Clarify the way people should report Spam / rubbish issues on *.tiki.org
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Clean up Bug Tracker after commits
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Clicking on Calendar on next.t.o takes you to the info.t.o calendar
tracker item
PluginTogether should replace the url associated with the Edit page button so that co-editors are automagically offered to go to the session with collaborative edition instead of the warning of edition conflict
tracker item
Clicking the control panels in the new Admin module does nothing
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Some wiki page SEF redirects broken on tiki.org
tracker item
Complete RestoreHelp

If this is not ready in time we'll deactivate the feature and put a note to users than when they the should expect some 404 pages and that their help is welcome.
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composer.lock; automate the updates for each branch, from latest composer.json
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Confirm action on CSRF warning causes warning to redisplay
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Confirm that Bluehost checks have been deposited
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Contact InMotion Hosting for partnership
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Convene plugin missplaces the counts in columns after the winning choice
tracker item
PluginConvene: avoid duplicating content under some circumstances
tracker item
convene plugin: prevent the user to add default info (Add or Add user string) instead of the real username or a different string
tracker item
Create a conversion script for old rating field to new rating field format so we can get rid of the old one in some next release
tracker item
Create a profile for an improved Issue Tracker (with linked trackers) using the latest improvements in 14x
tracker item
Create Profile out of recent use case of Trackers plugin list and custom search
tracker item
Creation of tracker items with relative dates from profiles shows the right date in view item but empty when editing item
tracker item
CSRF False positives
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DB error: Column 'commentDate' in where clause is ambiguous
tracker item
Decide on future branching & merging strategy
We need to decide on our branching & merging strategy.

Background info:
Many of the enhancements on HEAD have been backported to BRANCH-1-9. Most of the other enhancements have been done by Terence (teedog) -> ((tw:ReleaseProcess110))

Do we continue merges from 1.8 to 1.9 to Head?

Do we have devs assigned to merges, or do we ask each dev to do them?

Please see:

More discussion needed here...

tracker item
default sort mode missing in tw.o forums
there is still that issue sometimes with the error undefined "thread sort mode" if you preview an answer before posting it at tw. forums.

It heppened to me again when attempting to reply to a thread with a comment already, and I previewed my post first before attemptint to post it.
When I clicked on post, I saw that message.

TW.o is currently using tiki5beta1 r26677
tracker item
DefaultSettingsChanges in 1.10
We need to decide about ((tw:DefaultSettingsChanges)) in 1.10

Some of the new features are much better than previous ones (ex new diff engine). People upgrading their Tiki could conserve their setting. However, new installs should take advantage of the new features.

A note should be added in tiki-install.php This must be low maintenance for Tiki dev team.
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Demo is down for trunk
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Demo Page Does Not Include Tiki18
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demo.tiki.org sites should reset every x days
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dev.t.o (12.x): rating tracker items is half-broken
tracker item
dev.t.o 12.x. Image Upload (elFinder): invalid backed response: Data is empty.
tracker item
dev.t.o 13.x: add some scrollbar at the top of wide tables in Bootstrapped themes, since they look as with less content for new users or unexperienced visitors
tracker item
dev.t.o: bug report echo on irc.t.o doesn't display the title of the item (the first isMain field)
tracker item
dev.t.o: Can't upload images with elFinder
tracker item
dev.t.o: form to search for related-to bugs recently broken
tracker item
dev.t.o: Some edits to tracker items are silently LOST! (feature_jquery_validation)
tracker item
dev.tikiwiki.org -> delete from user list all users that are not necessary here
To speedup this site, delete any login which:

1- has not voted in tracker ratings
2- has not submitted, modified or commented a tracker item
3- no tracker item is submitted to them

In short, all logins which are not useful here at the moment. Logins will be recreated here at their next login via InterTiki anyway...

tracker item
dev.tikiwiki.org -> Determine categories of trackers
Current list needs a revision, especially before too many people start using: [tiki-browse_categories.php]

Please add your suggested categories as comments
tracker item
dev.tikiwiki.org -> User fields
User drop down menu now includes 7500+ users. This was a heavyload on the server so I removed them from the trackers.
tracker item
dev.tw.o and tw.o loose data
IRC-Log 20050705
[22:38:53] <amette> ahum - it looks to me, that we loose data on tw.o and on dev.tw.o after site-updates - please have a look here: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=257&show=view&status=o&trackerId=5&sort_mode=f_41_desc&filterfield=26&filtervalue[26]=tracker
[22:39:36] <amette> luci added the solution as far as I remember (lastmod is empty) - later on I closed this item with solution Accepted and a modification to the solution

--- some stuff cut ---

[22:49:50] <amette> The thing with tw.o is, that I know exactly I edited a page - later toggg told me, that I didn't make the change, hm, well, yes, it was lost.....
The page in question is

No one can confirm that with their own Tiki.

I really don't know what it could be (site updates) - but it scares the hell out of me.... well, almost ;)
tracker item
Discussion: Should we change from language.php to native .po files?
We have: ((tw:PO convertor for TikiWiki))

Should we change the way we handle language.php?: ((Research about different i18n systems))
tracker item
doc.t.o 19.x: I can't upload images to wiki pages (CSRF) with elFinder
tracker item
doc.t.o: memcachepool.set SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache lib/cache/memcachelib.php
tracker item
doc.tw.o needs to be far more open to edits
A newly registered user cannot edit most of doc.tw.org

An anonymous user cannot edit doc.tw.org, even with CAPTCHAs.

There is no clear text on a page of doc.tw.org which tells a user why they cannot edit that page, or what they can do about it.
tracker item
Dogfood Forum and List Synchronization between tw.o forums and SourceForge Mailing Lists
Thanks to this:


Should be mirrored here:
tracker item
Dogfood user trackers and group subscribe plugin on tikiwiki.org
This would be great ((tw:Dogfood)) to better organize our community and let users join groups according to their interests.
tracker item
Dogfood: aggregate all the RSS feeds from all *.tikiwiki.org sites
When this is fixed:

This would be even better:

but let's not wait!
tracker item
Dogfooding Tiki accounting for the Tiki Software Community Association
tracker item
Double check that User Tracker Profile works as expected also in 15.x
tracker item
Ease contributions of translations for people that don't use SVN
Version 2.0 now offers an ((doc:Interactive Translation)) feature.

Next, we could set-up the web-based, interactive translation feature, and translation commits to main code base could be done regularly from i18.tiki.org to SVN. We would need to find a way to credit the translators in the CVS log.


tracker item
elFinder much worse at helping the user to insert the file just uploaded (compared to former interface) in real production sites such as doc.t.o
tracker item
Fatal error in next*.t.o when login due to groups not sync'ed (apparently)
tracker item
Feature Workspaces is half broken on 1.10: add resources: ko, ws calendar: ko, ...
Workspaces (from ((doc:Mod AulaWiki)) are half broken on 1.10 since months ago.
Any action which is related to workspce calendar module gives fatal error (blank screen). Adding resources to workspaces also fails:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method WorkspaceResourcesLib::get_url_admin_file() in /var/www/tiki110/lib/workspaces/resourceslib.php on line 117

On this url (on an updated site to 1.10svn from May 2nd):

http://edu.tikiwiki.org is also having the same kind of problem, on a less updated 1.10 site.
tracker item
Files uploaded get corrupted in some installs storing files in database
tracker item
Fix all URLs following migration to Allura
tracker item
Forum plugin show things that the forum doesn’t (t.o)
tracker item
forums editor not loaded in t.o mobile (13.x or next.t.o 14.x)
tracker item
forums in t.o unusable: help!
tracker item
fullscreen=y hides all info from top navigation bars in dev.t.o, doc.t.o and themes.to
tracker item
Generate valid RSS feeds from wiki pages, useful for ad serving and remote management of content, like a site footer
This is an RSS feed:

It's not the traditional way of using RSS but it can be very useful :-) It permits us to get up to date info (Ex.: number of devs, number of downloads, etc.) from SourceForge, using RSS. We can then publish on http://info.tikiwiki.org/

This idea could be used for serving ads.

This is also in the same idea as:

Two immediate uses
# Manage the footer of all *.tikiwiki.org sites from one place
# Permit to push news & calls to action (Current version of Tiki, vote for Tiki in an Award, new release, etc)

Tiki5 as of now:

Tiki4 as of now:

{wish id=1396}

tracker item
geolocated tracker items not shown in map any more in Profile GeoCMS Maps since 21.x
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Get nextthemes.tiki.org working (PHP 5.5 is required)
tracker item
Get status update on @tiki.org server
tracker item
Get the feature tiles panel (back) into the new admin dashboard ... please
tracker item
Git-SVN (SubGit): In the commit message add a link to the original Merge Request (MR)
tracker item
Help hman set up automatic clone and upgrade via Tiki Manager
tracker item
How to force the login process
Hi there,
I would like to know if it is possible to force the tikiwiki login process.

I want the login page for the home page, in order to force the users to log in. I have to modify the tiki-index page ?Do you guys have any hint for doing that?

Any help will be much apreciated.
tracker item
http://i18n.tiki.org/Status shows fatal error
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https://mods.tiki.org LastUpdate: 1970.01.01
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I don’t receive notifications from Dev.t.o
tracker item
I wish to demonstrate show.tiki.org for FOSDEM 2014
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i18n online translation broken
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i18n.t.o unusable: Fatal error Class Table_Plugin not found (plugin fancytable)
tracker item
Implement a searchable IRC logging solution
Something more than this:

There is a start but can it handle the volume of data we produce?

The level of integration (all, some or none) with Tiki is to be discussed.

Related/similar software:

An RSS feed would be nice.

And some stats:
tracker item
implement the nice jquery table sorter in trackerlist plugin (as already is in fancytable)
I've seen the gorgeus work done with jquery to allow re-sorting data in tables at wiki pages when using the ((doc:PluginFancyTable))

That would be also awesome if enabled in the ((doc:PluginTrackerList))...

This way, we would even allow the conflict between cache and sorting for anons... (see this other report [bug2898] )
tracker item
14.x: Improve doc about PluginJQ custom syntax adapted to each type of tracker field after upgrade
tracker item
improve doc for tiki devs about the right way to develop permission checks (global, category and local)
tracker item
Include plugin: direct link to create/edit included page, and send back to initial page after edit
Say I include a bunch of pages in one larger page.

I click edit, and find that it's an included page. I should be able to edit directly that included page (assuming I have permissions), a bit like ((doc:section edit))

*Each page has independent history.
*They can be edited in parallel.

__Can page renames also survive inclusions?__

*{wish id=2668}
tracker item
Indexing failed while processing XXX (type YYY) with the error "normalizer [sortable] not found for field [sort]
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Installer language selection is wrongly changed by TIki
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Instance folder ID vs instance ID mismatch
tracker item
Interface with SVN (like Trac SVN browser)
If we had this, we'd use it on http://dev.tikiwiki.org

The Trac Repository Browser:

Let's coordinate here: ((Repository Browser)) and ((Code Review))
tracker item
Intertiki Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in include_intertiki.php on line 41
tracker item
InterTiki user replication stopped working?
tracker item
Investigate if we should upgrade to fork of phplayersmenu
Here is:
tracker item
Blank page upon applying Small Organization web presence 8.x on http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Tiki
This is the first thing people will try
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js and css borked in doc.t.o while testing how to avoid issue in elfinder which prevented to upload any picture: please help
tracker item
Kaltura in tv.t.o: change details to uploaded media shows WSOD
tracker item
keep user information as the user selected on tw.o
I wonder how many times over the last years I've had to select my user profile to be public in my preferences at http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-user_preferences.php

I always change __User information:__ from private to "__public__".
But after some months (and tiki upgrades, maybe?), I find that that settings is at "__private__"

Thus, When I go to send a message to a user, I can't either send the message:

^You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'^

Or I can't because that user has that setting as private (I realized that chibaguy now has that same setting, but I wonder whether he chose that or not, like me)

same on other settings that have changed without my content:
Messages per page: 2 (I had 10, at least)
Allow messages from other users: no (I had yes)
Note author when reading his mail: no (I had yes)
tracker item
Legal Team: Transfer relevant data from emails to wiki pages
tracker item
live.t.o: Add a new param to plugin BigBlueButton so that only recordings longer than X minutes are displayed
tracker item
Locking the plugin convene
tracker item
Login is required to reach forums on tiki.org: Tikiwiki-devel (mailman list mirror)
tracker item
login to tv.tiki.org broken (issue with PluginSlider?)
tracker item
Look & Feel for suite.t.o is currently (14.x) worse than expected
tracker item
LTS Regression: images not shown if align=center as param (reproduced in doc.t.o)
tracker item
Mail Queue undefined method Zend\Mail\Message::getRecipients in 15.x (Zend2) compared to 12.x
tracker item
Make 26.x work on show2.tiki.org
tracker item
Make a basic working example of Tour (to end up in a learning tiki profile, for instance)
tracker item
make backup has trouble with backups of attachments stored on disk
tracker item
make backup should exclude temporary data
tracker item
make delete works but issues an non-friendly error message
tracker item
Make sure Tiki is offered by all server control panels
This is an ongoing effort:

tracker item
make update and make check messing up on svn tag
tracker item
make update has 3 suspicious error messages
tracker item
MediaWiki import script
For many people, Wikipedia (powered by MediaWiki) was their first contact with wikis. MediaWiki has a very nice interface and has done an amazing job to get Wikis known to the public, via Wikipedia. MediaWiki/Wikipedia is probably the best thing that happened to the Wiki world since Ward Cunningham invented the wiki in 1995.

MediaWiki is excellent to make an encyclopedia. However, it is not designed to be an Intranet/corporate wiki with an advanced permission system. Also, MediaWiki is "only" a wiki. It doesn't have extra features like forums, trackers, blogs, etc. Maybe these features will eventually be added to Mediawiki, but it doesn't seem imminent.

Users which want more can use some glueware to combine a Wiki and an existing full featured CMS (ex.: Drupal + MediaWiki or Xoops + MediaWiki) or they can choose Tiki Wiki/CMS/Groupware.

There are apparently millions of MediaWiki installs. In contrast, there are "only" tens of thousands installs of TikiWiki. While this number is very good, we can expect more & more people will want to migrate from MediaWiki to TikiWiki. Even if a small proportion of MediaWiki installs migrated to Tiki, it would still be a very large influx of users.

Tiki can already look like WikiPedia:

One important step for Tiki's future is to have a converter from MediaWiki to TikiWiki so users can have a painless upgrade path and gain access to more features.


*[wish1531|Wiki markup for icons]
*[wish1805|Universal Wiki Edit Button]
*[wish2102|Support some of the MediaWiki syntax that doesn't conflict with TikiWiki syntax]
*[wish1191|Wiki editing: Preview with diff, like Mediawiki]
*[wish1843|Infoboxes like MediaWiki/Wikipedia, but making use of trackers to be future-proof]
*[wish1781|Support for the Wiki creole markup (syntax)]
tracker item
Migrate @tiki.org off legacy server
tracker item
Missing & used plugins reporting + Plugin security and approval: need a listing + notification email

I just got:
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()} WARNING: No such module CVS! copyright.txt {CODE}

Similar to orphans pages and wanted pages, it would nice to have a way to have a list of used plugins (how many times used) from which we know how many are broken.

This happens if someone attempts to use a plugin which isn't activated. This can happen on upgrade for example or if a plugin was de-activated.

We need a way to know how many times each plugin is being used. So we can deactivate without causing issues.

Also, __approval of plugin security__ conflicts with wiki cache. When approving, cache should be cleared. Please test.

** Would need to watch this list
** Rick asks for a [http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-05-01,Fri&sel=120#l116|mass approve]
tracker item
Mobile display broken in trunk
tracker item
Tracker; Modified dates on tracker view are inconsistent on t.o
tracker item
Mods: make permanent URL to download latest version of a mod
If you go to this page:

You see links to download themes. Good.

However, these could be older versions. Bad.

Suggestion: a permanent link.

which links to the latest version. Ex.:

Of course, if people use the mods installer, they don't need. But still...

tracker item
mods: remove mod config from mods.tikiwiki.org list (old and unfinished work).
mods: remove mod config from mods.tikiwiki.org list (old and unfinished work).
Keep it in cvs, just in case mdavey or anybody else might like to keep working on it, but it's not functional right now, and it overwrote the improved tiki-admin.tpl in tiki core files.

I removed the page also from documentation pages
tracker item
Module months_links (blog or cms archive) can't display more than 12 months
tracker item
Monitoring all test sites from the 1-click installers
tracker item
Monitoring pre-dogfood servers
tracker item
Move external libs to Composer
tracker item
Multi-domain: redirect all traffic to main domain
When a tiki is on a server which has several domain names, have an option to force a redirect to one in particular (similar to force with/without www). Should be a "permanent redirect" HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

This is related to the recently introduced feature to remove www or add www to Tiki sites

Specifically, all *.tikiwiki.org domains will progressively move *.tiki.org Both URLs will be kept forever but tiki.org should be the new main one that people see in their browser (and copy-paste from)
tracker item
Need Forums to Display per Group - Nevermind
Our community needs some forums for the administrators only so that we can pass messages back and forth. However, there's no way to make any of this private. Any registered user can read and post what need to be private forums. In many cases you don't even have to be registered to read.
tracker item
New option to include 'Threads with no replies yet' to Daily Reports and to Notification digests
tracker item
newpage option is acting weird (broken) in the Tiki surveys
tracker item
Newsletter fails to be sent properly if article clipping is involved
tracker item
Newsletter sends text and html and no way to choose only one
tracker item
Newsletters do not show the list of emails being sent to
tracker item
Nextdev is not updated since april 2018.
tracker item
nextdev.t.o Fatal error: Class 'TikiCachedContainer' not found in /path/www/lib/init/initlib.php on line 56
tracker item
nextdev.t.o: mobile not working for wiki pages (it is working for tracker items)
tracker item
nextdev.t.o: Parsing search query failed: Fields tracker_id or trackerId do not exist in the current index
tracker item
doc.t.o broken link file galleries in mobile mode
tracker item
Predogfood servers should include files; was:nextthemes.tiki.org/Themes slider shows super small images
tracker item
Nextv.tiki.org doesn't require authentication and shows up in Google search results
tracker item
No access to filters in this dev.user interface on "Bugs and wishes" query and Reports ("list yours") (without getting a : query error message)

I can act that, with new version of the dev dev.interface:

- No efficient access to "list yours" (empty list with query error)
- No filter which don't reach "query error"

No more tool efficient to manage the report "bugs ans wish"

I stop till I don't receive a message telling that we can access to :
- filters on messages
- find my own message


Because I can't work without these tools

I have waited two days.

What happens ?
tracker item
No commenting on d.t.o?
tracker item
Not possible anymore to download a file in a specific folder on dev.t.o (whishlist screenshot)
tracker item
Range field to set the hour on the plugin Convene is misplaced
tracker item
OpenSourceCMS type demo to test/develop and show off profiles
We are documenting some ((info:Use Cases)) which will become profiles. To be able to developer/test/improve these profiles, we would need a site like [http://www.opensourcecms.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=180|Open Source CMS] but for all profiles. This site only shows one profile.

These 20+ demo sites would provide admin access to easily test any profile. It would encourage people to generate and improve various profiles as well.

((Profile Manager))
tracker item
Optional reporting of anonymized usage stats (which features are used, how many accounts, etc)


[wish1416|Reporting errors (to tikiwiki.org) system (like Firefox Talkback)]
tracker item
Organic Group Addon gone in current 14.x compared to what doc.t.o says about it
tracker item
Paid support page: remove contradiction
tracker item
Paradigm Shift
tracker item
Periodic reminder to upate user profile
Use case:

We want users to update their profiles every once in a while.

So the system should be reminding users to click on tiki-view_tracker_item.php?view=+user and update their user profile.

Eventually, an email reminder could be cool as well.

tracker item
PHP Fatal error with ANY profile since 15.x: Search_MySql_LimitReachedException Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column 'creation_date'
tracker item
phpfreechat not installing from mods.tw.o and not working when installed from svn mods

the fact is that even if installing by hand, the phpfreechat plugin doesn't work for me, neither on tiki 2.x (with ajax enabled, etc., cleared browser and tiki caches, etc.: just says: "chat loading, please wait, and nothing happens), nor in tiki 3beta4 (it's even not listed in the list of plugin to enable/disable)

It's a pity that we can't provide a functional chat for tiki 2.x or tiki3.x sites... (minichat module for tiki3 was getting close to functional, but since it doesn't provide the date stamp nor a way to read the log from previous conversations to specific date, it's not being used... see the example of the last TikiFestUK: dimdim, skypechat, + irc chat)
tracker item
Piwik Integration
tracker item
Plugin BigBlueButton - add getMettingInfo new params added in BBB 1.0
tracker item
Plugin editing should be disable when looking at history
tracker item
Plugin img using files gallery doesn't work anymore at dev.tiki.org
tracker item
Plugin List fails to find a match for the category Profiles Wizard (292) in dev.t.o
tracker item
plugin list filter by category doesn't work on dev.t.o
tracker item
Plugin List or TrackerList unable to show tracker items with category 50 (PDF) in dev.t.o
tracker item
plugin mouseover: missing files in cvs or mods, just txt file
Plugin mouse over is missing this files inside:


it only contains th*.info.txt file.

So it can't install (neither from cvs _mods, neither from admin mods interface (mods.tikiwiki.org )
tracker item
PluginR: move to the main code base
tracker item
Plugins must refresh content at start of inline editing
tracker item
Plugin alias &/or plugin trackerlist fails to load in some page in dev.t.o (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of null)
tracker item
Posts are not always saved on the forum at tiki.org
tracker item
Preference report should be multitiki-ready
tracker item
preg_quote(): Argument #1 ($str) must be of type string, Math_Formula_Element given
tracker item
Prepare for SourceForge hosted Apps


((SourceForge Hosted Apps))
tracker item
Preparing TikiFest
Invite locals to ((tw:TikiFestArgentina))
tracker item
Profile 'Dynamic items list' doesn't load in the admin panel & error shown through 'profile tester'
tracker item
Profile handler for wiki structures
tracker item
Profile soft (UX/UI) revamp proposal
tracker item
profiles wiki handler: translations param doesn't work. To reproduce, see and apply profile: 'Consensus Forums'
tracker item
Proposition: REST API "adaptor" code
tracker item
Provide a tablesorter-powered list of profiles in the Profiles Wizard bundled in Tiki to filter on features, tags, names and such
tracker item
Publishing information once and have it shared in many place
tracker item
R_demo profile doens't get fully aplied in 15.x complaining of some prefs that are defined (Tracker Field Factory Error: Pref "trackerfield_file" required ....)
tracker item
Reactivate the Quality Team and start using code.tiki.org
tracker item
Reactivate tikiwiki.org's directory while keeping list of sites out of reach.
Tiki directory was closed down from anonymous viewing for security reasons.

This section should stay restricted:

But the rest of the directory can be available.

How can we do this via permissions or category permissions?
tracker item
Registration should be brought forward at tiki.org, get involved page
tracker item
Remove all mods-related code after 18.x (before 19.0) and decide what is date of retirement of mods.tiki.org
tracker item
Remove all the instance of maketoc on dev.tiki.org
tracker item
Remove the last traces of Google Maps specific information and code
tracker item
Remove tiki file-tree from show2.t.o instance when item is closed
tracker item
Replace ssh-dss keys with ssh-rsa or ssh-ecdsa keys
tracker item
Report on tiki.org sites monitoring
tracker item
Reproduce on Show: Error: No field indicated
tracker item
Review all mods and decide what should be added to --BRANCH-1-10-- Tiki5
Review all mods and decide what should be added to BRANCH-1-10

Please see: ((To mods or not to mods))

*potential popularity of feature
*non-reliance on 3rd party code

Plugins that will now be in core (and removed from mods):

*include ok in 2.0, should be removed from mods
*group (ok) should be removed from mods: wikiplugin_group.php
*wikiplugin_listpages.php ok?, just remove from mods?
*[http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1550|wikiplugin_mouseover.php needs to be fixed, then moved]
*wikiplugin_trackeritemfield.php __done in 2.0__

*Great plugins
*Mods installer doesn't work for everyone and there is no documentation for manual install
tracker item
Review and modernize support for monitoring systems like Zabbix NetData, Nagios, etc.
tracker item
RFE: admin interface 4 template message emailed to new users to a group (registered, or others)
Copied some suggestion I just throwed on irc..., after fighting each time on some of my production sites to manually send messages to many users which are kind of lost some times at the beggining of their participation in a tiki-site-powered community.

(11:37:39) xavi: I was just wondering about a new and easy improvement of the registration process of new users to a community sit eusing tiki
(11:38:07) xavi: just through allowing an admin to add acustomized welcome message to new users successfully registered to the site...
(11:38:29) xavi: ... with the text and links he might need to tell to new users....
(11:38:52) xavi: ...in a similar way to what mailman does for the welcome message to new users...
(11:39:48) xavi: ...I imagine a simple text area, like site identity does, where the admin can write any simple text (with or without wiki markup? like the newsletter feature does/allows)...
(11:40:45) xavi: ...so that the admin can set that message easily (without manualy searching for the appropiate template to hack through ftp)...
(11:42:48) xavi: ..and the the new user, can review the infos and tips that he/she needs to know on that site: "now you can: # watch that forum where that important thing is discussed.... #join that newsletter/blog/articlefeature to be up to date about news from that community, #review and/or subscribe to that tracker..., ...
(11:45:22) xavi: oh well, I can't code php+mysql myself (yet, at least ;-) ), but I guess that this shouldn't be that difficult nor time consuming to an experienced coder, provided that that person agrees on that this feature is "low hanging fruit" to improve the experience of newcomers to a community, through improving the communication while the first steps of that person in the community site...

This could also be important for ((Workspaces)), and ((Organic Groups)). So that, not just to register (join the registered group), but as a customized message per group, so that, when joining a new group (at registration time, or later on through the subscribe groups plugin), you get the specific message with hints, links and remindings of things adapted for that group.

tracker item
Round Robin / Redundancy / Disaster planning for all *.tikiwiki.org content
Various *.tikiwiki.org sites are managed by different volunteers on various hosts. That is good.

Each domain should be systematically copied over to someone else.

Something like:
||domain|managed by|backed up by


tracker item
RSS feed for Articles in tiki.org produces WSOD
tracker item
PluginRSS: RSS feed on doc.tiki.org shows three times the same title
tracker item
Same server backup
tracker item
Screencast doesn't work via .htpasswd on show.tiki.org
tracker item
Send info to mother.tiki.org (Connect) throws error 404: Remote service inaccessible
tracker item
sender_email can't be set as $profilerequest:sender_email$YourEmail@example.com$
tracker item
Session timeout at Tiki.org
tracker item
Setting User Tracker id login and registration fields from Profile fails
tracker item
Several issues with dropdowns and tablesorter for tracker data
tracker item
Sheets do not place charts properly (almost hidden, in doc.t.o sheet intended for documentation)
tracker item
Shopping List
tracker item
Should the CSS and JS source maps be part of Git? Part of the released version?
tracker item
Shoutbox producing 500 server errors
tracker item
Show instance - demo - test of Trackerfields - item-link / item-list / dynamic-item-list
tracker item
show server doesn't have latest stable versions (ex.: 11.1)
tracker item
show.t.o instance can't be created
tracker item
show.tiki.org are not properly initialized
tracker item
show.tiki.org: Dealing with the admin password
tracker item
Show2 instance server doesn't easily support Tiki26
tracker item
SisterWiki links between doc.tiki.org and dev.tiki.org
Please read:


Something like:

{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
{if isset($objectCategoryIds) and in_array(1, $objectCategoryIds)}
This is the documentation for {$page}. For bug reports and feature requests, please visit [http://dev.tiki.org/{$page}]
tracker item
Social Network tags / tools at Tiki.org
tracker item
Social Networking-type transactions between members
While Tiki has a "friendship" feature, it is so basic, that I am putting as "missing". What is missing is proper Social Networking with "transactions" between community members (Ex.: [http://www.nomadics.it/|hospitality exchange network], carpooling, dating service, etc) with reputation system. Something like LinkedIn, Facebook or the www.phpbeer.com project.

Since this is a vast project, we'll coordinate at ((Social Networking))
tracker item
Some pages of Tiki.org are not accessible (WSoD)
tracker item
Sort on Rating field broken on tracker5 at dev.t.o
Sort on rating at this tracker is broken.
To reproduce:
* Login here: http://dev.tiki.org/tracker5 (as user xavi, plain registered user)
* click on rating column (to sort items on their rating): it apparently works, even if it shows first the ones with the lowest rating.
* click again on rating column (attemping to sort the items with highest rating first), and still items with 0 in the rating are showed first.

url (only with open items, to reduce potential factors interfering): http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5&sort_mode=f_152_desc&status=o

^ __Note__:
Please note that this is using the maintained (non deprecated) rating tracker field (field 152, type "Rating"). If you are an admin, you will see still 2 fields as rating, but one, the former and unmantained (field 62, "Old Rating - Stars (system) visible by Admins only"), is hidden from registered users (it's kept there in dev.t.o in case some devs makes an script to convert the data from the old tracker field into the values for the new tracker field in all tracker items of the same tracker).

I tag this wish a regression since I remember that this worked in past, years ago, but unfortuntely I can't say in which specific version.

I consider this isse to be somewhat important since tiki are being used more and more to allow communities to gather user feedback to prioritize issues, actions, strategies, proposals, etc., in a genuine "wisdowm of crowds" way, and this issue prevents using tiki for this goal, which is a pity when you are using Tiki in the same community for many other community needs... See http://doc.tiki.org/E-democracy

Maybe related to [item1446|item 1146: Trackers: Need to be able sort as numerical instead of text]?
tracker item
Sorting Alpha not working at Tiki.org page
tracker item
Start coordination with student legal team for 2013-2014
tracker item
Structure orphans as a wiki plugin and in tiki-admin_structures.php

We want doc.tw.o to generate nice printed documnentation.

It's too difficult to detect which pages are not in a structure.

A new page may be created but not assigned to a structure and be lost, and not appear in the printer version.

It's ok that some pages are not in structures (notes, redirects, etc) though.

tiki-edit_structure.php -> list at the bottom should only show me pages that are not in current structure, otherwise, I can add the pages at two places in the structure.(feature or bug?) This could useful to move pages though because current system is too cumbersome for large structures like the one on doc.tikiwiki.org

Perhaps, the structure if should appear in list pages. So by sorting, we could find all orphan pages...
tracker item
Subject encoding of notification from tiki.org are broken
tracker item
Suggested shell backup procedure using existing scripts
tiki-backup.php was like performing surgery on yourself. It can work but it's risky.
tracker item
Suggestion for tracker rating usage
We can't use rating yet (hopefully soon), so at the moment it is just the priority user chooses. From 1-low to 9-high is very subjective and people tend to rate things higher, than they 'objectively' are. I just stumbled across this classification from Bram Molenaar and think that it is a good guideline for rating Items. As long as we use the Priority field, it would be easy to implement, later for Ratings we would have to add something like a legend or so..

--- copied from VIM reference manual TODO List ---
Priority classification:
9 next point release
8 next release
7 as soon as possible
6 soon
5 should be included
4 nice to have
3 consider including
2 maybe not
1 probably not
- unclassified
--- end of copy ---
tracker item
Surveys admin pagination si broken
tracker item
svn update FAILS to update on show.t.o instance linked to dev.t.o bug tracker item
tracker item
svn update on show2.t.o instance from dev.t.o does apparently nothing
tracker item
svn: Working copy 'temp/cache' is missing or not locked
I am often getting:

[i18nwiki@alpha ~]$ cd www
[i18nwiki@alpha www]$ svn up
svn: Working copy 'temp/cache' is missing or not locked
[i18nwiki@alpha www]$

This is caused by something that is destroying some svn system files (presumably trying to clean the cache)

Workaround is to destroy temp and to do svn up

tracker item
System RSS feeds
We should have system RSS feeds which links to:

And this should be hard-coded in tiki-admin.php
tracker item
t.o (13.x) months_links module error: invalid variable value: $_GET["blogId"] = 2,29,26
tracker item
t.o calendar: warn the user about the time zone being used at time selection by the user
tracker item
t.o: Calendar self-refreshes indefinitely!
tracker item
t.o: page alias feature not working because some duplication exists (not prevented at edition time and feedback gone too quickly)
tracker item
TableSorter header from bug tables disappeared when using plugin alias (wishes - plugin trackerlist)
tracker item
test pls ignore
tracker item
Test to see if show Tiki is being installed
tracker item
Testing Tiki Accounting in 12.x
tracker item
TESTED: New show server
tracker item
The canonical domain of next.tiki.org should be tiki.org so that search index results feed tiki.org
tracker item
The user is redirected to a blank page with just an email address shown, even if the user didn't click anywhere
A weird bug which was showing in tiki 4.x (calendar), and nowadays, I've seen something similar using 5.x alpha at dev.tw.o:

The user is redirected to a blank page with just an email address shown, even if the user didn't click anywhere.

To reproduce:

Pass the mouse over the item saying "2 errors editing articles in tiki 3.3 ".
With no click (just passing the mouse over, using Firefox 3.6.2), you are shown a blank page with just "email@domain.org" on top.

That item corresponds to:

This is something which is also happening to a calendar in a tiki 4.x site, when the event body has some email address, it seems.

tracker item
The version lifecycle is not being respected
tracker item
Tiki 7.1 HTML parsing - WYSIWYG/CKE - not working in some feature like for ex. in articles
Hello Devs,

I did upgrade a site to 7.1 this weekend.

Using WYSIWYG/CKE I have the following prblem:

In some features of the Tiki 7.1 the output the editor is just the plain
HTML Source.

That means, not in Wikipages, but in the articles and in the calendar
events, there is not a nice text with formatting bold, italic, colors
and pictures etc, but only the plain HTML source code visible to the
website user/visitor.

The WYSIWYG/CKE editor works normal and I can see the content just
normal like ever, being in the editing mode. But when I save, I can just
see the source code, like it would be in codeplugin.

This affects as said articles and calendar (perhabs more, I will hope to
find out) but it does not affect wikipages by now.

And it affects existing articles and events aswell as newly edited.

(worked well in 6.x before)

Thx for reply and wish a nice sunday to all,
tracker item
Tiki community server backups not working
tracker item
Tiki Connect Data Preview shows wrong Tiki Version & never-ending 'loading' in popup box + unable to Register to send Info
tracker item
Tiki release script should compile CSS (from SCSS or LESS)
tracker item
Tiki release script should indicate what libs were updated since last release
tracker item
Tiki sites - logos and favicons
tracker item
tiki.org emails marked as SPAM
tracker item
Please see two forum discussions at tw.o dev forum:

or directly at

Cheers, Xavi
tracker item
Time are wrongly sorted on plugin Convene
tracker item
to be synched/fetched: event details of of Calendar event and details in a Tracker item with Tracker field Calendar item
tracker item
too many fields for closing a bug report at dev.tw.o/tracker5 (and conflict if open but closed)
I did report this bug days ago. I edited to close it, selecting as closed many of the fields to do so in the [tracker5] but I forgot to set as "closed" the first and traditional drop down:


After I saved, I can't edit my bug tracker any more, not even to set as closed that bug report.
To me, too many fields are related to closing the bug, only one should be chosen for that. And if more than one, much better to place all of them close ones to the others.
UPDATE: Outdated, so closing.
tracker item
Too many useless or redundant fields when editing a wish
tracker item
Tool 'Choose or upload images' in dev.t.o/make+a+wish reloads the page loosing all content
tracker item
Top header ugly and hard to use on iPhone / smartphone
tracker item
Topic type is not shown to plain registered users in t.o forums
tracker item
Tracker - field type items list
tracker item
Tracker events en dev.t.o tiki-batch_todo.php unexpected ? in initlib.php
tracker item
Show.t.o requires php 7.1+ (was: Tracker Field Location no longer fetching coordinates from tracker field address)
tracker item
Tracker field validation not working properly on textarea at t.o
tracker item
Tracker item history misses to show changes in some cases
tracker item
Tracker item status filter not working on dev.tiki.org (wishlist)
tracker item
Trackerlist plugin sometimes does not show links and popup
See http://dev.tikiwiki.org/TestTrackerlist

You will see that links do not how on the first trackerlist plugin. They work on the second and third one though.

Removing description from the fields shown in the popup seems to fix it. But not all descriptions seem to break it though - see the second plugin filtered differently which works.
tracker item
TRIM make backup and php console.php database:backup -> Community recipe for protection against data inconsistency in backups (especially for large projects)
tracker item
trunk broken in next*.tiki.org sites due to Zend issue (zf1 to zf2?)
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Ugly headers and top menu (especially on Tiki.org sites)
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Unable to access themes.tw.o or info.tw.o with IE7
I am unable to access info.tikiwiki.org or themes.tikiwiki.org with IE7. (FF and Opera work fine.) I get the following error:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_4bf95c633abfec1c2db078c6c7e6cf23, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/themetw/public_html/tiki-setup_base.php on line 279

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/themetw/public_html/tiki-setup_base.php:279) in /home/themetw/public_html/tiki-setup_base.php on line 279
header already sent
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Unable to create a show instance
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Update all information/documentation about how to contribute/participate to Tiki
People want to help Tiki.
Tiki needs more energy.

Let's make it easier to connect!

1st thing is to review all documentation. Make it faster/simpler/easier to transform a casual user into an active contributor.

1- http://tikiwiki.org/Participate

2- Update documentation at ((tw:ReportBug)) and at ((tw:RequestEnhancement))

3- All links/info on dev.tw.o
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Update email in mail notifications list from intertiki sites when email replaced in user account in master site
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Update http://tiki.org/Official+Directors+Filing with latest information on incorporation filing
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usability issue: textareas misplaced on dev.t.o in Opera - cannot add details to bugreports
Bugs & Wish list
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USB key version of Tiki
The goal is to have a USB key version of Tiki.

Possible uses:
#Easy testing on a Windows desktop
#Have a backup of your Tiki on your MP3 player

Possible partners:
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user info from linked group tracker item gets wrong info for "username" if "usernamemoretext" exists
Using 2.0beta code, afaicr.

There are two different users (from two people) in a site: "Xavi" and "Xavier"

This user (which is me)

shows some data from the user "Xavier" (the data from the group tracker, afaik):
Nom: xavier
Cognoms: rocabert argila
Usuari: xavierrocabert
Telèfon: 932372798
Barri / Població: barcelona

As you can see, this information belongs to this other user:
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Username minimum character error is displayed even if no error
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Webinars: announce all 2014 webinars on info.tiki.org Calendar and WikiMatrix Calendar
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White screen when replying for forum on tiki.org - Only on a very specific thread
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Wiki page description is not saved anymore
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Wiki Syntax page at dev is broken (wishes plugin alias)
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wikiplugin inside tracker item are integrated in the wiki autotoc
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Survey fields need some polish (and love)
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Wish plugin (alias of PluginTrackerItemField) to have special class depending on open/closed/pending
on dev.tikiwiki.org, we have a custom syntax ~np~{wish id=1234}~/np~ to get information about a wish.

This shows the description of the wish, with a hyperlink.

This uses ((doc:PluginTrackerItemField)). If you are a Tiki admin, you can see the config here:

This is very very useful.

How, how could we indicate that a bug is solved? (ex.: on ((Tiki4))

If bug is solved, could it have a relevant class (ex.: special color, crossed out, etc.)?


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Wishlist from Admin Interface
You can get to help easily enough, but it's kind of hard to find the "wishlist" page.
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Workspaces: add to main Tiki code base
Please see ((workspace roadmap))
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WSOD (HTTP ERROR 500) on tiki.org forum id 4 ("Features / Usability") if logged in
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WYSIWYG testing: automated testing to edit and save, and check if anything was edited without user intervention
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The following is a list of keywords that should serve as hubs for navigation within the Tiki development and should correspond to documentation keywords.

Each feature in Tiki has a wiki page which regroups all the bugs, requests for enhancements, etc. It is somewhat a form of wiki-based project management. You can also express your interest in a feature by adding it to your profile. You can also try out the Dynamic filter.

Accessibility (WAI & 508)
Articles & Submissions
BigBlueButton audio/video/chat/screensharing
Browser Compatibility
Communication Center
Contacts Address book
Contact us
Content template
Custom Home (and Group Home Page)
Database MySQL - MyISAM
Database MySQL - InnoDB
Date and Time
Debugger Console
Directory (of hyperlinks)
Documentation link from Tiki to doc.tiki.org (Help System)
Draw -superseded by Diagram
Dynamic Content
Dynamic Variable
External Authentication
Featured links
Feeds (RSS)
File Gallery
Friendship Network (Community)
i18n (Multilingual, l10n, Babelfish)
Image Gallery
Inter-User Messages
Kaltura video management
Live Support
Logs (system & action)
Lost edit protection
Meta Tag
Missing features
Visual Mapping
OS independence (Non-Linux, Windows/IIS, Mac, BSD)
Organic Groups (Self-managed Teams)
Performance Speed / Load / Compression / Cache
Revision Approval
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Semantic links
Shopping Cart
Site Identity
Smarty Template
Social Networking
Spam protection (Anti-bot CATPCHA)
Staging and Approval
Syntax Highlighter (Codemirror)
Tell a Friend
Terms and Conditions
Federated Timesheets
Token Access
Toolbar (Quicktags)
User Administration
User Files
User Menu
Webmail and Groupmail
Wiki History, page rename, etc
Wiki plugins extends basic syntax
Wiki syntax text area, parser, etc
Wiki structure (book and table of content)
Workspace and perspectives

Useful Tools