
Category: Forum

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Send notification email to forum moderator when a user posts a message which is queued pending moderation
tracker item
'next page' link in forum threads doesn't list additional comments
Sometimes we have forum topics with a large number of comments. Let's say the default settings allow to display only the first 20 comments on the first page and provides a "next page" link to the following 20 comments.

But this link doesn't work correctly, there aren't any comments displayed on page 2 (only the initial posting).

I tried this behaviour on the tikiwiki demo page, too ... it's the same bug in the demo.

How can I correct this?

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"No Thread Indicated" error on normal forum reply submit
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0 (zero) byte size attachments
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1.10: previewing forum post doesn't show the form to post qagain by default
When posting to a forum in 1.10cvs (from mid june 2007), if you preview your post, you cannot see by default the html form to edit your content again. If you press on "new topic", the form opens with your content... (but it should be shown by default, as in previous releases)
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Import phpBB data
phpBB is a popular open source forum software.
Sometimes, a forum is not enough.
So, the data must be migrated from phpBB to Tiki forums...

If you want to help:
Please post links to similar scripts.
ex.: phpbb to invision board, etc
If/when we do a script, we should do for all major forums.
__From kerrnel22 on 11/20/07:__

I have almost completed an integrated TikiWiki forum migration tool for 1.9.8.x and 1.10. Initial release will be to migrate only Tiki forums from one Tiki install to another. However, hooks are in place, and the intention is there, to work on extending the migration tool to importing of phpBB2 (or any other forum software) into Tiki. If you would like more information, email tiki.kerrnel@kerris.com. I expect a general release of the forum migration tool (for Tiki forums only) into cvs of both branches for beta testing by December 1/07. If all goes well, I'll have something released for phpBB2 migration prior to Dec 31.

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12.x: accents not shown properly in forum posts when wysiwyg-html is on
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13.x tiki.org forums: pagination missing on http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=26
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13.x: Forum Thread Rating doesn't display icons for value 0, wrong icon for value 1, and no icons when labels are set beyond values
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13.x: Forum Thread Rating doesn't display options to choose from any more
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POP3 collected e-mail not correctly integrated into forum
An email message hasn't integrated into the forum. Tho forum posting is just empty. I'll attach a zip with the original message.
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Forum post by email - duplicate emails render forum inaccessible
1) Create a new forum
2) Enable the post-by-email function (and create the associated email address)
3) Send an email post
4) Send a second identical post
5) Attempt to visit the forum - denied

We use one of our Tiki forums to archive contents from a mailing list - we have a dedicated address which is enrolled in said (external) list. This normally works great, except we were unable to visit the specific forum recently - the error message notified us that duplicate name and content posts were prohibited. It turns out the mailing list sends out regular (monthly) notifications which happen to be identical. It seems that that the POP server is polled when the forum is accessed - the message is obtained, and the post attempt it denied, and effectively locks the user out of the forum.

Verified on the opensourcecms 1.9.11 demo site.
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Forum setting plain-view doesn't get saved bug
User set forum style as Plain and save it after next login style is Threaded again.
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Sort-topics-by-rating in Tiki Forums doesn't work
Whenever we select »Rating (descending)« for the parameter »Default sorting of topics« (I hope this is close enough to the english i18n, because we actually make use of the german i18n of Tiki) in a forum's settings (second to last parameter in the settings), and try to view the respective forum, we are presented a page with the error message:
* »[[Titlebar:] System Error
+ [[Body:] Things to check:
+ 1. Did you complete the Tiki Installer?
+ 2. Is your database corrupt? Please see how to repair your database
+ 3. Are your database credentials accurate? (username, database name, etc in db/local.php)«
As long as we stick to »Newest Postings«, we can use the respective forum as usual. Also, the ratings of topics are displayed in the topics list with no problem.

This issue may possibly be related to the following bug reports:
* https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3066
* https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3667
* https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2686
* https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2695


Can you please retest in currently supported Tiki versions (e.g. Tiki12, ...)? Thanks in advanced {sign user="xavi" datetime="2014-02-07T09:48:35+00:00"}
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Attachments on forum posts not being uploaded at preview time
Attachements (on file tree, not db) are not uploaded as expected to forum post with attached file + preview button.

Perms seems to be ok (full admin user). Directory to upload forums chmoded to 777 and no change.

Similar dirs for image gals, file gals, etc. work fine.

Working with 1.9.2 on linux.
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5.0: since upgrade from 3.x, forum post emails to author missing, from other users ok
We recently upgraded precarios.org site from 3.6 to 5.0 (and migrated to a new server; dns propagating right now).

Since then, when you post a message in a forum that you are watching, you don't get a copy of your own email, but only copies of emails sent by others.

This is expected to allow users to follow a full thread in the email program.

For wiki page changes, you get also notification of your own changes.
tracker item
Forum - Post and Topic Counters are not working correctly
In v. 1.9.4 forum the number of topics and posts is not working properly. I have added posts just to test the forum functions, but when I delete them the number of topics and posts is not reduced! This can be very confusing for students, that is, to go to a forum that says 6 posts and 6 topics (because I added them during testing), and then not find any posts!
I (kerrnel22) am seeing this when migrating individual topics from one forum to another. The forum_prune() function does not appear to be operating correctly. I cannot see any errors so not sure what's causing the problem.
tracker item
Deletion of forum attachment does not remove linked file
As described in title. Problem exists when forum attachments are stored in linked files (vs. database)

Something should be done also for case where forum topic or thread is deleted. function remove_comment($threadId) does not do this either.

Problem is that the following function in commentslib.php does not delete linked file
function remove_thread_attachment($attId) {
232 $query = "delete from `tiki_forum_attachments` where `attId`=?";
234 $this->query($query,array($attId));
235 }

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A user can edit ANY forum post
A user with all forum-perms except tiki_p_admin_forum can edit any forum post.
That shouldn't be like that..
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a user is deleted, but his watches to forum are still sent to empty address
A user is subscribed to a forum. Everything works fine (no messages are sent by the server to blank email addresses).

An admin deletes that user.

When a new message is posted to that forum, there is a message sent to a blank address, which is then returned to the server users from which the posts where sent.

It seems as if the forum still tries to send a copy of the post to that user, but has no address to send it to, since the user was deleted.
tracker item
Ability to sort, edit and delete Forum Sections
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add a label like [forum name XXX] in each email from monitorized forum post or thread....
Forums are getting powerful enough to substitute mailing lists on many tiki sites (yahhogroups, etc.). However, notification messages from forums cannot be added easily to local email filters since the subject doesn't contain a label like [[Forum X - site Y] to ease this task.
[Forum X - site Y]

I guess this must be very easy for a coder (just adding some variable to a smarty template? and adding a call to that variable if needed from the related .php or .tpl file - I just get the rough idea... I wish I could do that myself...)
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Add a select box to monitor each own's forum post, comments or tracker submission or wiki page at post time
I've been thinking for ages that this kind of option is REALLY needed, and I thought it should not be much coding effort:

Automonitoring each own's posts, through either:
# Add a select box to monitor each own's forum post or tracker submission at post time, in a "per forum post or tracker item insertion" basis, or
# with a user preference for all forums, or all trackers, blogs, etc..
Still needed...
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Add checkbox to tag forum thread as [SOLVED] and allow filtering and reporting based on that also
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Add forum attachment fails for me in 19.x (either in db or file-on-disk storage)
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Adding POP Mailaccount to a forum causes WSOD for that forum
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Addons code leftovers cause Fatal errors
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Admin control over Forum (and forum section) order
Could a system be implemented so that an admin could control the order that forums are listed within a section (like the way numbers are assigned in the featured links app)?

Also, a system to control the order that sections are listed (same as above)

Lastly, a setting to set the default order to be used when clicking on the menu item

Currently sections are listed alphabetically, and by default forums are listed based on last edit date.

You can click on the forum table headers to change the sort order in a number of different ways.

There isn't currently a way to select a sort method that I could find
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Admin or team shouldn't wait 120s to post in tiki.org forum
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Admin>Login>User defaults or Admin>Groups: Ability to Subscribe new users to specific Tiki objects
It would be lovely to set some new user defaults at
* Admin (home) > Login > User defaults, and/or
* Admin > Groups > (Edit a single group)

The ability to Subscribe/watch/monitor new users in the site or to that specific group, to specific Tiki objects.

Which tiki objects?: I would say, in this order:
# specific forums
# specific blogs
# specific calendars
# specific newsletters (ML: we can already subscribe groups to newsletters)
# specific wiki pages
# specific structures
# specific trackers
# specific categories
# new articles

This is specially useful for new users of the site, where they don't know yet how to subscribe to specific areas, etc. Very needed for educational scenarios, but I can see many other places where new users are a bit lost for some time while they learn how to use the Tiki site.

*[wish988|Forum: Let forum admins/moderators add groups and/or users as watching the forum]
*[tiki-index.php?page=Business%20Plans|Let small business start ups access collaborative sharing where the document being shared is not visible by anyone else]

Anywhere there is a watch eye, it should be possible for an admin to have group members watch this category
tracker item
Allow nested categories in the FAQ and Forums
I would like to be able to have nested categories in my FAQ and/or Forums. This is a pretty simple change (I think, I'm no coder) as it's just adding a 'parent_id' column to the tiki_faqs database (for example). This would allow a layout like


Which would make browsing categories and organizing them easier.
tracker item
anchor link in tiki-admin_forums.php does not work
On the top of tiki-admin_forums.php is the button "List forums" which should send the admin to the forum list at the bottom of the page (as I guess). But with firefox 2/3 it makes just a reload of the page.
tracker item
Anonymous can read everything via search
When enabled feature_search it is possible for
Anonymous user to read protected pages via
special search request

Just try "a" or any other word that is in hidden
or protected area in search box - tiki-
searchresults.php give U text from hidden

from tiki-searchresults.php

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anonymous cannot post in forums even if he has the permission
Assigned permissions:
to anonymous. but they cannot reply in forum. No error message.
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Answers in the forum don't send notifications if not in the top-level of a thread
If you post a message to the forum you can enabling e-mail notification.

Assume, you have the following message:
* my Message (watched)

Now you get an answer:
* my Message (watched)
* answer

A notification is sent about "answer", because the thread is watched.
now you receive a second answer, to the answer before
* my Mesage (watched)
* answer
** sub answer

You won't get a notification about "sub answer".
tracker item
Apostrophe in Username breaks Tiki
A user registered with an apostroph ' in their username (e.g. "Tes't") will not be able to use some feature of TikiWiki.

For example:
They will be able to select a forum, but after that, all that is displayed is the name of the forum, the "new topic" and "list forum" buttons (depending on permissions, of course), and the breadcrumb forum-navigation. The rest of the page (tiki-view_forum.php?forumid=X) is blank, no header/footer or any menus are displayed.

This __is__ dependant on the rights/permissions of the user in question, SubAdmins and Admins will see the full, expected forum page, regardless of apostrophes in their name (at least with my config, YMMV).

Another problem exists in regards to all JavaScript that uses the name of the user, for example the "tiki-my_tiki.php" page of the user, were JavaScript is used to expand Tabs (e.g. clicking "My Infos" will not work). This is due to JS using ' as string-delimeters, and not escaping any ' within the users name.


May be that the sole cause of all the problems lies within the JS-string-delimeter, but I'm no expert on the workings of TikiWiki, and the forum page breaks rather spectacularly when compared to the user profile page, which just doesn't work as expected.
tracker item
attachements to forum posts get lost if the user clicks to preview the post first
Using tw.o forums and 2.0 (afaik):

You add a screenshot attachment to a reply in a forum post, and if you click on "preview" first, (as you would do on wiki pages), the image is lost (no tag is inserted on the forum post to help you link the attachment).

However, if you do the same attachment on a post, and click to post it (without previewing it first), the attachment link is shown.

Example at tw.o forums where it recently happened:

according to comment added to this bug report, this issue is still present in branch Tiki5 still (so probably also in trunk)
Unbelievable, bug still present in forum posts in 12.x since 1.x! (with forum replies, there is warning, at least, but not yet with brand new posts in the forum and attachment is lost indeed) {sign user="xavi" datetime="2013-11-22T09:45:52+00:00"}

Reproduced here:
u: admin
p: 12345
tracker item
Avoid links to poster's page
Presently TW has the possibility to avoid a usability mistake made by many forums systems : add a link to poster's page where it is not needed.

The average user will want to see the forum post first, and then, in some minority cases will want to click on the author's name to see who it is.

Therefore poster's page link should appear exclusively under poster's avatar, there where posts are viewed. Showing a link to poster's page in forums' tabular view is a pollution, and a source of wrong clicks and annoyances.
tracker item
Backlinks between trackers and wiki pages (and maybe forums)
In a tracker item, we often refer to wiki pages. From those wiki pages, we should be able to see the trackers in the backlinks.

Tracker plugin to get title and make link to tracker item

With this second thing done, we could have backlinks among tracker items.

This will be useful for a ((Mindmap))

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Big avatar in forums, elsewhere
"If a user upload a big avatar (more than 45x45 px) tiki 2.1 not 'avatarize' and show the big image in the forums. This problem may be very uncomfortable when you read a forum topic."

I can confirm that this still occurs on tiki.org and whatever Tiki version it is running presently, specifically with GIF images. -- ssanders
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Border for he forum table in tiki.o are not displayed for forums when section are used
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Broken flag on tiki.org
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bug in moving a forum thread
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bug in tiki_view_forum with respect to tiki_p_admin_form
The attachmentbox in tiki_view_forum/tiki_view_forum_thread can not be displayed if the forum_info is set to att_admin because the right is named as tiki_p_admin_form instead of tiki_p_admin_forum. I added also the moderator because i couldn't find it. Now it looks like this
($forum_info.att eq 'att_admin' and ($tiki_p_admin_forum eq 'y' or $forum_info.moderator == $user))
I think it is line 275 in comments.tpl.
tracker item
can not set option to list messages always newest first
No mater how I set options the message thread all ways lists first message first and you have to scroll down to bottom to get latest message. I cant remember when this started as the person who complained about it is no longer with us. I believe it started with V3.x
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Can't create a new post in forum as registered user
Can't create a forum as a registered user. There is simply no button, unless you have administrative rights over the forum
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Can't delete forum posts at tiki.org
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Can't post a reply on tiki.org forums! (wysiwyg textarea never shows up)
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Can't remove picture ,can't turn to next page..
My tiki site was updated from 2.x to 3.0 .

Wiki don't work when i turn to next page in blog/Forum.

I found it work when i change & to ? .for example
forum13&comments_offset=40 don't work
forum13?comments_offset=40 ok change by manual

also i find some bug in imageGallery

when i want to delete a pic
gallery44&remove=730 don't work
gallery44?remove=730 ok change by manual

hope some guys help me..thanks!!
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Can’t post a reply on the forum using Safari
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Canonical for forum posts (print post and print all)
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Child forums
At this moment in version 3, forums are as they are, flat forums with category.
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Cleanup of Forum Administration option labels
Labels for forum administration options to link a Forum and mailing list are very obtuse. Suggested cleanup as made in the documentation would help users.
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Click on reply button in forum by registered user, get a 404 error
When the same registered user clicks on a reply button (the only thing what he can do then), the link will be like this:


But what happens is:
404 Error
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Click twice on "Preview" in tiki-view_forum_thread results an error
The error is:

Notice: this variable may not be empty: $_POST["thread_sort_mode"]
tracker item
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Crash : overloaded memory php when sending a forum message - always

On the user forum, when I send a new thread I have always the "crash" message :

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1491648 bytes) in /var/www/tikiwiki.org/setup_smarty.php on line 172

I yet notice this but I don't received any answer.

This is generally caused by a too low allocated memory for php.

The message is nevertheless sent but I (we) need to reload it.

Best regards

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Create a forum within a forum (sub-forum)
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dbTiki error when posting new message in forum
Bug report available at
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default sort mode missing in tw.o forums
there is still that issue sometimes with the error undefined "thread sort mode" if you preview an answer before posting it at tw. forums.

It heppened to me again when attempting to reply to a thread with a comment already, and I previewed my post first before attemptint to post it.
When I clicked on post, I saw that message.

TW.o is currently using tiki5beta1 r26677
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Deleting a thread in the forum should lead back to forum topic
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Deleting a thread on the forum goes to an error (Incorrect thread)
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Devlist archives on the Tiki forum = WSoD
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Disable tiki-send_blog_post.php for the Anonymous group
While fine tuning our tikiwiki setup (1.9.7) on our internal test server tonight, in preparation of putting it out, I noticed that for both the forum and blog areas, the Anonymous group has the privilege to 'send blog post' via e-mail.

IMHO this is not good to have (DOS etc), so I would like to turn it off for the Anonymous group. Yet there is no easy way to do so.
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Discuss button on wiki page causes erroneous notifications on forum watch
One of our users reported that she was receiving watch notifications whenever she clicked the "Discuss" button for a wiki page, even though she was not posting anything in the forum topic.

The cause was a Watch on "A user posts a forum topic (forum_post_topic)" for the Wiki Page Discussion forum. (Our Tiki uses a forum for page discussion instead of page comments.)

The preferred behavior is that this type of watch would only generate a notification the ===first=== time the Discuss button is clicked for a page, when the new topic is actually created, rather than just accessed on successive clicks.
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Display external wikis and abbreviations in editor
Folks would probably use external wiki abbreviations more if they and their full equivalents were displayed on the editing screen. Even better if there were an explanation of what they are for, how to use them. Maybe a tooltip?
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Doesn´t update Tags in new topic forums
As Admin, when I create new Topic Post in a Forum, and add Tags and post... if I edit the former post tags, adding more tags, they are not saved. The former tags remain.

General Settings:

Tiki 6.0 fresh install.

Problem solved in 6.2
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Dogfood Forum and List Synchronization between tw.o forums and SourceForge Mailing Lists
Thanks to this:


Should be mirrored here:
tracker item
Duplicate posts in forum with email gateway
This is an ongoing problem carried over from previous Tiki versions. In a forum that has a POP mail gateway set up, each post made by a user at the forum generates a second, duplicate post attributed to "anonymous".

When I follow the email's reply-to link to view the forum post page, the thread name and author and content of the topic post and previous post are all missing, the previous message dates are Thu, Jan 01, 1970 (08:00) and these error notices are at the top of the page:

Notice: Undefined index: parentId in /lib/commentslib.php on line 1508

Notice: Undefined index: parentId in /lib/commentslib.php on line 1534

Notice: Undefined index: message_id in /lib/commentslib.php on line 1534.

Viewing in Threaded Style, a single emailed reply displayed correctly -- although not once, but six times, once in reply to each post in the thread :-/ . Viewing in Plain Style, the emailed reply appeared only once, properly at the top of the thread (as most recent post).

Authors' names don't show up when viewing in Headers Only style.

__Update (using 1.9cvs from June 13th 2007)__ by Xavi.
This bug is confirmed with current cvs code. I can't see no more "Notice: Undefined index: ...", but message is duplicated by an "anonymous" user, plus some other duplication by the same registered user on a different level of the same thread in the forum.

Example of forum thread here:

being a gateway to:

Related pages:
((doc:Forum and List Synchronization))
tracker item
E-mailed forum topic contains Discussion link when no discussion is happening.
I'm using 1.9.2. When I e-mail a new forum topic a forum, the body of the topic has added to it the following language:

~np~Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=mynewforumtopic|mynewforumtopic] page.~/np~

This would make sense if the material was coming in as a result of a Discussion of a wiki page. It might possibly make sense if the wiki page exists. It does not make sense in the context of creating a new forum topic that does not discuss a wiki page.

A bad solution is to verify that the wiki page exists before creating a link to the wiki page. This is not satisfactory because wiki pages may exist that are not related. For example, in my application, I have a forum for each state or other territory which discusses forms. Each state has forms with similar names. A discussion of a form "X" in one state's forum should not be linked to a wiki page "X" dealing with another state's form. Such a link could cause someone a real big problem if they don't realise what's happening. A similar mixup on a medical topic could be even more disastrous.
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Enable users to customize their forum thread layout in their preferences
Users are able to customize Forum Threat layout in a menu on top of the threat with number of posts per page, style, sort by. In My Tiki users are able to set this as preference for user to user messages. This should be possible for the Forum layout too!

Some users prefere the Forum old-post-first and all posts on one page, others prefere latest-post-first and 10 or 20 messages per Page. I would like users to set personal preferences for the discussion forum too. Not for each forum, but once per user, globally in myTiki.

This is a standard feature of most bulletin Board software and the TikiForum should have it too :)
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Enabling the forum feature break the Tiki stats (no post yet?)
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Entering "rss" in forums search field causes error
[http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?highlight=rss&where=forums&search=Search+in+content|Link to error]

On the main forum page of tw.o I enter the text "rss" then search button and get the following:

The following error message was returned:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1

The query was:
SELECT `rssId`, `url`, `actions` FROM `tiki_rss_modules` WHERE (`lastUpdated` < ? - `refresh`) AND `rssId` IN( )


1. 1270869772

The built query was likely:
SELECT `rssId`, `url`, `actions` FROM `tiki_rss_modules` WHERE (`lastUpdated` < '1270869772' - `refresh`) AND `rssId` IN( )
tracker item
Error on all forum main interface : sort on forum column when clicking on most of columns title (action buttons on the column title)
!The forum display on
forumId=2 and all others

has normally headers of columns.
These header are button to sort the message on.

!!!The concerned headers are :

The activate generates a request to sort the list.

__These sort requests generates a SYSTEM ERROR SQL Request with the main error type :

#Column 'type' in order clause is ambiguous
#Column 'title' in order clause is ambiguous
#Column 'hits' in order clause is ambiguous
#Column 'userName' in order clause is ambiguous__

Thank's for action
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Error reading forums
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Error Tag Produced and indexed by google in Forum Thread
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Errors on top of tiki-objectpermissions.php page
Forum last posts module gives the following Notice errors on top of tiki-objectpermissions.php page and messes up the font size of permissions list.

Notice: Undefined index: forumId in ../proposed/5.x/lib/core/lib/Perms.php on line 185

Notice: Undefined index: forumId in ../proposed/5.x/lib/core/lib/Perms.php on line 229

For every topic created you will get another 2 of those Notices.
When there are 100 forum topics not that hard to get you will need to scroll down 200 lines of notices just to edit a few permissions.

Turn on feature forum
Asign forum last posts module
Create a forum and a topic

One of the notices i got is fixed in Revision 29138
Notice: Use of undefined constant ttz - assumed 'ttz' in ../proposed/5.x/lib/tikilib.php on line 7682
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Fatal Error when trying to import a forum
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Feature broken: Attachments to inbound emails not saved.
I'm running 1.9.2. I am unable to get the attachment portion of inbound emails to show up as an attachment to a forum post or wiki page. I expect this also applies to analogous emails of other types of content. I think this was working in January 2006.

I will be posting a related issue in the next item. It deals with e-mails to forums having "Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=xxx|xxx] page." added to the body of the forum post, as if it was a Discussion of a wiki page.
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Feature to discuss wiki pages in forums sends a notification email (group watches) each time the use clicks at the button 'Start discussion' (even if the discussion and thread was already started by someone else previously)
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feature_forum_parse doesn't seem to affect anything
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Fivealive: wrong theme option background color in Forum
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Flag problem when country is empty
See screenshot
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Form element "select" are missing "custom-select" in CSS class to refine UI of themes using Bootstrap
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Forum : Number of readings of a post does not change
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Forum & comment threading: make optional and plain (not threaded) by default
Tiki 1.9.x forums have improved nicely over the last few months. One more thing to make them cleaner is to make the default threading to plain.

Let's face it, it looks cleaner :-)

{img src=images/code.png}%%% {CODE()}
RCS file: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/comments.php,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.31.2.50 comments.php
*** comments.php 11 May 2007 23:15:50 -0000
--- comments.php 31 May 2007 04:01:10 -0000
*** 386,392 ****

if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_style"])) {
// TODO: Make this an option.
! $_REQUEST["comments_style"] = 'commentStyle_threaded';
} else {
$smarty->assign('comments_style_param', '&amp;comments_style='.$_REQUEST['comments_style']);
$comments_show = 'y';
--- 386,392 ----

if (!isset($_REQUEST["comments_style"])) {
// TODO: Make this an option.
! $_REQUEST["comments_style"] = 'commentStyle_plain';
} else {
$smarty->assign('comments_style_param', '&amp;comments_style='.$_REQUEST['comments_style']);
$comments_show = 'y';

tracker item
Forum & Maillist Sync shows full email for list contributors not registered on tiki
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Forum community moderation
the problem is moderation of forum posts.
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forum delete
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Forum has problem displaying a long svn commit mail

I tried to set up a forum as archive for the commit emails from our svn.
It kind of works, but yesterday there was a long commit email. Our commit emails also contain the diff which was committed. This one contained also html pages, so there was html-markup in the email. Additionally the email was *very* long.
I disabled wiki syntax for the forum.
Nevertheless, there were two problems:
the html markup in the email was interpreted, i.e. rendered as html instead of displayed as plain text. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a feature request. I would prefer if it would just display the message as plain text. The rendered html was all over the page, i.e. it escaped the text box.

And it already appeared on the page which should actually list only the threads, not show the post contents. It seems it was maybe only an error message (which as described above caused another problem).

This is how the displayed wiki html page starts:

This is TikiWiki v1.9.10.1 -Sirius- © 2002–2007 by the Tiki community Thu 23 of Oct, 2008 [15:26]
+ +
+Definition at line 50 of file interface.c. +
+References MAXSIZE.


(the lines with the plus signs come from the commit mail).

Then the tikiwiki boxes start.
In the box where actually the thread list should appear, the following appears:

An error occured in a database query!

+ +
+Definition at line 577 of file interface.c. +
+Referenced by print_cpu(), and print_net().
File tiki-view_forum.php
Url tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=2
insert into `tiki_comments`(`objectType`, `object`, `commentDate`, `userName`, `title`, `data`, `votes`, `points`, `hash`, `parentId`, `average`, `hits`, `type`, `summary`, `smiley`, `user_ip`, `message_id`, `in_reply_to`) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
0 forum
1 2
2 1224768390
3 Anonymous
4 - zoum in trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs
5 Author: zoum Date: 2008-10-23 00:06:36 +0200 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008) New Revision: 648 Added: trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs/html/classes.html trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs/html/cpu__implement_8c-source.html trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs/html/example1_8c-source.html trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs/html/examp

a lot of text skipped

trunk/zoum/trunk/interface/docs/perlmod/doxyrules.make ___________________________________________________________________ Name: svn:eol-style + native
6071ba94cc94282dcc6dce5f2694e6a547238n91011131.246.77.1381220081022220639.193F1A2363@somehost.uni-foo.de13Message:Error MessageGot a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes

Go back


tracker item
forum mailin should update on regular basis
Currently, (2.2) when using the mailin feature to post to a forum, Tiki does not actually check the email until a user views the forum. Only then, is the email checked and new messages posted to the forum.

This means that the RSS feed for the forums, and modules such as last_post will not be correct until a user goes to the forum.

Instead, Tiki should check the email at regular intervals (in the same way that Tiki checks for article mail-ins.
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Forum migration script
Does anyone know of a migration script / strategy for moving tiki forums
from one Tiki to another?

I want to move this Galaxia forum:

The themes forum

And the Multilingual/i18n <tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=13> forum:
to an eventual i18n.tikiwiki.org
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forum moderator seems to have tiki_p_admin_forum permission=y for tiki-view_forum.php
although they have tiki_p_admin_forum permission=__n__ (on v3.2).
My forum mods gets on tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=<int> the "Edit forum" button, which should be visible to forum admin only.
If they click on the button they get the error messages about missing permissions, so there is no serious problem with it, but it's confusing to see this button.

I've looked over templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl but didn't see anything as explanation for this.
(Btw: the if/else clause from line 15 to 19 doesn't make a sense (for me); it makes the same, never mind the case of the if-clause)
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Forums, Multilingual; Forum names in the breadcrumbs (used in forums) are not translated
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forum not moderated gets moderation message after user posts
After posting to a non-moderated forum, users sees the message as if the forum was moderated:
Your message has been queued for approval, the message will be posted after a moderator approves it.

Message is posted instantly, without any check from anybody
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Forum pagination is broken when there is more than one page for a thread on tiki.org
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Forum pb with submit and link
I installed the same website on two different server (same source and same sql).
The first is a Unbuntu 9.04 with last Apache, Php, Mysql. Config with a VirtualHost.
The second is Windows Vista SP2 with EasyPhp 3.0. Config with a Directory and Alias.

On the first server (Ubuntu), some links in forum like "reply" are wrong (something like http://www.mysite.com/forumId=...). Also when I send a message the request finish on a blank page.

On the second server I don't have this pb.

A specific component is need for 3.x (maybe present in EasyPhp) ?


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Forum plugin show things that the forum doesn’t (t.o)
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Forum post / topic delete should show the actual title of the topic/post which is to be deleted
When deleting forum posts / topics it just asks to confirm without telling the user again what he/she is trying to delete.
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Forum post attachments fail at tiki.org
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Forum post count in forum listing wrong (increases fast)
The count display of number of forum posts in a particular forum is wrong. It increases in somewhat fibonacci manner, possibly due to count of joins or something, but whatever it increases much faster than the actual number of posts.
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Forum post preview deletes post content
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Forum post preview dialog broken
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Forum post time phrasing needs adjustment (Timeago)
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forum posting of viewing posts yields "Column 'approved' in where clause is ambiguous" to non admins
This is a bit odd. Using trunk from today, Feb 10th, 2009, even if this bug was showing up with previous trunks, also.

I post a message as plain registered user, that I get this message just after posting:

Error Error

Ha hagut un error en una petició de la base de dades!

File tiki-view_forum_thread.php
Url tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=3&forumId=1
select tc1.`threadId`, tc1.`object`, tc1.`objectType`, tc1.`parentId`, tc1.`userName`, tc1.`commentDate`, tc1.`hits`, tc1.`type`, tc1.`points`, tc1.`votes`, tc1.`average`, tc1.`title`, tc1.`data`, tc1.`hash`, tc1.`user_ip`, tc1.`summary`, tc1.`smiley`, tc1.`message_id`, tc1.`in_reply_to`, tc1.`comment_rating` from `tiki_comments` as tc1 left outer join `tiki_comments` as tc2 on tc1.`in_reply_to` = tc2.`message_id` and tc1.`parentId` = ? and tc2.`parentId` = ? where tc1.`objectType` = ? and tc1.`object`=? and tc1.`parentId`=? and tc1.`average`>=? and `approved`=? and (tc1.`in_reply_to` = ? or (tc2.`in_reply_to` = "" or tc2.`in_reply_to` is null or tc2.message_id is null or tc2.parentid = 0)) order by tc1.`commentDate` asc,tc1.`threadId`
0 3
1 3
2 forum
3 1
4 3
5 0
6 y
7 prova-0-21fe72956f@moviments.net
Column 'approved' in where clause is ambiguous
Built query was probably:
select tc1.`threadId`, tc1.`object`, tc1.`objectType`, tc1.`parentId`, tc1.`userName`, tc1.`commentDate`, tc1.`hits`, tc1.`type`, tc1.`points`, tc1.`votes`, tc1.`average`, tc1.`title`, tc1.`data`, tc1.`hash`, tc1.`user_ip`, tc1.`summary`, tc1.`smiley`, tc1.`message_id`, tc1.`in_reply_to`, tc1.`comment_rating` from `tiki_comments` as tc1 left outer join `tiki_comments` as tc2 on tc1.`in_reply_to` = tc2.`message_id` and tc1.`parentId` = '3' and tc2.`parentId` = '3' where tc1.`objectType` = 'forum' and tc1.`object`='1' and tc1.`parentId`='3' and tc1.`average`>='0' and `approved`='y' and (tc1.`in_reply_to` = 'prova-0-21fe72956f@moviments.net' or (tc2.`in_reply_to` = "" or tc2.`in_reply_to` is null or tc2.message_id is null or tc2.parentid = 0)) order by tc1.`commentDate` asc,tc1.`threadId`

As admin user, I can see that post, and any other.
tracker item
Forum posting preview should not appear at the bottom of page
When one hits the preview key on a heavily-populated forum, the preview gets put all the way down at the bottom of the pane. Despite the fact that the active area in the pane is at the bottom, after the preview action, the screen will be positioned at the top. At best this involves a lot of unnecessary scrolling; at worst this can be very confusing to the user.

tracker item
Forum rankings broken
tiki-forum_rankings.php is broken since Tiki 4 due to its usage of function forums_ranking_last_topics(), which was removed:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method RankLib::forums_ranking_last_topics() in /var/www/tiki/6.x/tiki-forum_rankings.php on line 70


Fatal error: Call to undefined method RankLib::forums_ranking_last_topics() in /var/www/tikitrunk/tiki-forum_rankings.php on line 72

The method was removed in r20573.
tracker item
Forum security issue: Ref: H56
Please refer with the Security squad for details:
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Forum Sort by Topic Fails
!!!Update: 2011-01-31
Recommend Closure
Problem apparently fixed with the upgrade to V6.1

In a Forum, setting topic sort order to Topic (Ascend/Descend) results in an error screen (see pic2). This is true for global and Forum-specific settings (see pic1). As far as I can determine, the suggested actions have been completed (Installer, corruption, DB credentials). Also, the current BugReport only references an email address rather than the details shown for other reports on the page.

An error occured while performing the request.

Things to check:

1. Did you complete the Tiki Installer?
2. Is your database corrupt? Please see how to repair your database
3. Are your database credentials accurate? (username, database name, etc in

Request this be corrected within the current development cycle (v6.x), ver 5.4 if possible or... point me to a fix if this is a configuration issue or, if needed, I may be able to incorporate a code fix.

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Forum sorting issue
I created multiple forums and when I try to sort by name (asc) or name (desc), it doesn't seem to work.

See screenshot here:

Ryan McCain
tracker item
Forum thread config bar missing
The thread options - "Style: plain, threaded, headers only" "Sort" and "Search" - are missing in trunk (noticed at r22445), even when "Display thread configuration bar." is checked on the forum admin page. I can set the thread options per-forum if I activate that preference on admin forums, but still the config bar doesn't show up for forum users.
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Forum threads pagination bug
When user replies to a forum the pagination changes so that only shows 2 posts:
The topic post and the first reply

It still shows only 2 replies per page don't respecting the configuration for the forum ( 10 replies per page, 20, etc ).
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Forum URLs are much too long
Say I find a nice/useful forum post and I want to email it to someone, it is very long for no (apparent) good reason.

In the "last forum posts" module, the URL is like this: (which is OK)

But if I find that same link from here:

It is:

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Forum Watches - notifications are not working as expected
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Forum; Images from wiki plugin img in post are not displayed when viewing the thread
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Forum: Delete own posts permission
Users with the proper permission should be able to delete their own posts and unreplied topics in forums.

At the moment, only users with ''tiki_p_admin_forum'' permission and the forum moderators can delete posts and topics, but this also gives total control over the forums, something not desirable for regular users.
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Forum: Let forum admins/moderators add groups and/or users as watching the forum
This permits mailing-list-like functionality.

After, adding or removing a user from a group dictates which forums they can read and get notifications for.

Maybe we should use the newsletter functionality as it already handles group inclusions and individual opt-outs...

Like newsletters, it should be possible for people to remove themselves from a mailing. Better than 1.9.7 newsletters, it should also be possible for the admin to see who removed themselves.

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Forum26 Tikiwiki-devel (mailman list mirror) does not refresh automatically
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forumId is required but not used
on tw.o you can set __any__ forumId regardless where the forum topic/thread post actually is saved, e.g.


it's always the same forum topic/thread but the __forumId=3__ is the correct one

on the other hand when you omit the forumId it yells error "No forum indicated"

it would be better when forumId wasn't required in cases when a thread moves to another forum, the old links wouldn't be misleading...
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forumId is required but not used
The IRC bot does not add a forumID, adds the parameter to the link though.
Just adding some ID you can read the post, and interestingly even reply.
The reply however will be in another forum.
You won't be able to acces the thread, as it will not display in the forum (as it was posted in another) but if you access it with the right/wrong forumID you will be able to see it.

(tw.o on the forums)

As pointed out on IRC someone fixed needing a forumID in trunk.
No idea if that will fix this problem as well though.
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Forums - if the 'Topic' field is configured as mandatory, it does not work
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forums editor not loaded in t.o mobile (13.x or next.t.o 14.x)
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Forums in "threaded" style sorting by "newest first" should show the newest posts first
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forums in t.o unusable: help!
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Forums list refuses to show latest entries; comments to opening posts are not accesible.
The following error is observed in an installation of Tiki 7.1 which was some weeks earlier migrated from 6.3 via 7.0.

* Apache 2.2.17
* mySQL 5.1.58
* PHP 5.3.8
* Fedora Linux 14
* The forum list doesn't show the latest entries any more, although even anonymous users have rights to view the forum postings.
+ In particular, anonymous user are globally granted the permission __tiki_p_forum_read__. Nothing was changed in the permissions before the forum list stopped displaying latest entries.
+ Yet the only user who is presented with a forum list containing the latest entries is the installation's admin.
* Also, when visting the topics list of some forum, users are presented a list of the latest entries in that forum (below the list of threads), but when clicking on the links in the list of latest entries, they're taken to thread pages which miss every message except the message which started the respective thread.
+ This seems to show that the bug described here is not caused by wrongly granted permissions, because if anonymous users had no permission to read forum posts they would not even see the list of latest entries below a forum's topics list.
* Recently before the bug was noted, the comment feature (for wiki pages), the freetags feature, and the rating feature were activated, but they were not activate precisly before the forums list stopped working, so the issue may be caused by some finer grained change than simply activating some additional feature.
+ Could the issue possibly be related to freetagging single forum postings?
* After removing all object permissions for every single forum and resetting them, clearing caches, removing freetags from every forum posting, and removing unused freetags, the bug remains.
* The following forum posts on tiki.org are related to this bug report:
** https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=42333
** https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=42306
** https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=42325
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Forums lists many pages, regardless of categ.perms., and available forums are not listed in 1st pag
Imagine you have 20 forums (>10 is common case in some educational scenarios).

Forums list indicates 2 pages of forums list.
Then you select the 15 first forums to a categ. with restrictive permissions, so that normal users don't have the perm. to see them. The last 5 are supposed to be seen by users.
The first 15 are in a section called "Salut i Medi Ambient" (without quotes), and the last 5 are in a section called "Salut i Medi Ambient 2005-06"
Those last 5 are not listed in the first page of the forum list, which appears to be empty, and the users see as if there were no forums (they are in the second page of the forums list).

This should be modified so that the available forums to a user are listed in the first page of forums list.

Using 1.10cvs.

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Forums should have adapted Search tools
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Forums, UI; The selectors and element placement or size comments need to be improved (mobile and desktop)
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Forums: "Posts can be rated" results in "Request URI too long" error when enabled and user tries to rate
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Forums: move topic to another forum id (feature already exists)
In forums:

Topics are first level (discussion starters)
Message are replies. This uses the same code as comments (used in wiki pages, image gallery, etc) and has threading.

In 1.9.x, an admin can move a reply to another topic. This is of limited use. It is as if the admin decides "Your answer is more suited to another question"...

What would be much more useful:
To change a topic (and all threaded replies) to another forum.

So an admin could start with one general forum, and create more specific forums if/when the volume of messages justifies it. Right now, the admin has to plan all these forums in advance. And a list of empty forums is not very inviting...

If someone starts a thread in the wrong forum, it should be easy to correct.
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Forwarded messages to a mail-in forum are prefixed with "FW: "
When forwarding messages to a pop "mail-in" account, the forum title is prefixed with "FW: "
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hits (reads) counter not working
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https://tiki.org/forum26 is no longer getting messages from tiki-devel
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i18n forums
I am not sure if this is a formal "feature request" yet. More of a discussion/debate for now...

How should we handle forums in a multilingual site? Is it a lot of development?

*Should we split tiki-forums.php by language?
*What do we do when some users would like to see messages in more than 1 language?
*How do we handle modules which show the most recent messages? In all languages? by choice?

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Import forum from yahoo groups
It might be a very useful feature if a complete Yahoo group with all the forum postings could be imported into TW.
This definitely seems to be quite a lot of work, but it's just an idea...
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Include option to separate voting on forums from karma or score system
Nowadays the voting on forums is confusing in educational or e-democracy scenarios, since it's not easy to understand why a voting of ! makes just 0.40, or a voting of 5 make 1.60, etc. as it may happen nowadays, since voting on forums seems to be linked to karma or score system.

There should be an option to unlink them, so taht a vote of 1, makes 1, and an option of 5 makes 5 to be included in the mean which is shown at the end on the rate value.
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Inconsistency in forum reply title "required"
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Incorrect number of pages in forum posts
Since some time now the number of pages in forum posts is completely wrong. It seems that the blame goes to luciash who commited the following patch. It's supposed to fix the comments count but it also breaks the page count.
Update of /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv22684

Modified Files:
Tag: BRANCH-1-9
Log Message:
fixed comments count

Index: comments.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/tikiwiki/tiki/comments.php,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.31.2.25 -r1.31.2.26
--- comments.php 10 Apr 2005 04:42:37 -0000
+++ comments.php 28 Apr 2005 15:15:13 -0000
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
$comments_offset, $_REQUEST["comments_maxComments"], $_REQUEST["comments_sort_mode"], $_REQUEST["comments_commentFind"],
$_REQUEST['comments_threshold'], $_REQUEST["comments_style"], $threadId_if_reply);

-$comments_cant = $comments_coms['cant'];
+$comments_cant = $commentslib->count_comments($comments_objectId);

$smarty->assign('comments_below', $comments_coms["below"]);
$smarty->assign('comments_cant', $comments_cant);
tracker item
Integrate POP3 Mail into forum not working any longer
In Tiki 4.1, the forum feature doesn't integrate any POP3 e-mail.

How to reproduce:

Create a clean installation, activate the forum function, and create a single test forum.
Set up the forum to collect e-mail from any POP3 account, that has an email waiting to be picked up.
Go to the forum page, and see that the e-mails are not integrated.
tracker item
Internal Server Error 500 on preview or save
I posted this on the Features/Usability forum pn tw.o, but it seems to be coming down to a bug or a setting.

We've been wrestling with Internal Server Error 500 for several months. We are transferring the content of a static HTML site to a TW site.

At first, we thought it had to do with the length of documents or reserved words or special characters. All of that may still be true, but what I find after exploring the Web a little is that it has to do with script failure. Apache thinks something is screwy in the content being fed to it.

Most recently, I tried to get the TW sql module to work. I set up the DSN per the instructions on doc.tw.o , assigned permissions to a group,then created a test page. I inserted one line,


then hit Preview and got Error 500 immediately. (Obviously, I've substituted words for characters like the curly brace and space. I did that so I wouldn't get Error 500 when I up load this message. And, yes, I know "up load" is one word, but if I use one word, it is likely to fail.)

We have previously gotten the Error 500 message when words like 'up load' and 'se lect' (as noted above) were in the text of the page. When those words are removed or altered, the page up loads.

It tends to happen more often when pages are long (that may be psychological. You remember the BIG failures.) which, of course, just means the odds are greater that a reserved word is used, if that's the case.

When I tried to up load the above example to tw.o, it failed three times until I had all the curly braces and suspect words broken up. I know others are having this same issue. Here's chibaguy from tw.o on his experience up loading in response to my message. (I've edited for brevity)
chibaguy on Fri 16 Nov, 2007 08:08 CET

I tried once to reply to your post and got the 500 error when I had "se lect" in the text (with no space), and then the submit went smoothly when the space was added. A few minutes later I submitted that test post, with "se lect" intact and it also went fine. Meanwhile I found 469 instances of the word at this site, including in wiki pages and forum posts, so obviously a lot of the time having "reserved words" in posts doesn't stop the submit.
I've also gotten the 500 error here trying to submit a post, once in a while, but waited a little while and then could submit exactly the same post with no error.
I rarely get the error at other Tiki sites I use pretty intensively, but am not sure if my pattern of use just avoids the pitfalls.

-- Gary

ricks99 on tw.o leapt on the cut and paste scenario, offering that it might be a text encoding conflict. I've had it fail, as above, with directly entered content as well as pasted content. I'm on a Mac and our host is using *nix.

Note that I'm not saying some text encoding issue isn't a part of it. In fact, I kind of suspect there is more than one culprit.

When I get one of these errors, I start reducing the up load by halves, previwing a portion at a time, until I get failure. Once I get failure, I always get failure.

We've up loaded (copy/paste) pages of documents in which one line would cause the failure. Removing the one line makes it OK. Taking the suspect portion and the remaining text and putting it into a comment page works, too.

My suspicion is that there may be a combination of "suspect" words that crosses a threshold and drops the error message on us. Maybe there's a setup issue?

I'd really like to use the SQL plugin. It would solve several problems for us. Thanks,



This is the third in a series of "HOW DOES IT WORK" articles describing the various systems of the TD Vixens. The first two described the engine cooling and coach heating systems. This article will describe the engine fuel system.

By Tom Picking

When I first got my Vixen it was hard to start. The problem got worse until I was afraid to go anywhere. I spent several weeks studying the system and talking to other owners about what might be wrong. I tried many "fixes" hoping they would solve the problem but nothing helped. I learned a lot about the system over those weeks with the help of several people and only after fully understanding "HOW IT WORKS" was I able to find and correct the problem. VIN 0050 is stock with 110,000 miles and starts easily even after being idle for weeks. Yours should, too!

The BMW engine's Bosch fuel injection pump, in my opinion, is a work of art! It is completely mechanical using no electricity (except for the fuel shut off valve) or electronics. It is a very complex system and adjustment or repair of the fuel injection pump should be left to professionals. But if we understand howthe total system works, we should be able to determine if the problem is in the pump or some other component of the system that we can fix ourselves.

In order for a diesel engine to start and run it needs three things: Air, fuel, and heat. It is also very important to make sure that no air can mix with the fuel until the fuel gets into the combustion chamber.

When the starter cranks the engine, air is sucked in and compressed by the pistons. When air is compressed, it gets very hot, hot enough to ignite fuel if it is present. On very cold days the engine and the air being drawn in are much colder making it difficult for the air to reach the temperature required for ignition. This is where glow plugs come in. They are actually small electrical heaters inside each combustion chamber. They look something like a spark "plug" and when turned on they get so hot they actually "glow". The glow plugs only come on during the initial start up sequence and the amount of time you should wait before trying to start the engine is determined by the engine electronics based on the temperature of the engine. Maximum ON time is about 15 seconds. The "WAIT TO START" light on the dash indicates the glow plugs are being commanded on and the engine should not be cranked till they have had a chance to do their job. If the glow plugs are not working, the engine will still start (except on very cold days) but only with increased cranking times.

Air in the fuel before it is injected into the engine is a bad thing. The injector pump must be able to develop very high pressure in order to force the fuel into the combustion chamber and if air is mixed with the fuel, this high pressure cannot be achieved.

The injector pump is actually two pumps in one. The first is a low pressure priming pump that floods the primarypump chamber. Any air in this chamber is forced out of a drain line at the top of the chamber along with excess fuel flow from the priming pump. This drainline is common with the drain lines connected to the injectors in each cylinder. If any of these lines leak while the engine is off air will enter the system and fuel will drain backward through the fuel line and empty the primary chamber of the injector pump. The result is hard starting (delayed while the priming pump is filling the primary chamber) but otherwise a normal-running engine.

If there is a leak in the fuel line or the fuel filter between the injector pump and the fuel tank, air will be drawn in by the suction of the injector pump and, depending on the amount of air, the engine may start but will not run correctly under load or high speed. As reported by Charles Rausch (TD 0106) in December's issue of Fox Prints, this same symptom can be experienced if there is a severe restriction in the fuel line such as a clogged fuel filter or a clogged fuel tank filler cap air breather vent.

You can inspect the fuel entering the pump by checking the clear (after 12 years mine is yellow) plastic line connecting the fuel filter and the pump. If you see bubbles in this line while the engine is running or cranking there is a fuel line problem. If you see a large bubble in the line after the engine has been off for several minutes, this is an indication of a drain line problem and that fuel is draining backwards through the fuel line to the tank. If you tap the line, with an indication of air in it, you can watch which side the air bubbles up. That will cut the investigation in half.

Between the tank and the injector pump is a fuel filter. The stock filter has a special manual priming pump built into the head of the filter. Turning the selector head of the filter pump to "RUN" bypasses the internal check valve and makes it easier for the engine injector pump to draw fuel. Turning the head of the filter pump to "PUMP" allows manual operation. The engine will run just fine with the filter pump selected to either position if all the rest of the system is in good condition. Diesel fuel is notorious for dirt and water. The fuel filter is your protection against dirty fuel.

After I learned all of the above, my Vixen still would not start! The problem was that it was not getting fuel because of an electrical problem!

The ignition switch mounted on the steering column (a standard GM part) has several electrical contacts that perform various functions depending on the position of the key in the ignition. One of the functions is to energize the fuel shutoff solenoid valve that allows the flow of fuel to the injector pump. One of the first things I did was to check the voltage to the solenoid valve with the key in the ON position, it was OK. What I didn't realize until several weeks later is that a different set of contacts energize this valve when the key is in the START position. These contacts were defective and when the key was in START and the engine was cranking, the solenoid valve was off and no fuel was available!!!!! This condition can be measured with a voltmeter which eliminates the guess work. A new ignition switch solved the problem.

tracker item
Big avatar in forums, elsewhere
"If a user upload a big avatar (more than 45x45 px) tiki 2.1 not 'avatarize' and show the big image in the forums. This problem may be very uncomfortable when you read a forum topic."

I can confirm that this still occurs on tiki.org and whatever Tiki version it is running presently, specifically with GIF images. -- ssanders
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Tiki Forum email reply links incorrectly populate the post/reply input box
Setup: Running 6.4, on Debian. Recently upgraded from 3.x, bug was present in previous version too.

1. In our TikiWiki forums, all discussion is emailed to an external address
2. At the footer of each email message, the Tiki appends a "Reply Link".
3. When a user receives the notification email, and follows the link, the Forum's "Reply to the selected post" fields are incorrectly populated. The "Title" field is for an enitrely different forum + thread, and the reply box contents are also not correct.

Subjectively (not exhaustively tested), this appears to only happen for posts after the first within a thread, e.g. the reply link for the original post functions correctly, but reply link for all following posts does not.

The 'correct' top post reply links are in the form:
While the 'incorrect' reply posts are:

I suspect reply_threadId may be improperly populated with the forumId.

Thanks in advance.
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Bad behavior of the icon flag (eye.png) for "Monitor topics (and threads) of this forum"
The two icon flags (eye.png and eye_magnifier.png) that are used to show the "watch" status of a forum are always switched together, so one doesn't really know what kind of watch he set on the forum.
See also {img id=128}.

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The add element of structure panel his behind C2 and c3 can't be accessed (8.1, 8.3) - twist style

!!!This problems concerns quite all table and forms (in tables or not) with fixedwidth themes.
This is the reason while it appear in so many functions.

!!!As for most of tables in many functions, with "twist" (no other style tested) the tables of the middle (C2) either overlap C3 or are behind C3 and sometimes C2. They just have a little part outside the 990px large (in twist as the width is written into css it can't be changed by prefs).

__~~#F00:The corresponding functions are then completely unusable.

Here I write this for the example elementary function "add an element to a structure" givin in screenshots joined documents

Three scrennshots proposed are :
#What a user see
#The limit of the div as shown by firebug
#The whole div zone hidden
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No indentation of Forum Replies and Comments - Theme TheNews TW v6.7
Apologies, I've some how managed to enter this twice.

Please see [http://dev.tiki.org/item4247]
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No Indentation of Forum Replies or Wiki Page Comments using Theme TheNews v6.7
Forum replies are difficult to read because there is no indentation when using theme TheNews on v6.7 (also affected version 4.3)

Using Firebug with Firefox v12.x established that the style value "padding-left" is set as follows ...
#tiki-centre div 2px from thenews.css line 382 which reads #tiki-centre div { padding: 3px 2px; }
Over rides
.sub_comment 20px from layout.css line 1539 which reads .sub-comment { padding-left: 20px; }

We also notice that the vertical alignment could be improved upon.

Following patch has been applied via Admin -> Look & Feel - - Custom CSS and is being successfully used on our v6.7 system.



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How to search in Author in tiki??
I have a problem with search in tiki.I wish i can search blog,article,forum... belong to author or creator.I'm researching Zend_Search_Lucene.If you have a solution of this problem.Please help me!!!thankful for all.
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Spam removal: tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=XX needs a select all to delete many threads at once
Comments are good in this respect
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Fix to allow replies to outgoing forum notifications to be posted automatically
There are three problems with the "Add messages from this email to the forum" when using notifications. Fixing these allows seamless integration with an email address without a separate receiver list.

# Outgoing email forum notifications should use a subject format that can be parsed into the right thread if someone replies to it if "Add messages from this email to the forum" is set.
# Outgoing email forum notifications should use the "Originating email address for mails from this forum" address so replies go to the right box (this should have worked, but didn't for me without a fix....)
# Replies have the "Re:" removed before posting to find the right thread. This needs to be added back or the resulting notification email is confusing.
# The "From" on notifications has the posters name while the email address is the forum address. This is confusing to users.

The fixes are only about 5 lines. I've attached the fixed notificationemaillib.php and commentslib.php. Fixes are marked with "AJH".
tracker item
Fatal error in the tiki directory
!There is a bug in the forum

If you go to this directory, you notice right away what is the problem


::See attachement for the scren shot::


!!Can you help?

Tks "jwhitehouse" for the pointer.


pls see: https://tiki.org/TWR%3A%3Aminor+issues#FAQ_not_available
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Forum - Error Message "No thread indicated" v6.7 & LTS v6.9
On version 6.7 and 6.9 TW throws error "No thread indicated" when clicking on page title under certain circumstances.

The page title will be the name of the forum, for example "Discussion Forum" and the url underlying page title is of the form

To recreate the error execute the following sequence of actions

Forum -> List Forums

Pick any forum which is present, for example "Discussion Forum".

At this stage the url underpinning the page title "Discussion Forum" is [demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1]

Click on any topic within the Forum, for example "Test Topic" and the page loads correctly showing url [http://demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=1&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=1].

At this stage the url underpinning the page title has changed to [http://demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=1&amp;topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&amp;forumId=1] although the title is unchanged reading "Discussion forum".

Click on third item in breadcrumb trail "Test topic" and the page reload as expected.

However the url underpinning the page title is now changed again reading [http://demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=1&amp;topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&amp;forumId=1&amp;comments_parentId=1].

Now clicking on the page title results in error message page "No thread indicated" where the reasonably expect result would be the list of topics within the Discussion Forum.

The "Go back "button works and clicking on the second item in the breadcrumb "Discussion forum" does correctly return the user to url [http://demo.tiki.org/6x/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1].

It would seem this issue has been resolved in v10.0, since the last item of the breadcrumb trail has no underpinning url, so the sequence described here can not occur.

Can anybody suggest an easy fix for this bug in version 6.x, please?



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Main Feature
Features Classification
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keep headers in mail submitted forum posts
When an email message is integrated into a forum thread, it's currently impossible to trace its origin. For that reason, it'd be useful to keep the email headers somewhere.

For example, if a spam message pops up, it'd be much easier to find the weak link in spam protection.
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Keep poster text in case of absence of title
When a thread starter has written his post but forgotten to write a thread title, presently the post's text is lost when the system asks for a title.

No written text should ever be lost by Tikiwiki.
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last forum post module does not display posts
The last forum post module will not display any post unless you are logged in as admin.
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Bugs & Wish list
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Link to last post in forum
The necessity of adding a link to last forum in forums tabular view will be obvious enough to people who know forums.

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Links pointing to nowhere
When the Wiki feature is disabled, some links are created pointing to nowhere.


First link points to:
http://www.vic-fontaine.com/forum/tiki-index.php?page=Fw: LOVE WORDING WALLPAPERS

"This feature is disabled: feature_wiki"

Similar in articles:

A link to is automatically created for the key word TikiWiki:


Test user/password: smarty
tracker item
List Unanswered Forum Posts
Right now, there's no way to find unreplied to posts in the forum. Having searched through your own support forums, this is definitely something you guys could use so that people can take a crack at answering previously unanswered questions.
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Lock feature doesn't work you can always post on a locked thread
The lock feature for thread on the forum doesn't work.
Anybody allows to add a post can still do it on lock thread even if the user has only post authorization.
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Long forum topic title messes up screen layout
If one gives a forum topic a very long title, it can mess up the screen formatting. Here's how:

The forums have a menu that allows one to move a posting from one topic to another.

That pulldown menu has entries that are topic titles.

If a topic title is extremely long it
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Mail-in: recognize "from" email and assign action to the correct user
We can already send in content to Tiki via email:

add/edit wiki
add articles
via tiki-admin_mailin.php

and add forum posts via

joe@joe.com sends an email. The system recognizes that joe@joe.com belongs to the user "joe" and adds the tracker/wiki edit/forum post/article as if the user joe had logged in and added it via the web form.

Make this optional for security reasons. If someone spoofs the email address, he could send in content for someone else.
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Mail-In to Forum does not follow thread when original post has moved
I am using tikiwiki for a project at work, and one of the features we needed was the "mail-in" forum posting. The way we use this is a sales rep will e-mail an issue to a PDL. One of the e-mail addresses in the PDL is the pop account for one of the forums for our site. The site moderator reads the new "post" (e-mail) and decides which forum the discussion belongs in and moves the post to the "correct" forum.

The problem is that once moved, replies via the PDL do not follow the original thread (to the moved forum). The best case is that they end up in the "mail-in" forum location.
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Making a post "Locked" removes "Announcement"
It's fine to set a post as an "Announcement" However, it does NOT go to the top like "Sticky" but in both cases making it "Locked" replaces both "Announcement" and "Sticky".

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Move Single Posts
RIght now, it appears that you can only move entire threads. This doesn't allow you to move a single post that's attached to a thread, even though just the one post needs to be relocated, usually to it's own thread.
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Moving treads to another forum in tiki-view_forum_thread.php (in addition to tiki-view_forum.php)
I created a new [http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=27220&forumId=17|forum for LDAP & Active Directory], but I am having trouble moving all the old messages to this forum.

It is possible to do from tiki-view_forum.php but it is very time consuming.

If I find a post from the result of a search, I want to be able to move from tiki-view_forum_thread.php

*Stats about forums are not updated (minor)
*Do watches follow?

See video feature request:
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mPDF generates an empty (blank) document on the t.o forum
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Multilike to work on itemId when a wiki template
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multiple forumlists
I want to have multiple forums or (forum_lists) in tikiwiki, because, for example, I want my users to contribute exclusively under the gfdl in one forumlist, but may post copyrighted content in another forumlist.

Current situation: From the menu, the users can click on the forums link which leads them to tiki-forums.php. This displays a list of all the forums the user has the right to see listed, with sections.

The idea is to add an extra argument in the url which specifies which forumlist the user wants to see. example: tiki-forums.php?bigforum=gfdlforum and tiki-forums.php?bigforum=copyrightedstuff
A forum can "belong" to only one "bigforum", or forumlist, so this means an extra column in tiki_forums in the db.

Modifications to tiki-forums.php, right after

// This shows a list of forums everybody can use this listing
include_once ("lib/commentslib.php");
$commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki); {CODE}

I put


// Check for bigforum attribute in url, and assigns it to bigforum variable. If not, display an error page. this means tiki-forums.php displays an error page.

if (isset($_REQUEST["bigforum"])) {
$bigforum = $_REQUEST["bigforum"];
} else {
$smarty->assign('errortype', 401);
$smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied you cannot view this page"));

} {CODE}

And in commentslib.php, in the list_forums function, after

{CODE()} if ( $res['forumId'] != '' && $this->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $res['forumId'], 'forum', 'tiki_p_forum_read') ) { {CODE}

I put

{CODE()} if ( $bigforum == $res['bigforum'] ){ {CODE}
with an extra closing } somewhere down the road.

The bigforum attribute must be manually added in the db, but appart from that it works. better integration with the rest of Tiki would be awesome, url rewrite could give something like tiki.org/forums/IDorNAMEoftheBigforum/

All of this is just broken hacking and my first attempt at doing something, so don't be too harsh ;)
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My first post of the day in the Tiki forum is never saved
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Need Forums to Display per Group - Nevermind
Our community needs some forums for the administrators only so that we can pass messages back and forth. However, there's no way to make any of this private. Any registered user can read and post what need to be private forums. In many cases you don't even have to be registered to read.
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New option to include 'Threads with no replies yet' to Daily Reports and to Notification digests
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No Plugin-Help when editing forum or trackers
When editing a Wiki-page and clicking on Wiki-Help there is a link to change the Help to Plugin-Help.

This link doesn't appear when editing forum or trackers..
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No save after preview of reply by non-admins
#Create a new thread and type in a few words
#press PREVIEW to verify and press SAVE after that.
#verify that posting went well
#now reply to this initial posting by typing a few words and press PREVIEW to see that preview works fine
#now press SAVE and get the error message __
Notice: this variable may not be empty: $_POST["thread_sort_mode"]__
#wiki-button "back" leads to another __error message saying "no thread"__ or something like that (I can only see the german text "Kein Thread").
#to see and capture the text of your reply to your clipboard you need to press the back button of your browser
#now reply again to the initial posting, paste in the content of your clipboard and immediatelly press SAVE (without PREVIEW)
#see that saving your reply is fine

When logged in as a regular user this procedure applies and shows errors. When logged in as admin save after preview is fine.
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No titles in forums posts
Logically titles in forums are the titles of threads, and people who participate to a thread agree to talk about the thread subject, deefined by the original poster. There is no need whatsoever for posts titles. They are redundant.

Therefore, compelling users to add a title to their post is a nuisance, since they don't wish to spend time adding something else than what they said in their post. And be blocked by the system although they provided an answer that makes sense.
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No value displayed for Forum Order preference on tiki-admin_forum.php
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Not possible to move a discussion in a sub-forum discussion
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Notifications, Forum; They were a change of behavior as I now I receive a notification when I post a reply in the Tiki forum (and the message is wrong)
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Only show "10/20/30/All" (drop-down) comments filter if number of comments is > 10
Most of the time, comments (or forum threads) have less than 10 comments. Therefore, this box is not useful, and clutters the User Interface.

tracker item
Parameter nobox=y is not working anymore for the module forums_last_posts
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Please confirm if you have this bug: Replies to replies to forum topics are hidden when viewing forum topics
This was reported on ((tw:ReleaseProcess19))

Has this been fixed?
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Posts are not always saved on the forum at tiki.org
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Post New Message appearing after writing message
On Tikiwiki.org, I see a form for posting a new message after I have sent the first post of a new topic.

That is not clean. There is no reason I want want to reply to myself immediately after posting.

It can also be very confusing for newbies, and give the impression the system has failed.
tracker item
Post to forum via pop3 mail does not decode encoded subject
Mail answers to forum posts do not get sorted to the correct thread when the mail subject is encoded due to non-ascii characters. There is a new thread started.

Original subject in forum: HIPP Biopute mit Möhrchen

Subject in mail sent from tikiwiki: =?utf-8?q?HIPP_Biopute_mit_M=C3=B6hrchen?=

Subject in mail sent to tikiwiki: Re: =?utf-8?q?HIPP_Biopute_mit_M=C3=B6hrchen?=

Subject in forum after mail retrieval: =?utf-8?q?HIPP_Biopute_mit_M=C3=B6hrchen?=

Tikiwiki does not decode the encoded mail subject.

I see the same behaviour, when the mail subject is encoded in iso885-15 insted of utf8.
tracker item
PostGres errors on attempted post/insert of long emails to forums with email-to-forum enabled
Postgres returns row length error to tiki-view_forum.php upon attempt to write data from long e-mail to a forum with email-to-forum functionality enabled.
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Quote - add a quote-button into the reply toolbox
At the moment the forums in tikiwiki have only a very basic functionality unfortunatelly. Please add a few things to make them more usable especially for people who are plain users and not developers.
Second issue with quote: In case you have a more complex discussion going you often need to quote several people in one reply. It is very bad for normal users (!) to have to learn and write code. Thus a button "quote" that enters the code automatically into the eply box and only needs to be filled with name and content would be a very good improvement.
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Quote - add person who's been quoted!
At the moment the forums in tikiwiki have only a very basic functionality unfortunatelly. Please add a few things to make them more usable especially for people who are plain users and not developers.
First one: Quote function is not citing (or allows no addition manually) whose post is cited. That is a forum standard feature, please add it! People at our page ask for it, we just launched and have already 50 users and will grow fast with a lot of complex discussions. That is absolutelly necessary.
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QUOTE plugin in comments, replyto automatic parameter, missing default attribute
When you use the plugin QUOTE, the user you reply not appear automatically in the Post new message box, and you have to introdude it manually
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Quotes in forums
Presently Tikiwiki gives the possibility to quote always or to quote never.

Obviously the quote or not quote should be left at the appreciation of the user, depending on the previous post.
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ranklib->forums_ranking_last_posts, used in Top topics module, returns incomplete names and results
~np~Since r20568, ranklib->forums_ranking_last_posts() returns incomplete names in ["data"]. The first part of the name should be the forum's name, but $res['name'] is null.
So in Top topics module, instead of
1. Probo: Essai bug
2. Probo & Probi: Probo & topic
3. Probo: tes

I'm getting just
1. : Essai bug
2. : Probo & topic
3. : tes

I'm also getting
File: lib/core/lib/Perms.php
Line: 187
Type: Missing argument 5 for Perms::filter(), called in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/rankings/ranklib.php on line 158 and defined

and, as anonymous, no results (thanks chibaguy).
tracker item
ranklib->forums_ranking_last_topics() broken (forums_last_posts)
ranklib->forums_ranking_last_topics() was deprecated in favor of forums_ranking_last_posts($limit, true)

The only problem being that forums_ranking_last_posts ignores its second argument. I guess mod-forums_last_posts's topics parameter is not working great.
tracker item
ranklib->forums_ranking_most_read_topics() ignores second argument (forumId). forums_most_read_topic
forums_most_read_topics is declared as
function forums_ranking_most_read_topics($limit, $forumId='')

This was changed to
function forums_ranking_most_read_topics($limit)
in r20575. The second argument is now ignored.

This obviously breaks callers using the second argument, such as mod-forums_most_read_topics when using the forumId parameter.

Once this is fixed, mod-func-forums_most_read_topics.php should be fixed.
tracker item
ranklib->forums_ranking_top_topics, used in Best rated topics, returns incomplete names and no ids
Since r20553, ranklib->forums_ranking_top_topics() returns incomplete names in ["data"]. The first part of the name should be the forum's name, but $res['name'] is null. So in Best rated topics module, instead of 1. Probo: Essai bug 2. Probo & Probi: Probo & topic 3. Probo: tes I'm getting just 1. : Essai bug 2. : Probo & topic 3. : tes
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Re: gets added to Forum Topic title, after a posting has NOT been submitted
When adding a post to the forum and do not select a smiley (which defaults to a required field - which I dont think is correct). This causes your post to rejected and redisplayed, with a red prompt by the smily field. The Title has Re: preappended when it should not. It is easy to miss when making the corection and re-submitting.
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reduce losts on forums posts and trackers due to session expired (similar solution as in wiki?)
Session expiration is producing some losts on forum posts (in a similar way it was happening on wiki edits...). That solution by ricks99 was very smart on wiki edits. Could it be added also (or similar behavior) to forum posts?

update: Do the same on trackers!!! (show some popup if you are going to loose your session on that site)
I had lost that information because I my session (apparently) expired... (maybe there was a conflict of cookies with the ones on other 1.9.9 tiki sites I was loging in and working in right now)...
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Registerd Users cannnot edit forum post replies
Registerd Users cannnot edit forum post replies even though they can edit original posts! This bug is also currently present in TW.o
see http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?topics_offset=1&forumId=4&comments_parentId=16173
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Reply button does not work in forums
As of 2009-10-19, if I open a forum and click on a posting, if I click on the Reply button, nothing happens. Last week, when I clicked on that button, I was getting some kind of MySQL error message. But now, it simply does nothing.

Note that if instead of clicking on the REply button, I scroll down to the "Post new message" section (which contains a copy of the current post with a > in front of each line), I can write an answer, and click on Post and it works.

But I should be able to click on Reply.
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Reply to forum thread in wrong forum possible
The IRC bot does not add a forumID, adds the parameter to the link though.
Just adding some ID you can read the post, and interestingly even reply.
The reply however will be in another forum.
You won't be able to acces the thread, as it will not display in the forum (as it was posted in another) but if you access it with the right/wrong forumID you will be able to see it.


As pointed out on IRC someone fixed needing a forumID in trunk.
No idea if that will fix this problem as well though.
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RSS feeds from forums are missing forum ID
Go here:

And click any link
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Search: when finding in a forum post, there must be a way to see full thread
As explained here:

A related item:
When in a forum thread for example:

When I click on the "top" link, I am always sent to comments_parentId=0 (which is never good)

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Searching and Forums, add and improve searching tools in forums
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Sefurls missing from application menu
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separate permission to create forums
For some situations it would be extremely useful to be able to set a separate permission to allow a Group to create a new Forum.

This would then avoid having to give the Group the full tiki_p_admin_forum permission, which then also allows users in this Group to set Permissions.

Whilst the full Permission functionality is extraordinarily flexible and feature rich, it can also be quite confusing for a less experienced user and the use of Categories (ie using pre-packaged sets of permissions) is a much easier function which obviously should still be allowed from the Create New Forum screen.

This is still a valid feature request - so I've refreshed it (Aug 2013) - but its not a particularly high priority
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Show list of "subscribers" to forums
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Sort forums arbitrarily
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Sorting by points in forum threads produces mysql error
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Sticky topics in forum
A sticky topics would be really nice. When you guys are fixing the errors in the forums, make a change and implement the sticky topic
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Subject field empty after reply to a forum post...
Subject field empty after a reply to a post...

* a topic is posted "aaa"
* the subject for the reply to at the bottom is "Re: aaa"
* a reply is posted to the topic
* the subject for the reply to at the bottom is EMPTY, whilst it should be "Re: Re: aaa"
* click on the topic or post link once again, then the subject for the reply to at the bottom is "Re: Re: aaa"
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Synchronize Forum and external Mailinglist (Mailman)
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Tablesorter filter is conflicting with forums list and the subforums list
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The field with the smilies does not appear in places where they should be available
In certain instances when editing a page through the text editor (or creating a new blog post), with the wysiwyg-available available (though hidden) the smilies field is not displayed.

The problem is probably due to the fact that the variable $wysiwyg contains an 'n' if the editor is hidden while in some instances the value is NULL. This is probably because if the wysiwyg feature in admin-features is disabled then the $wysiwyg value is NULL, but if it is enabled but hidden the value is 'n'.

There is a conditional in templates/tiki-editpage.tpl that does not take this into account.

(The problem may be present in other versions as well)
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Error 500 on some pages on tiki.org was This page isn't working
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Tiki 13.x / 14.x : forum post list is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too large. (and column for language forum post should be optional)
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Tiki 3.1 Reply to forum returns error
Tikiwiki 3.1 issue when replying to a forum posting, the following error occurs. This does not happen with Tikiwiki 3.0

Not Found

The requested URL /forumId=1&comments_parentId=1&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc&post_reply=1&comments_threshold=0&comments_reply_threadId=2&comments_offset=0&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc&comments_per_page=20&comments_grandParentId=1&thread_style=commentStyle_plain was not found on this server.

This is apparently a known issues that has not yet been fixed.


Thank you.

Mike Petosa
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Tiki Forum interface - update of last item by his author crashes

I had it four of five times (probably systematically because I test now three time and obtain the error each time).

If you have created the last answer on a forum item and __you re-open for edit __(because you get new information a short time after you publish it and not major) when you try to save or preview your modified text you can (seems systematic) get the error :

__Notice : this variable may not be empty: $post["tread_sort_mode"]__

This makes impossible to modify your last text (answer).
You need to re-open the item from the forum the proposal "go back" crashes.
After re-open you get the same error, so it is linked to the text edit himself page display (full item re-loaded completely from db).
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tiki-view_forum_thread.php does not check for category perms
tiki-view_forum_thread.php does not check for category perms

CVS HEAD 1.9.x Revision 1.82
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Tiki.org article and forum post submission issues
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Tiki.org Forum Posting Issue
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tiki.org: replying to forum post causes blank screen when mailout configured
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TikiWiki Forums execute code outside of {CODE}
Using the forums, when posting code the {CODE} button must be used (which places it inside the box).

If this is not used, the code will execute.



What happened:

This uses the {REDIRECT} plugin. I forgot to put it inside a code block while seeking assistance.
2013-12-04 petjal
Confirmed on show:
un/pw: show/show
admin/pw: admin/showadmin
(I couldn't figure out how to add a comment to this bug.--Pete)

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Titles of forum replies don't appear
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Topic type is not shown to plain registered users in t.o forums
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Topics with same title and data in different forums not possible.
You cannot a topic with the same title and data in different forums. By the check_for_topic function of the commentslib it is checked, if a topic already exists and if true the user is send to that topic.
I am having this use case in forums for different courses to take place and the common topic to invite the participants to register by the forum.
Even after I managed it to have the participate topic in every forum by changing the title and data slightly, the replies to that topics get messed up again and seem to be hidden. A look in the database shows, that the replies are marked as replies to the first topic fitting in regard to title and topic by setting the parentId to threadId of the fitting. But the data in the column object keeps to be set to the forum the reply was meant to be.
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U.S. flag not showing in user information
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Bugs & Wish list
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User information popup, on the Tiki forum hovering the username display a loading wheel turning forever (error in DOM)
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User level in forums looks the same for all users
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Username can't have space in it for messageing system Bug
When user has spaces in their name they can`t use messaging system
try "test user" as username
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Ver5.1 messages not showing if thread longer the 1 page
V5.1 possibly V5.0 If a message thread is longer then 21 messages (it seems) and you go to next page it just shows original message and thats it. I had to set comments to "all" to get it to list all the messages in thread. Thats the work around for that.
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VIRUS/SPAM? Forum wierdness
We're having an intermittent problem on our forums.

From time to time, we get a post that looks like this:


It has a title of ":=?iso-8859-1?B?TG92ZSBwaWxscyAtICQyLjk5L2Rvc2U=?="

and content of

Excellent erection
Long duration of effects
No prescription asked

Only $2.99/$1.99 per dose (2 doses in each pill):
CIALIS - http://www.pillsofdesire.com/sv/
VIAGRA - http://www.pillsofdesire.com/vt/

Directly from the manufacturer!

To be taken off future campaigns, go here

Are we being attacked? Our permissions do not allow anonymous posting or topic creation. How can we prevent this? Will an upgrade to 1.9 solve this problem?

Let me know.

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voting on forum post comments shown & working when rating per forum not selected
When you configu. a forum without the option to vote threads, the comments on forums threads allow users to rate them still. And they shouldn't.

The same even if score system is toggled off from active features.
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Watch forums links/icons +RSS links/icons on tiki-forums.php
We should make it easier for people to watch/monitor forums

Right now, the user needs to go to each forum page and click "monitor"

All the links should be available on tiki-forums.php
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Weight for forums and forums sections
Presently the display of forums and forums categories is not configurable by Admin. This can lead to awkward and inelegant display, for example unimportant and almost never used parts keeping on top of important parts, just because they were created at a certain date.

It can also be very ugly.
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White screen when replying for forum on tiki.org - Only on a very specific thread
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Wiki inline help modal can't be used twice while editing a page (without reloading the page)
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Wiki: Page rename to also change links in menu system, in forums and in trackers
When a wiki page is renamed, all links in Wiki pages are fixed. Excellent!

However, menu items are not updated. This would be a nice to have. Same thing for wikilinks in forum posts, trackers, etc

I guess it could get tricky because some use links like tiki-index.php?page=blabla, but some just but blabla and use the .htaccess
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Wish: enable post/article layout that has large image above content
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WSOD (HTTP ERROR 500) on tiki.org forum id 4 ("Features / Usability") if logged in
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