
Category: Database MySQL (MyISAM)

What is related to the MySQL database.
Database MySQL (MyISAM)
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Name Type
"Source" button in wiki page should have its own permission - not depend on tiki_p_view_history
This is a new feature arrived in BRANCH-1-9

1. add feature_print and checks
2. add tiki_p_print and checks

The above problem-description makes no sense... please look at tw#74 for that
Problem rephrased:

The "Source" button is currently dependant on tiki_p_view_history - it should have a perm of its own.
tracker item
1.9.x: mysql error: tikilog iattempts to nsert new actions in tiki_logs as logId=0, on mysql 4.0.x
Using 1.9.7 or 1.9.cvs from mid july 2007, and mysql 4.0.x

When clearing cache through "Admin > System Admin", for instance (tiki-admin_system.php?do=templates_c), I hit a warning mysql error:

Warning: mysql error: Duplicate entry '0' for key 1 in query:

insert into `tiki_logs` (`logtype`,`logmessage`,`loguser`,`logip`,`logclient`,`logtime`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)

in /home/virtual/site21/fst/var/www/html/tikiwiki/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134

Looking at tikilog table in tiki db, I see:
^0 system erased templates_c content Xavi Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; ca; rv:1.... 1186492878^

When I delete this record from the db, then Tiki can delete templates once (through "Admin > System Admin"), but if I attempt to do it a second time, I get the same mysql error message.

It looks as if those actions are not saved with the right logId number, but to logId=0

This happens to one of the tikis I admin at:

tracker item
tracker item
database queries counter: remove until it is fixed
In the bottom bar of Tiki sites if activated there is some "debug" information. Notably:

{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
[ xx database queries used ]

The SQL counter report is incorrect and reports higher number. Since this is making Tiki look bad for no good reason I am removing until it's fixed.

Please see:
tracker item
tracker item
2 unused filelds for Tiki articles
+ALTER TABLE `tiki_articles` ADD `bibliographical_references` TEXT
+ALTER TABLE `tiki_submissions` ADD `bibliographical_references` TEXT

fhcorrea added them and confirmed that won't be used.
tracker item
Multilingual Meta Keywords and Meta Description (and increase 255 characters limit)
Please increase the limit and make it multilingual
tracker item
tracker item
DB update SQL statement
When upgrade from version 2.2 to 3.9, I received one database error.

The error is related to this statement:

INSERT INTO `tiki_menu_options` (`optionId`, `menuId`, `type`, `name`, `url`, `position`, `section`, `perm`, `groupname`, `userlevel`) VALUES (197,42,'o','Mind Map','tiki-mindmap.php',255,'feature_wiki_mindmap','tiki_p_view','',0)

The SQL statement failed to complete because the optionId 197 already exist.
tracker item
Search within a category
Categories are amazing for a large site. It makes it easier to manage. Next step is to add an option in search which can be filtered by category.
tracker item
database charset issue
we're having a charset issue when displaying tikiwiki pages.
The pages themselves are correctly sent as UTF-8: data coming from the localization files is fine.
However, data coming from the tikiwiki database is latin1, and those characters are shown as ? in a lozenge.

The database is encoded as UTF-8, but the default encoding for MySQL, set at build-time, is Latin1. So it appears that there is an implicit conversion done when getting/putting data to and from the DB.
Data received is converted from UTF-8 to Latin1, and data sent is considered to be Latin1 (though it is UTF-8), and converted again: the end result in the database is corrupted again.

It seems that this happens because tikiwiki uses the default charset encoding from the MySQL engine. On another system, with the same MySQL version, but built to use UTF-8 as default (--with-charset=utf-8), there is no problem.

It should probably use the "SET NAMES utf8" command to set the charset encoding, as described there:


Software used is:
Solaris 9
Apache 2.2.3
PHP 4.4.4
MySQL 5.0.24a
tracker item
add automatic sequential id to tracker
add automatic sequential id to tracker
get read access to internal id
tracker item
Add SQL/DB Link Tracker field type
tracker item
add trackers-quicktags to SQL-scripts
Textarea in Trackers checks for quicktags from the "tracker"-category - those are not yet in the db.
tracker item
Admin User gets many php warnings
If admin user get lots of php warnings. Eventually page will build. Other warnings depending on various DB requests. Not a cookie problem - deleted cookies. Not browser specific.

Typical warnings encountered.

Most everything:
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 2797
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 2802
Admin Menu:
Warning: usort(): Invalid comparison function. in lib/tikilib.php on line 1714
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/vamasono/public_html/cms/lib/pear/PEAR.php on line 425
Admin Groups:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php:2797) in tiki-admingroups.php on line 254

Installed full v1.9.1 to a DB with 1.9.0. Ran 1.9.0->1.9.1.
tracker item
Adodb script errors on a new installation when working with groups
On a new installation of TikiWiki 1.9.4 (installed via Fantastico on a LAMP server), I get the following error:

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /home/hocho/public_html/wiki/tikiwiki/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 834

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hocho/public_html/wiki/tikiwiki/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php:834) in /home/hocho/public_html/wiki/tikiwiki/tiki-adminusers.php on line 414

All I did was create a new group and try to assign the group to a new user.
I also don't know why it is using ADOdb when I am using MySQL.

All other functionality of TikiWiki seems fine.
tracker item
After upgrade 4.1->5.0 - Errors : 01 - Users maangement table :.tiki_trk_1 missing

As I told about, after upgrading from 4.2 (I am testing from 4.3) many errors occurs. This theated in a glabal way in id4377.

After connecting as administrator if you submit "Users management" and try to modify a user preférences you will reach a

__fatal error__ :

Table "<your database>.tiki_trk_1" missing

You will find joined the htm saved from "page source code"

tracker item
Call to ADONewConnection failing in plugins
I noticed that all the calls to the SQL plugin were killing my intranet website when going to version 4.x. Digging deeper I've narrowed it down to the ADONewConnection call of the wikiplugin_sql.php file. On that line of code PHP dies and I am left with a white page. I have tried playing with the call itself and even going to PDO which worked well enough to complete the page without dying, however I don't know enough about the PDO paradigm to actually retrieve data and rewriting the entire data retrieval strategy seems a bit extreme.

Upon learning of dbreport, the only other plugin I know of to also use ADONewConnection plugin, is also failing I've decided this might be an issue in the plugin engine itself which is beyond me to resolve. One black box at a time is my general approach to things and this now relates to ADO and the plugin engine.

I will continue to look at this issue, however assistance from bigger brains for PHP than my own would be a good thing.

tracker item
Categories feature enabled breaks database
3.0 Beta 2:

After enabling the Categories feature through Admin -> Features, the following error occurs when adding or editing pages, articles, file galleries, and everything that needs to alter the database.

(Names are arbitrary)

An error occured in a database query!

File tiki-editpage.php
Url tiki-editpage.php
insert into `tiki_objects`(`type`,`itemId`,`description`,`name`,`href`,`created`,`hits`,`comments_locked`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
0 wiki page
1 sdf
2 sadfsa
3 sdf
4 tiki-index.php?page=sdf
5 1239375431
6 0
7 n
Unknown column 'comments_locked' in 'field list'
Built query was probably:
insert into `tiki_objects`(`type`,`itemId`,`description`,`name`,`href`,`created`,`hits`,`comments_locked`) values('wiki page','sdf','sadfsa','sdf','tiki-index.php'1239375431'page=sdf','0','n',?)
tracker item
Check if tiki.sql and tiki_xtoy.sql give the same results
This occured to me, while looking at the homework-perms remove issue...
... could be, that there is still something left... not sure though - reminder!
tracker item
check_feature fields missing from tables when upgrading fom 2.1 to 5
When running the upgrade using tiki-install.php to upgrade from 2.1 to 5 33 database errors are reported. Several of these are "Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'" errors.

During an upgrade, it is normal to have SQL failures resulting with Table already exists messages.

-- 2009-11-05 lphuberdeau CREATE TABLE `tiki_auth_tokens` ( `tokenId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `creation` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `timeout` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `token` CHAR(32), `entry` VARCHAR(50), `parameters` VARCHAR(255), `groups` VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY( `tokenId` ), KEY `tiki_auth_tokens_token` (`token`) ) Table 'tiki_auth_tokens' already exists

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_dsn_query', 'Can execute arbitrary queries on a given DSN', 'admin', 'dsn', NULL, NULL) Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_file_backlinks` ( `fileId` int(14) NOT NULL, `objectId` int(12) NOT NULL, KEY `objectId` (`objectId`), KEY `fileId` (`fileId`) ); Table 'tiki_file_backlinks' already exists

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_view_newsletter', 'Can view the archive of a newsletters', 'basic', 'newsletters', NULL, 'feature_newsletters') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_perspective_edit', 'Can edit the perspective', 'admin', 'perspective', NULL, 'feature_perspective') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_perspective_create', 'Can create a perspective', 'admin', 'perspective', NULL, 'feature_perspective') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_perspective_admin', 'Can admin perspectives', 'admin', 'perspective', 'y', 'feature_perspective') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_payment_requests` ( `paymentRequestId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `amount` DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL, `amount_paid` DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, `currency` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `request_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `due_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, `cancel_date` TIMESTAMP NULL, `description` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `actions` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY( `paymentRequestId` ) ) Table 'tiki_payment_requests' already exists CREATE TABLE `tiki_payment_received` ( `paymentReceivedId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `paymentRequestId` INT NOT NULL, `payment_date` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `amount` DECIMAL(7,2), `type` VARCHAR(15), `details` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`paymentReceivedId`), KEY `payment_request_ix` (`paymentRequestId`) ) Table 'tiki_payment_received' already exists INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_payment_admin', 'Can administer payments', 'admin', 'payment', 'y', 'payment_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_payment_view', 'Can view payment requests and details', 'admin', 'payment', NULL, 'payment_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_payment_manual', 'Can enter manual payments', 'admin', 'payment', NULL, 'payment_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_payment_request', 'Can request a payment', 'admin', 'payment', NULL, 'payment_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO users_permissions (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES ('tiki_p_admin_modules', 'User can Administer Modules', 'registered', 'tiki', NULL, NULL) Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_blog_post_view_ref', 'Can view in module and feed the blog posts', 'basic', 'blogs', NULL, 'feature_blogs') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_blog_view_ref', 'Can view in module and feed the blog', 'basic', 'blogs', NULL, 'feature_blogs') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

ALTER TABLE tiki_payment_requests ADD COLUMN detail TEXT Duplicate column name 'detail'

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_wiki_view_ref', 'Can view in module and feed the wiki pages reference', 'basic', 'wiki', NULL, 'feature_wiki') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_rss_items` ( `rssItemId` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `rssId` INT NOT NULL, `guid` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `publication_date` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `author` VARCHAR(255), `description` TEXT, `content` TEXT, KEY `tiki_rss_items_rss` (`rssId`), UNIQUE `tiki_rss_items_item` (`rssId`, `guid`) ) Table 'tiki_rss_items' already exists ALTER TABLE `tiki_rss_modules` DROP COLUMN `content` Can't DROP 'content'; check that column/key exists ALTER TABLE `tiki_rss_modules` ADD COLUMN `sitetitle` VARCHAR(255) Duplicate column name 'sitetitle' ALTER TABLE `tiki_rss_modules` ADD COLUMN `siteurl` VARCHAR(255) Duplicate column name 'siteurl'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_user_login_cookies` ( `userId` INT NOT NULL, `secret` CHAR(64) NOT NULL, `expiration` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`, `secret`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 Table 'tiki_user_login_cookies' already exists

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_rate_article', 'Can rate articles', 'basic', 'cms', NULL, 'feature_articles') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_object_attributes` ( `attributeId` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `type` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `itemId` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `attribute` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(100), UNIQUE `item_attribute_uq` ( `type`, `itemId`, `attribute` ), KEY `attribute_lookup_ix` (`attribute`, `value`) ) Table 'tiki_object_attributes' already exists

CREATE TABLE `tiki_rating_configs` ( `ratingConfigId` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `expiry` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3600, `formula` TEXT NOT NULL, `callbacks` TEXT ) Table 'tiki_rating_configs' already exists CREATE TABLE `tiki_rating_obtained` ( `ratingId` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `ratingConfigId` INT NOT NULL, `type` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `object` INT NOT NULL, `expire` INT NOT NULL, `value` FLOAT NOT NULL, UNIQUE `tiki_obtained_rating_uq` (`type`, `object`, `ratingConfigId`) ) Table 'tiki_rating_obtained' already exists

ALTER TABLE `tiki_auth_tokens` ADD COLUMN `hits` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `timeout` Duplicate column name 'hits'

CREATE TABLE `tiki_object_relations` ( `relationId` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `relation` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `source_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `source_itemId` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `target_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `target_itemId` varchar(255) NOT NULL, KEY `relation_source_ix` (`source_type`, `source_itemId`), KEY `relation_target_ix` (`target_type`, `target_itemId`) ) Table 'tiki_object_relations' already exists

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_tracker_dump', 'Can save a CSV backup of entire trackers', 'admin', 'trackers', NULL, 'feature_trackers') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_bigbluebutton_join', 'Can join a meeting', 'basic', 'bigbluebutton', NULL, 'bigbluebutton_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_bigbluebutton_moderate', 'Can moderate a meeting', 'admin', 'bigbluebutton', NULL, 'bigbluebutton_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list' INSERT INTO `users_permissions` (`permName`, `permDesc`, `level`, `type`, `admin`, `feature_check`) VALUES('tiki_p_bigbluebutton_create', 'Can create a meeting', 'admin', 'bigbluebutton', NULL, 'bigbluebutton_feature') Unknown column 'feature_check' in 'field list'

If you think that the errors of a patch can be ignored, please check the checkbox associated to it before clicking on continue.
tracker item
Comments to Image Galleries cause failure in mod-since_last_visit_new.php causing site crash
When any user creates a comment for an image gallery all users with the since_last_visit_new module active will not be able to access the site. Instead they will receive this error message:

Notice: Undefined index: list in /hsphere/local/home/stdiddl/breakingpaint.com/BP2/modules/mod-since_last_visit_new.php on line 87

{CODE(caption=Excerpt_from_line_86)} if (!isset($perm) || $userlib->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$res['object'], $res['objectType'], $perm)) {
if ($ret["items"]["comments"]["list"][$count]["href"])
$ret["items"]["comments"]["list"][$count]["href"] .= '&amp;comments_show=y#threadId'.$res['threadId'];
$ret["items"]["comments"]["list"][$count]["title"] = $tikilib->get_short_datetime($res["commentDate"]) ." ". tra("by") ." ". $res["userName"];
$ret["items"]["comments"]["list"][$count]["label"] = $res["title"];

Recreating the problem:
#Enable comments for image galleries in Admin>general
#Enable the module since_last_visit_new
#Create an image gallery if one does not already exist
#view an image gallery and post a comment
tracker item
Crash on a replication of site from Unix to Windows - and windows installation

~~#0c6:HELP, I spent 120 hours on the problem, and I am completely stopped in my Work because I can't install Tikiwiki on the development tool on windows. I could not find a way to understand why 4.1 installation seam's impossible on windows. A failure, that I could not find till know, on windows is not detected by the product.~~

Sorry for the length.

I try to install on windows to make test and developments an installation of tikiwiki 4.1 that is on a unix system (OVH provider with shared servers). So I can't have xdebug and many other facilities.
This local replication is needed to begin my participation to the dev.tikiwiki.org.

For this I have :
1- Changed the way to hold .htaccess (patch) For my apache I use the définition
AccessFileName access.htaccess
My various application are accessed via virtualhosts
this since six years.
2- Enable all needed extension for php : the lonely problem is that it not exists an adodb.dll for php 5.3.0 on windows (not found)

After I tried a manual installation :
- create mysql db with data 4.1
- create local.php

This crash on (see screen xdebug copy) the instruction in tikisession-pdo.php

But when I made the searches (this is the opportunity to go inside the product)
__I could not find the way how the instance of the class TikiDb inherit of the setAttribute method from probably Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo__
in lib\core\lib\Zend\Db\Statement\Pdo.php:411:

If the link exists I am interested in the fact to understand the structure.
If this come from the lack of the adodb.dll extension (functions and constants) this should be detected and I could not reach this execution point.

Generally may be a detection of php extension features could in the future avoid my "exploration".

I will redact when I will have solved all the problems a document about detail of a good implementation on windows.

Thank's for an answer, because I am locked till 15 days on this problem.

Trebly :

''__Nota1: __''I try new clean installation which don't functions, it crashes, after everything seems to be ended well installed the data are empty and a loop of to forms is without issue :
# because the data base is not populated
# because at the end we go back to the screen for validation of user and pass (second time) which calls the language form ad vitam.
The analyze shows that the POST('user') and POST('pass') are not got back into tiki-install.php and the failed installer is not run again.
Finally if I populate the data base with the data's (SQL) coming from one of the to implementations I reach the same as described upon.

''__Nota2:__'' The data's are well accessed by phpmyadmin and the parameters OK.
__Nota3:__'' I run Mysql with mysqli extension. 256Mo of memory for php
* Version du serveur: 5.1.37-community-log
* Version du protocole: 10
* Utilisateur: root@localhost
* Jeu de caractères pour MySQL: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Serveur web
* Apache/2.2.13 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.13 OpenSSL/0.9.8k SVN/1.6.6 PHP/5.3.0
* Version du client MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.5-dev - 081106 - $Revision: $
* Extension PHP: mysqli
* Version: 3.2.1

May be there are other reasons that I have not found after 100hours of work...

tracker item
Creator text box missing when creating blog in tiki-edit_blog.php
When a user attempts to create a blog, the Creator text box is missing and the creator value is not stored when the record is committed.
tracker item
Database engine is inconsistent on hosts with non-MyISAM default engines.
When installing Tiki 6.1 on a system with an engine other than MyISAM as the MySQL default, it creates a random mix of MyISAM tables and the default type tables. This gives the user all the drawbacks of using MyISAM without any of the benefits of using MyISAM, since the management features specific to each engine cannot be used uniformly. Ideally, Tiki should honor the MySQL default, but even forcing MyISAM consistently would be an improvement.

Tiki 6.1
PHP 5.1.6
MySQL 5.0.77
tracker item
database error in image galery after migration from 2.3 to 4.1
After migration from 2.3 to 4.1 the following error occurs, if i try to open the image galerys with the link http://www.kfs-hg-test.de/tiki-galleries.php?filter=topgal:

select `sortorder`,`sortdirection` from `tiki_galleries` where `galleryId`='9'

The single pictures are available in the wiki oages as befiorder, but it is not possible to list the galerys.

tracker item
database mysql 3.23.58 install problems
10 MySQL "create table" commands are not compatible w/ the 3.23.58 version of MySQL

The last 2 use tables use ENGINE=MyISAM instead of TYPE=MyISAM and have a VARCHAR field of size 256 (255 is ok to use)

Here are those queries
Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_modules (
moduleId int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
position char(1) default NULL,
ord int(4) default NULL,
type char(1) default NULL,
title varchar(255) default NULL,
cache_time int(14) default NULL,
rows int(4) default NULL,
params varchar(255) default NULL,
groups text,
PRIMARY KEY (name, position, ord),
KEY positionType (position, type),
KEY moduleId (moduleId)
Message: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_page_drafts (
user varchar(200) default '',
pageName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
data mediumtext,
description varchar(200) default NULL,
comment varchar(200) default NULL,
lastModif int(14) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (pageName(120), `user`(120))
Message: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_tracker_item_fields (
itemId int(12) NOT NULL default '0',
fieldId int(12) NOT NULL default '0',
lang char(16) default NULL,
value text,
PRIMARY KEY (itemId,fieldId,lang),
FULLTEXT KEY ft (value)
Message: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_user_assigned_modules (
name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
position char(1) default NULL,
ord int(4) default NULL,
type char(1) default NULL,
user varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (name(30),user,position)
Message: All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

Command: CREATE TABLE `tiki_webmail_contacts_ext` (
`contactId` int(11) NOT NULL,
`fieldId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`hidden` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
KEY `contactId` (`contactId`)
Message: Too big column length for column 'value' (max = 255). Use BLOB instead

Command: CREATE TABLE `tiki_webmail_contacts_fields` (
`fieldId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`user` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL ,
`fieldname` VARCHAR( 256 ) NOT NULL ,
`order` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
`show` char(1) NOT NULL default 'n',
PRIMARY KEY ( `fieldId` ),
INDEX ( `user` )
Message: Too big column length for column 'fieldname' (max = 255). Use BLOB instead
tracker item
DB error with new 1.10 install or upgrade over 1.9.9
I was running 1.9.9 on a SLES 10 linux box, and we are running MySQL on Novell Netware, MySQL version 4.0.26a.

I tried an upgrade directly over the top of 1.9.9, and I got that error. So, I tried a Clean install on a new database, and I got the same error.

As a troubleshooting step, I tried creating a blank database with the name that it specifies, but then it just gives the following error message
"Unknown column 'bits.translation_bit_id' in 'field list'".

I suspect the installer script isn't creating this table and fields properly.

This error occurs anytime any Page is clicked on, including the main index page. It is a major roadblock to basic functionality.
tracker item
dbTiki error when posting new message in forum
Bug report available at
tracker item
Bugs & Wish list
tracker item
DefaultSettingsChanges in 1.10
We need to decide about ((tw:DefaultSettingsChanges)) in 1.10

Some of the new features are much better than previous ones (ex new diff engine). People upgrading their Tiki could conserve their setting. However, new installs should take advantage of the new features.

A note should be added in tiki-install.php This must be low maintenance for Tiki dev team.
tracker item
error if inserting tracker item from wiki plugin (simple tracker)
I created a tracker with several fields, mainly rating, textareas, dropdown, user selector, date selector.
Id position name type options isMain Tbl vis Searchable Public Hidden Mandatory
291 0 Rating system -2,-1,0,1,2 - y - y - -
293 edit 20 Descricpión de la incidencia textarea 1,60,5,1000 y y y y n y remove
294 edit 21 Tipología de redacción colaborativa drop down elegir uno,documentos de ofimática solo... n y y y n y remove
295 edit 22 Comentarios textarea 1,60,5,1000 n y y y n n remove
297 edit 27 Dia jscalendar n y y y n n remove
296 edit 30 Informante user selector 1 n y y y n n remove||

Called all fields from a wiki TRACKER plugin (the data field and user selector are not shown through plugin, even if configured as "public"), and submit some data (required and visible fields).

Then I got this error:

Warning: mysql error: Duplicate entry '240-296' for key 1 in query:

insert into `tiki_tracker_item_fields`(`itemId`,`fieldId`,`value`) values(?,?,?)

in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134

File /tiki-index.php
Url /tiki-index.php?trackit=10&page=prova&refresh=1&track%5B293%5D=prueba&track%5B294%5D=Wiki&track%5B295%5D=prueba&authorfieldid=296&track%5B296%5D=Xavi&action=Envia-ho
insert into `tiki_tracker_item_fields`(`itemId`,`fieldId`,`value`) values(?,?,?)
0 240
1 296
2 Xavi
Error Message Duplicate entry '240-296' for key 1

array(6) {
array(6) {
string(65) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/tikidblib.php"
string(9) "sql_error"
string(10) "trackerlib"
string(2) "->"
array(3) {
&string(80) "insert into `tiki_tracker_item_fields`(`itemId`,`fieldId`,`value`) values(?,?,?)"
&array(3) {
string(4) "Xavi"
array(6) {
string(75) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php"
string(5) "query"
string(10) "trackerlib"
string(2) "->"
array(2) {
&string(80) "insert into `tiki_tracker_item_fields`(`itemId`,`fieldId`,`value`) values(?,?,?)"
&array(3) {
string(4) "Xavi"
array(6) {
string(87) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php"
string(12) "replace_item"
string(10) "trackerlib"
string(2) "->"
array(4) {
&string(2) "10"
&array(1) {
array(6) {
array(3) {
string(6) "prueba"
array(3) {
string(4) "Wiki"
array(3) {
string(6) "prueba"
array(3) {
string(4) "Xavi"
array(4) {
string(3) "296"
string(4) "Xavi"
string(1) "u"
array(2) {
string(5) "prova"
&string(1) "o"
array(4) {
string(63) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/tikilib.php"
string(18) "wikiplugin_tracker"
array(2) {
&string(156) "Formulari per informar d'incidències durant la redacció colaborativa de la "Guia Erasmus", segons la tipologia de redacció colaborativa emprada"
&array(7) {
string(2) "10"
string(23) "291:293:294:295:297:296"
string(8) "Envia-ho"
string(1) "y"
string(1) "y"
string(1) "y"
string(1) "y"
array(6) {
string(63) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/lib/tikilib.php"
string(11) "parse_first"
string(7) "tikilib"
string(2) "->"
array(3) {
&string(752) "{img src="img/wiki_up/Categories-ADMIN-001.png" }

img src="img/wiki_up/Categories-ADMIN-001.png"

{TRACKER(trackerId=>10,fields=>291:293:294:295:297:296,action=>Envia-ho,showtitle=>y,showdesc=>y,showmandatory=>y,embedded=>y)}Formulari per informar d'incidències durant la redacció colaborativa de la "Guia Erasmus", segons la tipologia de redacció colaborativa emprada{TRACKER}

{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>10,fields=>291:293:294:295:297:296,showtitle=>y,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>y,showinitials=>y,showstatus=>n,status=>opc,sort_mode=>asc,max=>3,filterfield=>294,filtervalue=>documentos de ofimática solo acesibles en local,exactvalue=>)}Notice{TRACKERLIST}"
&array(2) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
&array(2) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(6) {
string(62) "/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/tiki-index.php"
string(10) "parse_data"
string(7) "tikilib"
string(2) "->"
array(2) {
&string(752) "{img src="img/wiki_up/Categories-ADMIN-001.png" }

img src="img/wiki_up/Categories-ADMIN-001.png"

{TRACKER(trackerId=>10,fields=>291:293:294:295:297:296,action=>Envia-ho,showtitle=>y,showdesc=>y,showmandatory=>y,embedded=>y)}Formulari per informar d'incidències durant la redacció colaborativa de la "Guia Erasmus", segons la tipologia de redacció colaborativa emprada{TRACKER}

{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>10,fields=>291:293:294:295:297:296,showtitle=>y,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>y,showinitials=>y,showstatus=>n,status=>opc,sort_mode=>asc,max=>3,filterfield=>294,filtervalue=>documentos de ofimática solo acesibles en local,exactvalue=>)}Notice{TRACKERLIST}"
&string(1) "0"
tracker item
Error installing into UTF-8 MySQL database
When installing TikiWiki 3.0 into MySQL (I'm using 5.1.35 but I don't think it matters much) where the database has been created with a charset of 'utf-8' (typically because this is the server default), one table cannot be created and that command and subsequent inserts fail:

CREATE TABLE `tiki_sefurl_regex_out` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`left` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`right` varchar(256) NULL default NULL,
`type` varchar(32) NULL default NULL,
`silent` char(1) NULL default 'n',
`feature` varchar(256) NULL default NULL,
`comment` varchar(256),
`order` int(11) NULL default 0,
UNIQUE KEY `left` (`left`(256)),
INDEX `idx1` (silent, type, feature(30))
y was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

The issue is that the table key is too long when using UTF-8. See [http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=4541].
tracker item
Error message when trying to subscribe a second time to the newsletter
This is error message:

File /tiki-newsletters.php
Url /tiki-newsletters.php
insert into `tiki_newsletter_subscriptions`(`nlId`,`email`,`code`,`valid`,`subscribed`,`isUser`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)
0 16
1 marclaporte
2 f5c1651f42442974d3114db487c55be4
3 n
4 1142651354
5 y
Error Message Duplicate entry '16-marclaporte-y' for key 1
tracker item
Error occured when trying to switch user from ADMIN page


An error occured in a database query!

File tiki-adminusers.php
Url tiki-adminusers.php


select distinct up.* from `users_permissions` as up, `users_grouppermissions` as ug where ug.`groupName` in () and up.`permName`=ug.`permName`



You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') and up.`permName`=ug.`permName`' at line 1

Built query was probably:

select distinct up.* from `users_permissions` as up, `users_grouppermissions` as ug where ug.`groupName` in () and up.`permName`=ug.`permName`
tracker item
Exporting tracker items does not work when selecting a custom default sort order field
Exporting a tracker does not work when selecting a custom default sort order field for the tracker.
Fields that do work :

All other fields will result in a csv file containing the error page html code.

It seems that the order by value in the SQL statement is not properly generated.

File tiki-export_tracker.php
Url tiki-export_tracker.php
select * from `tiki_tracker_items` tti where tti.`trackerId`=? order by `` desc

0 4

Built query was probably:
select * from `tiki_tracker_items` tti where tti.`trackerId`='4' order by `` desc
tracker item
File galleries broken after 4.3 to 5.x upgrade
Yesterday I upgraded from 4.3 to 5.2, and everytying seemed to go ok (all upgrade operations were executed successfully). However, every time I try to edit or create a file gallery I get the same error message, which seems to be related to a missing field (show_lastDownload) in the tiki_file_galleries table.

I copy below one of such errors. Please, note that, according to the community forums [http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=38578&topics_offset=2&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=6|this issue was already reported for a 4.3 to 5.1 upgrade].

I think that a) somebody should check the upgrade for a possible bug, and if possible b) find a way to solve this issue for sites running tiki 5.x with this feature broken.


The following error message was returned:

Unknown column 'show_lastDownload' in 'field list'

The query was:
insert into `tiki_file_galleries`(`name`, `description`, `created`, `user`, `lastModif`, `maxRows`, `public`, `hits`, `visible`, `show_id`, `show_icon`, `show_name`, `show_description`, `show_created`, `show_hits`, `show_lastDownload`, `max_desc`, `type`, `parentId`, `lockable`, `show_lockedby`, `archives`, `sort_mode`, `show_modified`, `show_creator`, `show_author`, `subgal_conf`, `show_last_user`, `show_comment`, `show_files`, `show_explorer`, `show_path`, `show_slideshow`, `default_view`, `quota`, `image_max_size_x`, `image_max_size_y`, `backlinkPerms`, `show_backlinks`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)


1. mytestfilegallery
3. 1285469672
4. jme
5. 1285469672
6. 25
7. n
8. 0
9. y
10. o
11. y
12. f
13. n
14. y
15. y
16. n
17. 1024
18. default
19. 19
20. n
21. n
22. -1
24. y
25. o
26. o
28. o
29. o
30. y
31. y
32. y
34. list
35. 0
36. 0
37. 0
38. n
39. n

The built query was likely:
insert into `tiki_file_galleries`(`name`, `description`, `created`, `user`, `lastModif`, `maxRows`, `public`, `hits`, `visible`, `show_id`, `show_icon`, `show_name`, `show_description`, `show_created`, `show_hits`, `show_lastDownload`, `max_desc`, `type`, `parentId`, `lockable`, `show_lockedby`, `archives`, `sort_mode`, `show_modified`, `show_creator`, `show_author`, `subgal_conf`, `show_last_user`, `show_comment`, `show_files`, `show_explorer`, `show_path`, `show_slideshow`, `default_view`, `quota`, `image_max_size_x`, `image_max_size_y`, `backlinkPerms`, `show_backlinks`) values ('mytestfilegallery','','1285469672','jme','1285469672','25','n','0','y','o','y','f','n','y','y','n','1024','default','19','n','n','-1',NULL,'y','o','o',NULL,'o','o','y','y','y',NULL,'list','0','0','0','n','n')
tracker item
filtering this tracker on this site is not working!
List tracker items of dev.tw.o/tracker5
Filter them by summary for the word "group", or submitted by "xavidp" (for instance).
I get no results, when there are some (or plenty) records...
tracker item
Fresh install of v3.2 fails with plugin approval
Made a new install of Tiki v3.2 on a Ubuntu 8.04.3 system as server (includes MySQL in version 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4).
Surfing at tiki-plugins.php produces the following error message:
{CODE(wrap="1",ln="0",ishtml="1")}<div class="cbox-data"><br>
<div class="simplebox error">
<div class="simplebox"><b>An error occured in a database query!</b></div><br>
<table class="form">
<tbody><tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">Context:</td></tr>
<tr class="formcolor"><td>File</td><td>tiki-plugins.php</td></tr>
<tr class="formcolor"><td>Url</td><td>tiki-plugins.php</td></tr>
<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">Query:</td></tr>
<tr class="formcolor"><td colspan="2">
<tt>SELECT fingerprint, added_by, last_update, last_objectType, last_objectId FROM tiki_plugin_security WHERE status = 'pending' ORDER BY last_update DESC</tt>
<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">Values:</td></tr>
<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">Message:</td></tr>
<tr class="formcolor"><td colspan="2"></td></tr>

<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">Built query was probably:</td></tr>
<tr class="formcolor"><td colspan="2">SELECT fingerprint, added_by, last_update, last_objectType, last_objectId FROM tiki_plugin_security WHERE status = 'pending' ORDER BY last_update DESC</td></tr>
edit: Sorry, forgot to mention that this bug also affects the using of plugins. Using a plugin in a wiki page that needs approval produces the same error message. (Saw someone in [http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-10-02,Fri|the irc log] with this problem, which is also ===this=== bug, so I edit to clarify it.)
tracker item
Google-like tags (different from predefined categories)
Categorisation is a social problem - different people have different words for the "same" category.

Use Google-like tags (check schtuff.com for a nice example) - this would make lots of wiki pages easier to find, IMHO.
tracker item
Homework Permissions are still in 1.9.1
Homework feature has been kicked out - but the permissions are still in there, when looking at

Admin -> Groups
tracker item
Image Gallery fails with Unknown column 'g.parentgallery' in 'on clause'
I am running Tiki 1.9.7 with MySQL on Linux.

I have gone through the tiki_mysql.sql file and have found no reference to the column listed in the error message:

File tiki-galleries.php
Url tiki-galleries.php
select g.*, a.`name` as parentgalleryName from `tiki_galleries` g left join `tiki_galleries` a on g.`parentgallery` = a.`galleryId` order by `name` desc
Error Message Unknown column 'g.parentgallery' in 'on clause'

This appears as soon as I click on "Image Galleries" folder from the Menu module, or "Galleries".

I also get the same error message when I try and click on "Upload Image":

File tiki-upload_image.php
Url tiki-upload_image.php
select g.*, a.`name` as parentgalleryName from `tiki_galleries` g left join `tiki_galleries` a on g.`parentgallery` = a.`galleryId` order by `lastModif` desc
Error Message Unknown column 'g.parentgallery' in 'on clause'

Apparently this column needs to exist, but I have no idea what the column settings should be. This is preventing me from even using the image gallery feature.
tracker item
Increase size of article title from 80 to 255 char
subtitles and topline have 255 characters so why is title limited?
tracker item
initialization of tiki_integrator_rules doesnt work
Default values in tiki-integrator don't work:

INSERT INTO tiki_integrator_rules VALUES ('1','1','1','.*<body[^>]*?>(.*?)</body.*','\1','y','n','i','y','Extract code between <body> and </body> tags');

The 'i' for regex options should be 'ism' to not only ignore case, but process multiline and let '.' match newlines. As is, it only works if the original page is all on one line.

Likewise the "\1" needs an extra \, and should be '\\1'. mysql is eating the first one and thinking that it is just unmagicking the '1', which didn't need it.

I would fix this, but editing the .sql files scares me. :)
tracker item
Installation error - cannot create database "tiki_profile_symbols"
Sorry if I'm either reporting this in the wrong place, or reporting a known issue. I've looked around a bit but couldn't find my problem listed. I have two TW installations that have run fine for 2 years, and I just downloaded the latest version of TW for a new application.

Created a MySQL 4 database.
Ran the automatic installation routine.

Got told there were 1000+ OK SQL statements, and 1 that failed.

When I click on "details" I get:

Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_profile_symbols (
`domain` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`profile` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`object` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`type` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
`value` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
`named` ENUM('y','n') NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY( `domain`, `profile`, `object` ),
Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY( `domain`, `profile`, `object`

I did this a second time to make sure (brand new directory on the server, and brand new SQL database). I cannot access the Admin-Modules segment in my new TW installation; I get the following error. Everything else appears to work -- new setup is at http://dev.steadfastlutherans.org .. second setup is at http://dev.steadfastlutherans.com .. I can give anyone admin access if you need it.

Pretty standard linux install, using 1and1.com servers.

Any help appreciated!

An error occured in a database query!

File tiki-admin_modules.php
Url tiki-admin_modules.php
SELECT `tc`.*, tpcd.`data`, COALESCE(`tpcf`.`future`,0) AS `future`, COALESCE(`tpca`.`actual`,?) AS `actual`, COALESCE(`tpcn`.`next`,?) AS `next`, GREATEST(0, COALESCE(`tpco`.`old`,0) - 1) AS `old` FROM (`tiki_content` AS `tc` LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `contentId`, count(*) AS `future` FROM `tiki_programmed_content` WHERE `publishDate`>? GROUP BY contentId ) AS `tpcf` ON ( `tc`.`contentId` = `tpcf`.`contentId` ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `contentId`, max(`publishDate`) AS `actual` FROM `tiki_programmed_content` WHERE `publishDate`<=? GROUP BY contentId ) AS `tpca` ON ( `tc`.`contentId` = `tpca`.`contentId` ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `contentId`, min(`publishDate`) AS `next` FROM `tiki_programmed_content` WHERE `publishDate`>=? GROUP BY contentId ) AS `tpcn` ON ( `tc`.`contentId` = `tpcn`.`contentId` ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `contentId`, count(*) AS `old` FROM `tiki_programmed_content` WHERE `publishDate`<? GROUP BY contentId ) AS `tpco` ON ( `tc`.`contentId` = `tpco`.`contentId` ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT `contentId`, `data`, `publishDate` FROM `tiki_programmed_content` ) AS `tpcd` ON ( `tc`.`contentId` = `tpcd`.`contentId` AND `tpcd`.`publishDate` = `tpca`.`actual` )) ORDER BY `contentId` desc
0 1229233709
1 1229233709
2 1229233709
3 1229233709
4 1229233709
5 1229233709
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT `contentId`, count(*) AS `future` FROM `tiki_programmed_
tracker item
Installer fails numerous sql creates with Incorrect sub part key or Specified key was too long error
Am trying to install 1.9-BRANCH (1.9.8) on my server. 1.9.7 worked fine, 1.10 worked fine after a tweak, but this 1.9.8 install seems to barf.

Running Mysql 4.1.1, and have even copied the db/tiki-1.9-mysql.sql contents for the create table segments that failed and used phpMyAdmin without success. A full example is:

Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_articles (
articleId int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
topline varchar(255) default NULL,
title varchar(80) default NULL,
subtitle varchar(255) default NULL,
linkto varchar(255) default NULL,
lang varchar(16) default NULL,
state char(1) default 's',
authorName varchar(60) default NULL,
topicId int(14) default NULL,
topicName varchar(40) default NULL,
size int(12) default NULL,
useImage char(1) default NULL,
image_name varchar(80) default NULL,
image_caption text default NULL,
image_type varchar(80) default NULL,
image_size int(14) default NULL,
image_x int(4) default NULL,
image_y int(4) default NULL,
image_data longblob,
publishDate int(14) default NULL,
expireDate int(14) default NULL,
created int(14) default NULL,
heading text,
body text,
hash varchar(32) default NULL,
author varchar(200) default NULL,
nbreads int(14) default NULL,
votes int(8) default NULL,
points int(14) default NULL,
type varchar(50) default NULL,
rating decimal(3,2) default NULL,
isfloat char(1) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (articleId),
KEY title (title),
KEY heading (heading(255)),
KEY body (body(255)),
KEY nbreads (nbreads),
KEY author (author(32)),
KEY topicId (topicId),
KEY publishDate (publishDate),
KEY expireDate (expireDate),
KEY type (type),
FULLTEXT KEY ft (title,heading,body)
Message: Incorrect sub part key. The used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part or the storage engine doesn't support unique sub keys


Command: CREATE TABLE tiki_blogs (
blogId int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
created int(14) default NULL,
lastModif int(14) default NULL,
title varchar(200) default NULL,
description text,
user varchar(40) default NULL,
public char(1) default NULL,
posts int(8) default NULL,
maxPosts int(8) default NULL,
hits int(8) default NULL,
activity decimal(4,2) default NULL,
heading text,
use_find char(1) default NULL,
use_title char(1) default NULL,
add_date char(1) default NULL,
add_poster char(1) default NULL,
allow_comments char(1) default NULL,
show_avatar char(1) default NULL,
KEY title (title),
KEY description (description(255)),
KEY hits (hits),
FULLTEXT KEY ft (title,description)
Message: Specified key was too long. Max key length is 500

which ultimately cause:

Command: # --------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO tiki_modules (name,position,ord,cache_time,groups) VALUES ('login_box','r',1,0,'a:2:{i:0;s:10:"Registered";i:1;s:9:"Anonymous";}')
Message: Table 'tiki-19branch.tiki_modules' doesn't exist

because the table never gets created.

I'm not sure how to go about fixing this problem.
tracker item
InterTiki: "known_hosts" entered into dbase incorrectly for first entry
This follows extensive regression into InterTiki setup problems. There are 2 bugs in here, but they are likely related as they exhibit the same performance. I am unsure where the problem lies (someone familiar with the code could fix this in a heartbeat).

Both these apply to a fresh install of Tiki and getting InterTiki up and operational. I have replicated this bug on 2 different setups (2 different hosts).
# Tiki 3.0 beta 4
# Tiki 3.0 RC1

!!Server Setup Error
During initial server setup, as Tiki Admin, setting up the KnownHosts information. Typically, I would only setup one known host for demo purposes. However, in spite of tweaks, I kept seeing the InterTiki response error __Invalid Server Key__.

I tracked through to code to the /remote.php validate function, around lines 58 or so. It seems like it always ended up inside the if clause (failing the validation).

{CODE()}''print_r($prefs['known_hosts']);'' {CODE}
at the top of the validate function I received the following from the master:
( [0] => Array (
[name] => tiki2
[key] => mysecretkey
[ip] =>
[contact] => mizraith )

No wonder it failed the test, as the if statement was indexing into "known_hosts" using the key.
''!isset($prefs['known_hosts'][$key]) or $prefs['known_hosts'][$key]['ip'] != $tikilib->get_ip_address())''.

As you can see, the initial setup from within Tiki failed to properly key the database entry. The database entry has a key of [0].

Adding another "known_host" in the InterTiki admin shows correct behavior:
[0] => Array
[name] => tiki2
[key] => mysecretkey
[ip] =>
[contact] => mizraith

[anotherkey] => Array
[name] => another
[key] => anotherkey
[ip] =>
[contact] => mizraith


!!!Additional Regression
Editing that first Known Host in the InterTiki admin screen does not fix the key value. AFAIK, one has to __delete__ the first known host that is entered (throwaway). From then on, it seems to work.

!!Client Setup Error
Although I didn't recognize it at the time, I have seen this same error during client setup of InterTiki. In that process, admin must enter a Known_Server. The first server you enter in seems to go into the database with a key of [0], even though InterTiki will search on the server's key name.

tracker item
Bad SQL-Mode
'ziit_tikiwiki.tf.galleryId' isn't in GROUP BY

Die Abfrage war:
SELECT tab.* FROM ((SELECT 0 as `isgal`, tf.`fileId` as `id`, tf.`galleryId` as `parentId`, tf.`name`, tf.`description`, tf.`filesize` as `size`, tf.`created`, tf.`filename`, tf.`filetype` as `type`, tf.`user` as `creator`, tf.`author`, tf.`hits`, tf.`lastDownload`, tf.`votes`, tf.`points`, tf.`path`, tf.`reference_url`, tf.`is_reference`, tf.`hash`, tf.`search_data`, tf.`lastModif` as `lastModif`, tf.`lastModifUser` as `last_user`, tf.`lockedby`, tf.`comment`, tf.`deleteAfter`, tf.`maxhits`, tf.`archiveId`, '' as `visible`, '' as `public`, tf.`fileId`, tf.`galleryId`, tf.`filesize`, tf.`filetype`, tf.`user`, tf.`lastModifUser`, '' as `files`, count(tfh.`fileId`) as `nbArchives` FROM `tiki_files` as tf LEFT JOIN `tiki_files` tfh ON (tf.`fileId` = tfh.`archiveId`) WHERE tf.`archiveId`=0 AND tf.`galleryId`=? GROUP BY tf.`fileId`) UNION (SELECT 1 as `isgal`, tfg.`galleryId` as `id`, tfg.`parentId`, tfg.`name`, tfg.`description`, 0 as `size`, tfg.`created`, tfg.`name` as `filename`, tfg.`type`, tfg.`user` as `creator`, '' as `author`, tfg.`hits`, 0 as `lastDownload`, tfg.`votes`, tfg.`points`, '' as `path`, '' as `reference_url`, '' as `is_reference`, '' as `hash`, tfg.`name` as `search_data`, tfg.`lastModif` as `lastModif`, '' as `last_user`, '' as `lockedby`, '' as `comment`, '' as `deleteAfter`, '' as `maxhits`, 0 as `archiveId`, tfg.`visible`, tfg.`public`, tfg.`galleryId` as `fileId`, tfg.`parentId` as `galleryId`, 0 as `filesize`, tfg.`type` as `filetype`, tfg.`user`, '' as `lastModifUser`, count(distinct tfc.`fileId`) as `files`, 0 as `nbArchives` FROM `tiki_file_galleries` as tfg LEFT JOIN `tiki_files` tfc ON (tfg.`galleryId` = tfc.`galleryId`) WHERE 1=1 AND tfg.`parentId`=? GROUP BY tfg.`galleryId`)) as tab ORDER BY `isgal` desc
tracker item
Crash SQL State 23000 error 1092 duplicate entre in tiki_unstranslated (if option used)
In tra.php (8.1) it is necessary to check if an entry exists, the function used is always "getOne".

Unfortunately the instruction used {CODE()}! $tikilib->getOne(....){CODE} seems to return always true and generated the crash.
tracker item
After an install with upgrade, tiki-admin displays the error "invalid database" ad-vitam
(Not yet checked for trunk)

After running installer with upgrade we get the message "Invalid database run installer..."

Running installer don't changes anything to database, but the message is still displayed.
It is a consistency "deadlock by soft".

The lonely thing generated by installer is a reset which needs to reset manually the admin account and clear all caches and cookies (see #4066 admin login problem).

~~#090:!!!Going on 12/06/2011~~

I need to check the soft.

The message is sent by "installer" $installer instance of class installer in installib
It checks before the validation of patches on db using $installer->recordPatch($patch) for each one.
recordPatch function in installer records the patch into tiki_schema as done with his full date.

The concerned (got by a var_dump) patch is "20110904_shoutbox_def_tweetid_tiki"
is not into the tiki_schema table.
So the test functions, but the tiki-install failed to make this patch on another version OK, as it is defined.

__~~#F00:When it runs now (installer at 8.1 level) it don't tries to make the upgrade. This is the deadlock.
__What is done if an old patch is not there !!!__

More there is no report at all.~~__

tracker item
tracker item
How to search in Author in tiki??
I have a problem with search in tiki.I wish i can search blog,article,forum... belong to author or creator.I'm researching Zend_Search_Lucene.If you have a solution of this problem.Please help me!!!thankful for all.
tracker item
Expanding the Excersise Plugin so that user data is stored in database
The plugin Exercise is a nice way to for students to get feedback on their learning. For an instructor or an admin it would be very useful to have a way of checking student's success. That way, the instructor could evaluate how easy the material is, or if certain students need extra help with something.

As far as I understand, right now exercise input data is not stored in the database so there is no way to track the exercise outcome. It would be great if a table could be added to the database where the this data could be stored and accessed.
tracker item
Features Classification
tracker item
tracker item
last_insert_id() is mysql-specific - need to replace with ADODB equivalent
last_insert_id() is used in SQL in a couple of places in TikiWIki. This is a mysql-specific function that breaks functionality when other databases are used.

For TikiWiki CVS HEAD (1.10):

lib/articles/artlib.php:152: $query = "select `subId` from `tiki_submissions` where `subId`=last_insert_id()";

lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php:28: $query = "insert into `tiki_translated_objects` (`type`,`objId`,`traId`,`lang`) values (?,?,last_insert_id(),?)";

Also present in TikiWiki 1.9.x

Reported by Thrain - thanks.
tracker item
LDAP configuration not functioning
in file tiki-admin_include_login.php
if (isset($_REQUEST["auth_pear"])) {
missing 2 lines below.

Missing database entries for ldap email and country
tracker item
Make print icon optional
We now need to fiddle in the templates to remove the print icon. In many cases, a print option is not useful.

Need both a tiki_p style permission and a feature_print style feature for this. Need to document the actual names we used, too.

One tiki-wide setting to deactivate all printable pages all links to these pages (with the little printer icon).

This will also be useful for http://mobile.tikiwiki.org/ Let's try to do before 1.9.1

obs: waiting for cvs to unlock to commit
tracker item
Manual selection of time/date when adding events should be optional and off by default
This manual time / date selection (code below) should be optional off

__Sorry, code plugin doesn't work so below looks weird...__

<input type="text" name="start_freeform" value="{$start_freeform}">
<a {popup text="{tr}Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm<br />...}{/tr} {tr}See strtotime php function{/tr}"}><img src="img/icons/help.gif" border="0" height="16" width="16" alt='{tr}help{/tr}'></a>

<input type="text" name="end_freeform" value="{$end_freeform}">
<a {popup text="{tr}Format: mm/dd/yyy hh:mm<br />...}{/tr} {tr}See strtotime php function{/tr}"}><img src="img/icons/help.gif" border="0" height="16" width="16" alt='{tr}help{/tr}'></a>

tracker item
menu ID=42 doesn't follow enabled/disabled features of Admin section
mnu_application_menu aka db clone menu ID=42 doesn't follow enabled/disabled features of Admin section
tracker item
Migrate binary files in between the file system and the database
Add a feature to move files in between the file system and the database

This feature:

should be added here:

(In fact, it should be backported from 1.10) "Move images from filesystem storage to database storage"
tracker item
missing mysql tables in tiki 12-15+ due to mysql 5.7 issues with dates
tracker item
Missing table in mysql 5.7.17
tracker item
missing tiki_rss_items and unable to log
I am trying to test 5.0 RC1 on locahost, but after installing database i received this error message

''Table 'dbxxxxxx.tiki_rss_items' doesn't exist
The query was:
SELECT * FROM `tiki_rss_items` WHERE `rssId` IN( ? ) ORDER BY publication_date DESC

1. 8

The built query was likely:
SELECT * FROM `tiki_rss_items` WHERE `rssId` IN( '8' ) ORDER BY publication_date DESC''

It was the same with 5.0 beta 2, and when i look to my database tiki_rss_items doesn't exist.
Is it a new table with tiki 5? not install with upgrader?
tracker item
Modules do not work when called from within wiki pages
Using Release 3.3

I get the following message while trying to embed any module into the body of a wiki page:

An error occured in a database query!

File tiki-editpage.php
Url tiki-editpage.php?page=sandbox
INSERT INTO tiki_plugin_security (fingerprint, status, added_by, last_objectType, last_objectId) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
0 module-81051bcc2cf1bedf378224b0a93e2877-f8f6beaaede11aa9a40d17002adee815-200000-107000
1 pending
2 admin
3 wiki page
4 sandbox

Built query was probably:
INSERT INTO tiki_plugin_security (fingerprint, status, added_by, last_objectType, last_objectId) VALUES('module-81051bcc2cf1bedf378224b0a93e2877-f8f6beaaede11aa9a40d17002adee815-200000-107000', 'pending', 'admin', 'wiki page', 'sandbox')
tracker item
More graceful error message when database is unavailable or crashed
I got this on October 25th 2006:

Warning: mysql error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in query:

select count(*) from `tiki_banners` where `wed` = ? and `hourFrom`<=?
and `hourTo`>=? and
( ((`useDates` = ?) and (`fromDate`<=? and `toDate`>=?)) or
(`useDates` = ?) ) and
`impressions`<`maxImpressions` and `zone`=?

in lib/tikidblib.php on line 134

How could we show a more meaningful error message?


mysql tables sometimes crash.

When they do, the error message is cryptic, at best.

An average Tiki admin won't know what the problem is and could think it's Tiki's fault.

A graceful error message would inform the admin that:

"There are problems with the following tables: ". Please repair (link to how to repair)

Especially the tiki_sessions, which shuts down the site completely...

Some others are not so bad. Just a path disclosure.
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
Warning: mysql error: Can't open file: 'tiki_images.MYI' (errno: 145) in query: select count(*) from `tiki_images` where `galleryId`=? in lib/tikidblib.php on line 134

Another error to watch for:
{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
Unable to connect to the database !
User droit_tiki has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
Maybe Tiki admin email should be in db/local.php? So the system could send email alerts when DB can't connect.
tracker item
Mysql 5 Alpha
I installed Mysql 5 alpha to with 1.9 from the head of the branch and found this error when I tried to enter the tiki...

Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-1' at line 1 in query:
select `permName`,`type`,`level`,`permDesc` from `users_permissions` order by `permName` desc
in C:\isense\icms\lib\tikidblib.php on line 133

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\isense\icms\lib\tikidblib.php on line 151
tracker item
MySQL error when administering trackers
This happened after saving http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-admin_trackers.php?trackerId=5 where I had checked "and display attachments in listing?" (sub-option of Tracker items allow attachments?). I was unable to reproduce thereafter.

However, I noticed after that the ratings column had moved from first (left-hand side) to last (right-hand side).

{THUMB(id=26, url="tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=26")}{THUMB}
tracker item
Bugs & Wish list
tracker item
MySQL-Errors approve+staging
I have another problem on TikiWiki 2.0RC2:

I have two similar TikiWiki-installations. One just for testing on my Linux-Server and the second on a WinNT-Server. The Windows-Server is the one we want to/have to use for our Wiki :-(

On my Linux-Server works everything without problems.

On the Win-Server don’t work "approve+staging".

If I wont approve changes it shows me this error:

An error occured in a database query!

File tiki-approve_staging_page.php
Url tiki-approve_staging_page.php?page=Baustelle_Test
update `tiki_pages` set `description`=? `data`=? `comment`=? `lastModif`=? `version`=? `user`=? `ip`=? `page_size`=? `is_html`=? `wysiwyg`=? `wiki_authors_style`=? `flag`=? `lockedby`=? where `pageName`=?
1 <p>Test</p>
2 [approved by ottonormal]
3 1217330865
4 6
5 ottonormal
7 225
8 1
13 Test

Built query was probably:
update `tiki_pages` set `description`='' `data`='<p>Test</p>' `comment`=' [approved by ottonormal]' `lastModif`='1217330865' `version`='6' `user`='ottonormal' `ip`='' `page_size`='225' `is_html`='1' `wysiwyg`='' `wiki_authors_style`=NULL `flag`='' `lockedby`='' where `pageName`='Test'

tracker item
tracker item
Option to Insert a new event in calendar when posting a new tiki article of type "event"
In order to avoid duplication of effort, It would be very nice to be able insert a calendar item when editing an article in Tiki.

I imagine that as a new option in article edit form, for any article type or just some type, like "event", or so. You should be able to select the date or dates to insert that info in the calendar feature, select which calendar, etc.

So that calendar and upcoming_events module is updated when a new article is posted with that option selected.
tracker item
Problem in adodb when using Chinese characters in browser title
using long Chinese characters as browser title will cause the browser title borken, for example, if you use '机电工程师' as browser title, the browser will show '机电工程帛'.

it's maybe an adodb problem.
tracker item
Quizzes Setting "Shuffle Questions does not work"
On the Create/Admin Quizzes page, when the setting "Shuffle Questions" is checked, the questions are not shuffled when the user takes the quiz.
tracker item
reserved keyword "reads" for column name used in few tables
CREATE TABLE tiki_articles(

articleId int( 8 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
reads int( 14 ) default NULL ,
KEY reads( reads ) ,
KEY author( author( 32 ) ) ,
FULLTEXT KEY ft( title, heading, body )


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'reads int(14) default NULL,
votes int(8) default NULL,
points int(14) defaul' at line 28
tracker item
Saving a page results in MySQL Error (tikiwiki/PHP/Apache/MySQL)

PHP 5.1.4 (Build 2600)
Apache 2.2.2
MySQL 5.0

When adding the following text to a page (text between but not including the "$" symbols) it will preview fine, but the Save operation causes an error with MySQL which shows up in the Apache logs as:
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) PHP/5.1.4 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Server built: Apr 29 2006 18:32:31
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Parent: Created child process 672
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Child process is running
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

Here is the text you can try:


))Cohen-Steiner(( “Restricted delauney triangulations and normal

cycles”. are estimates of

the principle curvature directions at the vertex. Once we have computed principle curvatures for every isosurface

vertex, we can use the jack triangle floodfiller to flood-follow lines of curvature. The complexity here is how to

sample the curvature fields to produce curves.



tracker item
Saving a page results in MySQL Error (tikiwiki/PHP/Apache/MySQL)

PHP 5.1.4 (Build 2600)
Apache 2.2.2
MySQL 5.0

Whwn adding the following text to a page (text between but not including the "$" symbols) it will preview fine, but the Save operation causes an error with MySQL which shows up in the Apache logs as:

[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Apache/2.2.2 (Win32) PHP/5.1.4 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Server built: Apr 29 2006 18:32:31
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:50 2006] [notice] Parent: Created child process 672
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Child process is running
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Jun 22 17:04:51 2006] [notice] Child 672: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

Here is the text you can try:


))Cohen-Steiner(( “Restricted delauney triangulations and normal

cycles”. are estimates of

the principle curvature directions at the vertex. Once we have computed principle curvatures for every isosurface

vertex, we can use the jack triangle floodfiller to flood-follow lines of curvature. The complexity here is how to

sample the curvature fields to produce curves.



tracker item
Score feature got system error using MySQL 5.6.16
tracker item
Scoring feature causes intermittent blog access error in v1.9.8.3
Two users received the following error when trying to access a blog for which they have permissions in TW v1.9.8.3:
__An error occurred in a database query!__
File tiki-view_blog.php
Url tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=2
insert into 'tiki_users_score' ('user','event_id','expire') values (?,?,?)
0 [redacted username of blog creator]
1 blog_is_read_[redacted username of bug victim]:2
2 1200929940
Error Message Duplicate entry '[redacted blog creator]-blog_is_read_[redacted bug victim]' for key 1

No other users (~60) reported this error. The two affected users reported that other blogs were accessible.

~~#FF0000:__When Scoring was turned off, this error did not repeat until Scoring was turned back on.__~~
tracker item
Search modules - Problem with results and highlight
Using both search modules search_box and search_new my Tiki returns different results.

The results are identical if the search string has only English characters (standard ASCII).

Search_box returns more results than Search_new if the search string contains Greek characters (upper ASCII).

Search_new also highlights only "English" search strings.

I wish seaching Greek tokens and getting all possible results and highlighted too.
tracker item
SEF URL Search Engine Friendly URL
__A CMS without SEF URL means it is a Bug : Usability__

it's a by setup checkable standart in a high quality CMS
simple weblogs like http://www.s9y.org/ have such a feature

why :
google likes */this_is_a_very_god_page.html
and normaly google didn't index

i think the best webpage is nothing if SEFURL isn't working

the half way is done with the htaccess - ok
the next half way was a mod from http://www.coofercat.com/wiki/TikiURLtInstall

It's working in a root env with 1.9.x and 1.10cvs
that means only if /tmp is writable for the webserver - this is the bug

but online on a vserver this shit happens to me

Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/71) is not within the allowed path(s): (/srv/nww/webx/:/srv/nww/htdocs/phpMyAdmin/:/srv/nww/htdocs/confixx/html/gesperrt/) in /srv/nww/webx/html/wiki/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 1551

Warning: fopen(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/71/adodb_716f2422695ca15b221f4ce6f146321c.cache) is not within the allowed path(s): (/srv/nww/webx/:/srv/nww/htdocs/phpMyAdmin/:/srv/nww/htdocs/confixx/html/gesperrt/) in /srv/nww/webx/html/wiki/lib/adodb/adodb-csvlib.inc.php on line 298
......this msg repeats about 1000 times
did you know what's going on

I started to debug this problem
but it seams to get bigger and bigger

saved data titles must be renamed
didn't result in
page 2
and so on
tracker item
Shared User tasks
I have encountered many problems with this feature when activating on dev.tikiwiki.org

A- The site becomes very slow...

B- ((TaskModuleTest)) page is almost totally blank.

C- Should there not be a feature setting for all of this?
tracker item
Some DB tables are not created on MySQL 5.5 and above during install
I created a test environment with the following components:
Apache 2.2.10
PHP 5.2.8
MySQL 6.0.8 alpha

I was not able to get MySQL 5.1 working on my machine,
but I was abe to get 6.0.8alpha runnning smooth.

I checked out the latest code in TRUNK 15953
pointed Apache to the files.

I ran tiki-install.php without problems except the following 3 SQL problems
which I suppose is due to MySQL version 6.0.8alpha

As my SQL skills are not up to date...
Are there any solutions for these bug?

Do not propose, that version 6 of MySQL is not supported :-)

~np~CREATE TABLE tiki_banning (
banId int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
mode enum('user','ip') default NULL,
title varchar(200) default NULL,
ip1 char(3) default NULL,
ip2 char(3) default NULL,
ip3 char(3) default NULL,
ip4 char(3) default NULL,
user varchar(200) default '',
date_from timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
date_to timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
use_dates char(1) default NULL,
created int(14) default NULL,
message text,
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL,
date_to timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
use_dates char(1) default NUL' at line 10

~np~CREATE TABLE tiki_friendship_requests (
userFrom varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
userTo varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
tstamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userFrom(120),userTo(120))
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (userFrom(120),userTo(120))
) ENGINE=MyISAM' at line 4

~np~CREATE TABLE tiki_users_score (
user char(200) NOT NULL default '',
event_id char(200) NOT NULL default '',
expire int(14) NOT NULL default '0',
tstamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (user(110),event_id(110)),
KEY user (user(110),event_id(110),expire)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (user(110),event_id(110)),
KEY user (user(110),ev' at line 5
tracker item
change the table definitions to support the new utf8mb4 character
tracker item
Specific edit perm causes global view perm to fail.
Even though global perms allow viewing wiki pages (to Anonymous, for example), assigning an edit perm to another group for a specific wiki page overrides the view perm and Anonymous can't see it anymore unless a specific tiki_p_view perm is assigned to the page for Anonymous.

this is a feature - it is how it works . As soon as you hjave a special perms, you need to redefine all the perm for the page
tracker item
Spellcheck dictionary should be install via mods, in many languages.
This is a perfect use for mods.

words_en.sql weighs 7.5 Megs. This is not super easy to upload via phpmyadmin.
tracker item
spellcheck feature not working properly (yet), specially with latin characters in text

I just tried spellcheck, with the provided english dictionary at sf.net (words_en.sql, etc.). And also added another one as a trial (words_ca.sql, with 15 catalan words, etc.), coded words with utf-8.

Enabled feature, Created a new page with some words:
perquè així però vinyals calçador

The only one shown in red at preview state is "~~red:vinyals~~", having interface either in English or Catalan.
There must be something wrong in the feature.

The only word included in words_ca.sql is abaconarà (non of the others is)

And in words_en.sql, non of the catalan words are, and I guess yeouhooo is not either...
tracker item
Spellcheck: database data check and friendly error message
As of today (pre 1.9.8), if I activate the Spellcheck, I get:

{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
An error occured in a database query!

File php.cgi
Url tiki-editpage.php
select `word` from `babl_words_fr` where `word`=? or `word`=?
0 test
1 test
Error Message

I need to know from:

That I need to install the word dictionary database separately from the rest of Tiki.

Tiki should check that the table exists and return a nicer error message.

And why is Tiki searching for "babl_words_fr"? My browser and Tiki are in English...
tracker item
SQL error when using wikiplugin_contributionsdashboard
tracker item
SQL plugin won't work with empty passwords
strtok does not return empty tokens. If the password is empty in the DSN the parser comes out of order.
tracker item
Standard permissions for features per groups
Every time a new object gets created (wiki page, blog entry etc) the item recieves only global permissions.

It would help a lot if the admin could define 'standard permissions' for each group for specific features.
(needs to be integrated with improvements to "permissions by category" introduced in 1.9 - which provides a coherent approach for "object" based permissions to compliment user based perms.)

To keep wiki pages inside the group, the admin would assign the read right only to that group, and a member of that group posting a new item would not have to worry about security as much.

Am not sure what to do when user is member of multiple groups... maybe she can select in a drop-down which is the one that wins, or maybe the admin determins that when creating the user?

Reccomendation: Inherit permissions. (particularly for wiki)
The default behavior for a new object should be to inherit permissions from the page it was created from (global if none). Particularly in a wiki, this would facilitate the use of "private areas" - key feature for tikiwiki as groupware so committees. groups, etc. can operate in privacy, if so desired. Whoever create the page should be able to disable this inheriting, but it should be on by default. Admins can then create private wiki spaces by customizing perms on one page (the group home page).
tracker item
support media casting (e.g. podcasting) from blogs
Support inclusion of media in blogs to provide podcasting, vodcasting, etc.

- Attachment of media files to blog posts
- Association of URLs to other media files on Tiki or elsewhere to blog posts
- Automatic recognition of relevant data from media files using getid3
- Creation of fields in database to store relevant media data
- Creation of enclosure and media XML tags in RSS feed
- Display of media controls in blog entries
- Test using iTunes and iPod, iPodder, Thunderbird, among others

This should be an optional feature, admin through the Blogs Admin panel
Should allow choice of db or file storage, but probably file storage will normally be used, as media files tend to be quite large.

Existing image attachment functionality in blogs will need substantial improvement to support this.
tracker item
Test if the db upgrade script has been run and put a note in tiki-admin.php
This would avoid this type of issue:

Maybe at each release, we could add one test of the DB to see if the most recent sql additions were done.

phplist does this well. Once click and your DB is in the right format.
tracker item
The possible text-length for fortune cookies should be longer
Subject says it all.

Some great men(women) said great things - and I can't enter their name in addition to their quote!! ;(

Give credit, where credit's due! And I take that very seriously!
tracker item
tiki_preferences.name should be longer than 40 characters
The field "name" in the tiki_preferences is currently limited to 40 characters.

This may be appropriate for English speakers, as soon as you start developing german-language Wiki Plugins, it becomes awfully little. For Example:

You are trying to write a plugin named

__ inventarisierung_details (this string has 24 characters).

As soon as you try to configure this, it becomes

__ wikiplugininline_inventarisierung_details (this one has 41 characters)

and fails horribly.
tracker item
tikiwiki calls non-existent pear library without checking that library is installed
I have configured "tiki and pear::auth" in the login section of tikiwiki on a server which did not have the pear php libraries installed.
Next time I try to login with a user (not admin), I see a blank page.

This happens because on line 756 of file lib/userslib.php
$a = new Auth("LDAP", $options, "", false, $user, $pass);
just dies without any error message.
tracker item
TikiWiki without AdoDB lacks the capability of writing correct UTF-8 data to MySQL
I have just migrated a Tiki from one server to another and ran into
UTF-8 Problems. The browser showed Umlauts as the dreaded diamonds with
question marks in them.

Both servers are fully utf-8 compliant as described in

The big problem is that on the new server PDO is available while it
isn't on the old one. According to the mailing list PDO is not default,
but as far as I can see in the code PDO will be default, if available
and not set otherwise. Setting


in db/local.php fixes the special character problem.

The issue seems to be that PDO gives a silent fuc# about encodings and
just pumps everything to the database and back as you hand it to it.
Additionally PHP/PDO doesn't read your my.cnf and therefore doesn't know
which encoding to use.
A quick fix is telling PDO which encoding to use - line 39 in
db/tiki-db-pdo.php :

$dbTiki = new PDO("$db_tiki:$db_hoststring;dbname=$dbs_tiki",
$user_tiki, $pass_tiki,array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES

But I think that this is not safe to commit...
e.g. someone started with Tiki on MySQL 4.0 which used latin1 as
default, so all her tables are latin1. She upgrades MySQL to 5.1, but
doesn't change the Tiki database to default to utf-8 and hasn't
converted the database. Then the PDO-fix above will most probably
produce the same problem, just the other way around...

No idea, what to do actually, but wanting to raise awareness here!

This is a dangerous issue as people with utf-8 databases upgrading their
system or Tiki and switching automagically over to PDO will end up with
mixed stuff in their database: clean UTF-8 and double-byte
ansi-control-characters which MySQL converted to their right unicode
codepoints (freaky, hm? ;) ).

I hope, I was capable of describing the problem in a way that's
tracker item
Tracker Plugin fails with trackers with mirror tables

Using 1.9.cvs

!! 1st trial
!!! Using a tracker plugin code within this page content:
!! Ofertes de recursos o serveis

!!! Oferiments de transports
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Transport, exactvalue=>Transport, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments de recursos (materials)
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Recurs, exactvalue=>Recurs, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments de serveis (immaterials)
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Servei, exactvalue=>Servei, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments d'altres coses
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Altres, exactvalue=>Altres, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!! Insereix nous oferiments a la base de dades
{TRACKER(trackerId=>2, fields=>5:6:7:17:8:16:11, action=>Envia les dades del teu oferiment, showtitle=>n, showdesc=>n, showmandatory=>y, embedded=>y)}Oferiment enviat amb èxit! Pots continuar navegant per la web amb normalitat. {TRACKER}

!!!- Tracker 2 is this one:
trackerId = 2
name = Ofertes
description = Ofertes de recursos i serveis de persones de la Vall del Corb i afins
useExplicitNames = n
showStatus = y
defaultStatus = o
showStatusAdminOnly = n
outboundEmail =
simpleEmail = n
newItemStatus = o
modItemStatus =
writerCanModify = y
writerGroupCanModify = n
showCreated = y
showLastModif = y
defaultOrderKey = -1
defaultOrderDir = asc
useComments = y
showComments = n
useAttachments = y
showAttachments = n
attachmentsconf = 0,1,3,0,2,0,0,0
useRatings = n
ratingOptions =
categories = 3

!!!- And its fields are these:
fieldId = 5
name = Què ofereixes?
position = 10
type = t
options =
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 6
name = Tipus d'oferta
position = 20
type = d
options = Recurs,Servei,Transport,Altres
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 7
name = Descripció
position = 30
type = a
options = 1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 17
name = Foto
position = 35
type = i
options = 50,50,400,400,400
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 8
name = Persones interessades
position = 40
type = l
options = 3,15,5,14,1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 16
name = Demanda relacionada
position = 45
type = r
options = 3,9,1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 11
name = Persona que ho ofereix
position = 50
type = u
options = 1
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = p
isMandatory = n

!!! I inserted this information:

||Què ofereixes? *: | Manual d'administració de Webs com aquesta
Tipus d'oferta *: |Recurs
Descripció: | En pdf..., i en català . tot i que la versió en anglès és més complerta.
Foto: |
Demanda relacionada: |
Persona que ho ofereix | admin
| submit button ||
''(At this page: [http://www.moviments.net/valldelcorb/Ofertes] )''

!!! I get this message after attempting to insert a new record:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='Ofertes' where `itemId`='13'' at line 1

!! 2nd trial
I made another trial in another page just having the tracker plugin ([http://moviments.net/valldelcorb/prova]), with just this content in the page:
{TRACKER(trackerId=>2, fields=>5:6:7:17:8:16:11, action=>Envia les dades del teu oferiment, showtitle=>n, showdesc=>n, showmandatory=>y, embedded=>y)}Oferiment enviat amb èxit! Pots continuar navegant per la web amb normalitat. {TRACKER}

I got this message:
Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='prova' where `itemId`='14'' at line 1 in query:

update tiki_trk_2 set =? where `itemId`=?

in /home/httpd/tiki19/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134
tracker item
Tracker should have possibility to be marked as duplicate
Bugs & Wish list
tracker item
unable to connect to DB after upgrade to 4.0
Tikiwiki 2.3 was upgraded to 4.0. Upgrade went well, DB connection was found, DB was upgraded, installer locked. TW4.0 is unable to connect to the MySQL5 DB it was able to upgrade seconds before. See: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=1&forumId=6&comments_parentId=35478
tracker item
Undefined index: showAttachments in tiki-view_tracker.php
A simple tracker view (such as: http://uniwiki.ourproject.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=4) produces a warning like:
Notice: Undefined index: showAttachments in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/uniwiki/htdocs/tiki-view_tracker.php on line 625

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/uniwiki/htdocs/tiki-view_tracker.php:625) in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/uniwiki/htdocs/tiki-view_tracker.php on line 675
tracker item
undo all wiki edits by IP
if some person goes on a vandalism spree it would be great to have one button to undo all their edits
tracker item
Update monitor tracker e-mail adress, when user changes it in prefs
I am monitoring the dev.tw.o tracker and changed my e-mail adress to get the new tracker items to another mailbox.

Well, that didn't happen! ;)
And after re-subscribing to the tracker, now I get them twice - in both accounts.

I guess I'll have to change my mail-adress back and forth to unsubscribe..

amette update: just checked 1.9.x checkbox - more update: changing e-mail back and unsubscribing works flawlessly
tracker item
Update to Tiki >= 5.3 fails on Windows ("Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active")
On updating Tiki 5.2 and earlier to 6 errors occur during installation.

^Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. Consider using PDOStatement
fetchAll(). Alternatively, if your code is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query buffering by setting the PDO MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute.^

The problem is discussed [http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=39458&topics_offset=5&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=6|over here]

This does not happen upgrading from a clean install of 5.3 to 6.0. But it happens when upgrading from 5.0 to 6.0. The most problematic script appears to be 20100927_better_column_fix_tiki. The first query (getOne() on information_schema) seems to be the sticky unbuffered query sometimes, since the following, second query fails. I tried but couldn't find how to confirm what query is stuck. It's odd that this problem only happens in the installer. getOne() just like query() use fetchAll() so we shouldn't see this problem. Setting MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY doesn't seem to help. After some 10 hours of debugging I'm under the impression this is a PDO bug. This looks like http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44081 If anyone wants to try fixing, I recommend speaking to me first. The PDO documentation is very poor, making this really difficult.
20100927_better_column_fix_tiki was introduced in 5.3.

I found upgrades would work with PDO in certain environments. I had the bug on PHP 5.2.13 but upgrading to 5.3.3 fixed. PHP 5.3 can use mysqlnd, which I suspect doesn't have this problem. The upgrade worked for me on vanilla PHP 5.3.3 or PHP 5.3.3 from EasyPHP, both with mysqlnd. I have no clue why this problem seems to only affect Windows, but I saw reports of similar problems on Debian etch, so it may not be completely Windows-specific. Anyone who experiences this problem, please report your PHP version, and if you use PHP 5.3, indicate whether you use libmysql or mysqlnd.
tracker item
Upgrade 3.1 to 4.1
Error when trying to start the Tiki after Upgrade from 3.1 to 4.1. The installation and upgrade during installation reported "Success":

"System error.
The following error message was returned:

Champ 'version_minor' inconnu dans field listThe query was:

SELECT `page_id`, `pageName`, `hits`, `description`, `lastModif`, `comment`, `version`, `version_minor`, `user`, `ip`, `flag`, `points`, `votes`, `wiki_cache`, `cache_timestamp`, `pageRank`, `creator`, `page_size`, `lang`, `lockedby`, `is_html`, `created`, `wysiwyg`, `wiki_authors_style`, `comments_enabled` FROM `tiki_pages` WHERE `pageName`=?

The built query was likely:

SELECT `page_id`, `pageName`, `hits`, `description`, `lastModif`, `comment`, `version`, `version_minor`, `user`, `ip`, `flag`, `points`, `votes`, `wiki_cache`, `cache_timestamp`, `pageRank`, `creator`, `page_size`, `lang`, `lockedby`, `is_html`, `created`, `wysiwyg`, `wiki_authors_style`, `comments_enabled` FROM `tiki_pages` WHERE `pageName`='UserPageadmin'
tracker item
upgrading db with tiki-install.php breaks multitiki installs (removes /templates_c/ ...)
Using latest tikitrunk_svn from today (Jan. 24th, 2009)

I had a tiki site based on trunk from several weeks ago.
I added today another tiki site (using the same tiki files on server, thus using multitiki on subfolders)

Once the 2nd tiki site was up & running, I wanted to check the 1st tiki site, and it was complaining about mysql table missing, etc. So I went to run the "automatic database upgrade" ((doc:Tikiwiki 3)).
It needs to go through tiki-install.php, therefore so I did.
I had an (extracttoppath) issue, so that I attempted to go to tiki-admin.php from site one. The problem then was that tiki-index.php was complaining about:
The directory '/home/httpd/tikitrunk/modules/cache/javaoptics' does not exist.
The directory '/home/httpd/tikitrunk/templates_c/javaoptics' does not exist.

They seemed to have been deleted by the tiki-install.php script, since they were there a minute ago.
I tried also the other tiki site, and it happened the same, both folders were missing (deleted)

__Is this that tiki-install.php is not multitiki ready?__

duplicated bug report (by my mistake :-) ) with [bug2736]
tracker item
User tasks on dev.tikiwiki.org is mega slow (60+ seconds for some operations)
Just play around with it (sending a task, etc) and you will see.

Maybe it's because this site has thousands of users and on a clean install, it will be fast.

When adding a task from a module:
[ Execution time: 212.52 secs ] [ Memory usage: 10.13MB ] [ 143 database queries used ] [ GZIP Enabled ] [ Server load: 6.65 ]

The problem seems to be with the module "user_tasks" and presumably "user_tasks_public". When these modules are not assigned (activated), the task feature is fast (and quite nice/complete, I must say). It appears to be when the module cache is (re)generated.
tracker item
varchar(256) fails on MySQL 4.0
fields defined varchar(256) fail on MySQL 4.0

db/tiki.slq lines 4868 and 4877

the last two tables added: tiki_webmail_contacts_ext and tiki_webmail_contacts_fields

I would fix it if i had check-in powers sorted out (working on it) but i'm not sure that wouldn't it break anything else (in webmail?)
tracker item
Very high number of queries on tikiwiki.org
Please see this page:

When I am anonymous:
[ 1277 database queries used ]

Yes, when I log in:
[ 155 database queries used ]
tracker item
when calendarID is deleted, related calendar items aren't removed from DB
In 1.9.0 (and probably 1.8.x), it is possible to delete a calendarId (ex.:1)

When this happens, all calitemId are set to calendarId=0

Items are still in the database but inaccessible.
tracker item
Wiki cache & plugins: WYSIWYCA problem when admin visits the page (and creates the cache)
Please see screenshot attached.

(10:37:49) marclaport1: I tried turning on the wiki cache feature, but the problem is that if an editor or an admin last visited the page, the edit buttons are show to anonymous (ex.: in wiki plugin articles is in a wiki page to show last 3 articles)
(10:38:15) marclaport1: Shouldn't wiki cache feature just cache what anonymous people see?
(10:38:41) marclaport1: Anonymous is normally the largest "group" of visitors.
(10:41:09) sylvieg: marclaport: you need to turn ogg the cache for page with plugin? Is it waht you mean?
(10:41:24) marclaport1: sylvieg: yes
(10:41:58) marclaport1: sylvieg: or even (I think) a wiki page which uses group permission plug
tracker item
WYSIWYCA & default settings for inter user messages
When I click a user, I am offered to send him a message. But then I get:

User XYZ can not receive messages
ERROR: No valid users to send the message

1: WYSIWYCA: I should not be offered to send a message if the user has disabled that. (frustrating to write such a message for nothing)

2: tiki-user_preferences.php: "Allow messages from other users" default should be yes

3: tiki-user_preferences.php: "Send me an email for messages with priority equal or greater than:" default should be "3"

3- Users accept internal messages by default: default should be yes -> $allowmsg_by_default

4- Users can opt-out internal messages: default should be yes -> $allowmsg_is_optional

All these should be the default settings (most logical) if a Tiki site admin choose to activate inter user messages.

Easier Inter-user message management for Tiki admins:

Also related:
Should sender email be disclosed when receiver gets notification via email? goals: balance privacy & facilitate communication/collaboration
tracker item


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