
Category: 19.x

Show subcategories objects

Name Type
"https://getcomposer.org/versions" file could not be downloaded:
tracker item
'Show Instance' not working?
tracker item
"I forgot my password" form is ugly and squished
tracker item
19.x can't create a tracker item on https://wikisuite.org/tracker2
tracker item
19.x dev.t.o: Top module zone is no more hidable nor topbar module zone sticky
tracker item
Plugin Pivottable inserts wrong codes in params data, rows and cols through plugin helper ui
tracker item
19.x themes.tiki.org Possible cross-site request forgery (CSRF, or "sea surfing") detected. Operation blocked.
tracker item
19.x: A Group assignment to many users is lost repeatedly under unknown conditions
tracker item
Quick Admin module no longer assigned by default (starting from Tiki 19)
tracker item
WSOD / 500 error on trying to save a page edit
tracker item
Access to load Google fonts fails
tracker item
Activity stream can't be chosen in PivotTable Plugin Edit UI
tracker item
Add 'Deprecated' preference filter (split "experimental")
tracker item
"Update Empty" doesn’t do anything in the auto-increment fields
tracker item
Add Autoprefixer script to SCSS to CSS workflow in trunk/pre-Tiki19
tracker item
Add forum attachment fails for me in 19.x (either in db or file-on-disk storage)
tracker item
Add natural sorting of Priority field in the bug tracker at dev.t.o
tracker item
Add possibility to get the DISTINCT list of fields of trackers
tracker item
Add scrollbar at top of tall responsive content to show that it is scrollable
tracker item
Add sorting of category by text; currently sorting is only done in the category ID in plugin lists
tracker item
Grey Screen adding Tiki-Plugin looks wrong
tracker item
Adding related item in related-to field does not display in the email notification
tracker item
Feetags; add tags management tools
tracker item
Adding to the Multilike plugin an icon choice
tracker item
Adding FANCYTABLE wikiplugin in toolbars prevents WYSIWYG editing
tracker item
Admin Categories "ErrorErrorError"
tracker item
Admin or team shouldn't wait 120s to post in tiki.org forum
tracker item
Admin page not found error is too geeky
tracker item
Advanced Rating syntax: Empty date tracker-field shows data through Mathematical calculation tracker field
tracker item
AJAX: error 0 (rejected) for URL: tiki-search-lookup?...
tracker item
Allow replacing hardcoded call to maketoc in page with the one produced by mpdf
tracker item
Anon sees things on doc.t.o that shouldn't be displayed (relation field ?)
tracker item
Attachments are not working on Tiki Webmail
tracker item
Auto-toc is not HTML escaped
tracker item
Automatically set the default group
tracker item
Autotoc links not working on template wiki page
tracker item
Avoid displaying buttons or item when no action is possible or display irrelevant information
tracker item
Bad contrast for debug console using the default theme
tracker item
Bad reformatting in displayed title made from file name of files uploaded to a gallery
tracker item
Banner parameters to display or not display a banner on a page are broken
tracker item
Banners on a col (left col) spill over the main content
tracker item
Better Editor or at least better FADE function.
tracker item
Blank page when trying to save wiki page
tracker item
Bootstrap Tour broken, needs library update
tracker item
bootstrap_modal modals not popping up, contents being loaded in new page, compromising usability
tracker item
Bottom content is not accessible for long autotoc
tracker item
Browsing files from tracker field type file should show chosen gallery
tracker item
Button plugin is asking for plugin approval on templates each time a page is open for the first time
tracker item
Can't remove the last related item from Relations fields
tracker item
Can’t name a page "Sandbox"
tracker item
Can’t select a user (myself) as destination for mail notification
tracker item
elFinder: Can’t upload pictures on the tracker5 at dev.t.o (CSRF error)
tracker item
Can’t use the plugin img on the forum
tracker item
Confirm Action not working in Safari
tracker item
Carousel broken in Bootstrap4
tracker item
CASL Spam Compliance
tracker item
Change Admin Password Prompt Does Not Appear
tracker item
Clicking a file link in a diff view in comment produces garbled data
tracker item
Clicking on icon after file upload from text area through toolbar icons fails for me to add the right syntax for that file
tracker item
Clicking the control panels in the new Admin module does nothing
tracker item
CODE plugin not parsed: instead the plugin syntax is shown as ignored (as if it wasn't enabled) in some cases
tracker item
Comments are cached
tracker item
Some wiki page SEF redirects broken on tiki.org
tracker item
Consolidate menu types for simplification in code and for users
tracker item
Content is displayed outside the remarksbox if I have a carriage return in a list
tracker item
Contrast and padding issue on "Tracker item actions" dropdown
tracker item
Contrast issue on the auto-toc
tracker item
Control panels save or login action, gives page with db errors
tracker item
tracker item
Creating captions breaks flow of text around images
tracker item
CSRF Error when trying to log in from the top bar
tracker item
"The following mandatory fields are missing: Category" after anti-CSRF prompt
tracker item
CSRF on using module error messages
tracker item
CSRF warning blocks saving menu options
tracker item
CSS: Multilevel style numbering for ordered lists broken in 19.x
tracker item
DB Manager from within the admin dashboard (maintenance)
tracker item
dev.t.o 13.x: add some scrollbar at the top of wide tables in Bootstrapped themes, since they look as with less content for new users or unexperienced visitors
tracker item
dev.t.o: Some edits to tracker items are silently LOST! (feature_jquery_validation)
tracker item
Successful edit of a wiki page sends the user to homepage
tracker item
doc.t.o 19.x: I can't upload images to wiki pages (CSRF) with elFinder
tracker item
Doc.t.o is slow and could be optimised
tracker item
Browse Gallery option does not insert files or images syntax into wiki page
tracker item
Enable "word-break:break-all" to be optional on responsive tables
tracker item
Error 500 on plugin aliases, seen on some pages like https://nextdev.tiki.org/Staging-and-Approval
tracker item
Error message about existing aliases on several Doc pages
tracker item
Error on tracker first creation - error text is confusing and wrong: Field tracker_id does not exist in the current index. If this is a tracker field, the proper syntax is tracker_field_tracker_id.
tracker item
Error while saving CSS customisation on tiki.org
tracker item
Error: Malformed search query
tracker item
(A blocker if confirmed) errors in trunk database upgrade through console.php keys too long and invalid default value
tracker item
Extended support for additional user input controls like checkboxes and dropdowns (single/multi selections)
tracker item
External icon link on dev bottom links is too close to the text
tracker item
External Wiki Non-Functional
tracker item
Facebook Login not working
tracker item
FADE plugin call content is not printed unless user reveals it
tracker item
Failure to get geolocation from searching an address either manually typing address through tracker field location ui or in the backend with params to get address from other tracker field
tracker item
Fatal error on Tiki 15 to 19 upgrade
tracker item
Field colours for input fields (and selectors) at dev are... could be much nicer.
tracker item
File Galleries (File upload failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0)
tracker item
Filters are being duplicated after submit of PluginListExecute
tracker item
Find isn't working on tiki-listpages.php
tracker item
Fivealive-lite grape theme option is not applied or overriden by default Bootstrap colors
tracker item
FiveAlive-lite theme: in fullscreen mode there is a blue line which does not belong there
tracker item
Font Awesome 5: Review license situation
tracker item
FOOTNOTEAREA plugin is broken (version 19 alpha)
tracker item
Forbidden content in comments shows up in search results
tracker item
Forum pagination is broken when there is more than one page for a thread on tiki.org
tracker item
Forum post attachments fail at tiki.org
tracker item
Fullscreen edit: "Monitor this page" checkbox positioned in the middle of the editing textarea
tracker item
Groupmail - Webmail Inbox ModuleTAKE action is broken
tracker item
H5P Content Creation Bug
tracker item
H5P directory is not writable: storage/public/h5p + missleading success and error messages combined
tracker item
H5P Image Uploads Dissappear After Save Function
tracker item
Plugin H5P Wiki Page Editor
tracker item
Handle lost or invalid Trackers
tracker item
Help in WYSIWYG editor does not pop up
tracker item
How to change email to use SMTP
tracker item
H5P Collage Flies out of Constrained Area in Cached Wiki Page
tracker item
I don’t receive notifications from Dev.t.o
tracker item
Improve comments UX (why 4 times the word comment?)
tracker item
Improve Shopping Cart / ecommerce / online orders to become a multi-sided platform (marketplace / classified ads / rental management )
Tiki has a basic ((Shopping Cart)). Let's take it to the next level: ((Multi-sided platform))
tracker item
Increase L&F options for navbars
tracker item
Insertion_syntax is broken when uploading a file in a wiki page using the Tikifile upload icon (plugin?)
tracker item
Item link and item dynamic list
tracker item
Item Link, tracker to link to, shows incomplete list
tracker item
JavaScript deleteCookie() function is broken (affects Internet Explorer, section edit icons)
tracker item
jQuery tablesorter pager at the bottom does not show initially
tracker item
Keep color highlighting from PluginCode at the mpdf printed version
tracker item
LastMod Plugin does not show correct date when page param is used
tracker item
LDAP and LDAP external groups items in Admin is confusing
tracker item
LDAP authentication to AD broken
tracker item
let "Dynamic items list" feed on a dynamic drop down (items link) to have several dynamic lists
let "Dynamic items list" feed on a dynamic drop down (items link) to have several dynamic lists.

See this scenario with a form including Region > City > Suburb:
You chose Region
Cities get populated according to region. You choose region.
Suburbs get populated according to city.

According to the documentation for dynamic items list, cities are inserted in another tracker, as a text field linked to a hardcoded dropdown with REgion names.

In order to have suburbs populated dynamically from that tracker, sylvieg said that there is some code missing to allow dynamic items list feed on an item list, and not just a static drop down.

tracker item
Licensing: some composer packages slipped in which are not LGPL compatible
tracker item
List GUI contrast issue
tracker item
Login popup area is outside the screen on Ipad
tracker item
Webmail does not save sent, trashed, draft mail to the IMAP folders (was Mailbox selector option (trash, sent, etc) doesn't work)
tracker item
Make ShowTikiOrg field work with show2.tikiwiki.org
tracker item
MariaDB (MySQL) Unified Index doesn't permit same reports as Elasticsearch (No results for query)
tracker item
Menu levels below second level aren't displaying in Smartmenus
tracker item
Missing blueberry theme option in Fivealive-lite
tracker item
mpdf 6 PluginPdfPage: Allow to override global setting to create toc in a specific page
tracker item
mpdf could include content from plugin map
tracker item
mPDF generates an empty (blank) document on the t.o forum
tracker item
mpdf should include content from plugin remarksbox
tracker item
mpdf: accents mangled
tracker item
mpdf: comments duplicated many times in printed tracker item with tabs and comments below
tracker item
mpdf: doesn't include graphics from privottable plugin
tracker item
mpdf: internal wiki links are not clickable nor converted to the absolute url counterparts
tracker item
Multilike to work on itemId when a wiki template
tracker item
Multiple ip banning from user registrations list fails to pass ip numbers (from action log still possible)
tracker item
My first post of the day in the Tiki forum is never saved
tracker item
Navbar overlapping tablesorter heading row (col titles, filter and col select icons)
tracker item
nextdev.t.o: Parsing search query failed: Fields tracker_id or trackerId do not exist in the current index
tracker item
No confirmation step on delete action of user watches
tracker item
No confirmation/succes page on registration after applying profile GroupMail
tracker item
No paragraph breaks in blog text entry
tracker item
Argument Variables are parsed even in "No parse" (np) zones
tracker item
No Success Message on User Registration
tracker item
Not possible anymore to set the plugin module on a wiki page using plugin help
tracker item
Not possible to set a different module than the first one with the MODULE plugin
tracker item
Not possible to set a plugin using the help system
tracker item
Range field to set the hour on the plugin Convene is misplaced
tracker item
Numeric field 0 value is returned as "No value" in the plugin list
tracker item
On permission denied, send to URL must be a tiki page call (user will have hard time)
tracker item
On tiki-listpages.php the "?" icon links to not found page on doc.tiki.org
tracker item
Opening external links in Colorbox does not work anymore
tracker item
OpenLayers Wont Pin in Correct Location
tracker item
Page break syntax with collapsible sections breaks site layout
tracker item
Page buttons: Remove action not aligned with other items in the drop-up
tracker item
Page not found - perhaps you are looking for... listing should be sorted A-Z
tracker item
Page history button bar is ugly
tracker item
Messages, Broadcast; Permission to be able to force Broadcasting (internal message) to user even if they set their account to receive nothing
tracker item
Pivottable of activitystream data: offer aggregation of modification date in weeks, months, etc
tracker item
Plugin Icon - Icons are not showing
tracker item
Plugin List and ListExecute displays code when field is a tracker item title (link)
tracker item
Plugin List default parameter for tracker field type Numeric not effective
tracker item
Plugin List GUI failed to save edited values
tracker item
Plugin survey is not display on the help plugin section
tracker item
Plugin Swiper stuck on first image
tracker item
Plugin Tour broken in 19.x
tracker item
Plugin Trackerstat not working with category type fields anymore
tracker item
Plugin TrackerStat: natural case sorting on the answers (text strings)
tracker item
PluginLayout enhancement request
tracker item
Popup window over tracker item title is really tight at dev.t.o
tracker item
Possibility to use the same value for the options in a dropdown tracker field
tracker item
Prefix doubled when tracker item saved and wiki-page-tracker-field uses custom namespace
tracker item
Profile "Preview Changes" button brings up modal with fatal error in some cases
tracker item
Profile preview fails with ugly CSRF error
tracker item
Redirect when deleting a page removes spaces between words in page name
tracker item
Registration on tiki.org is a too hard and may kill the site
tracker item
Responsive table display problem in Chrome
tracker item
RSS Feed module show wrong message (and doesn’t refresh as it claim)
tracker item
Search option on Tiki Webmail
tracker item
Search result on doc lead to an error viewing an object on file gallery
tracker item
Set up wish reminder system
tracker item
setup.sh not utilizing found PHP version
tracker item
Several fields (itemLinks and Category) are not displayed in the plugin tracker on tiki.org
tracker item
Shoutbox producing 500 server errors
tracker item
show:PluginWebservice throwing 500 server errors
tracker item
Social Network tags / tools at Tiki.org
tracker item
Display of collapsible sections ("+"/"-" headers) in FADE zones broken
tracker item
Something is causing most of the control panels hidden
tracker item
Sort by several fields in plugin list
tracker item
change the table definitions to support the new utf8mb4 character
tracker item
Status icon in tracker edit broken
tracker item
Status open - pending - close in dropdown selector is ugly
tracker item
Alias HomePage link already present in 5496:27 page(s) on HomePage
tracker item
Structure inserted in page is not displayed unless you specify it
tracker item
Structure TOC Plugin breaks CKEditor
tracker item
Sub-Heading auto numbering breaks after sub-headings exceed x.9
tracker item
Subject encoding of notification from tiki.org are broken
tracker item
Subtotals in PluginPivotTable break popup with aggregate details
tracker item
svnup.php not working anymore (MAMP setup)
tracker item
Table of Content plugin (toc) to work for any wiki page (outside structure)
tracker item
Table of contents in the pdf produced by mpdf doesn't respect page orientation param set in plugin pdfpage.
tracker item
Test-ListPages Causing 500 Error
tracker item
Text area toggle issue e.g. !-# or !+#
tracker item
The "Edit the included page" icon is still in the oldish png format instead of the FA icon
tracker item
The layout in Plugin Articles was changed (broken ?)
tracker item
The tracker item view is somehow harder to read
tracker item
Theme dependency of Plugin Bloglist showicons
tracker item
Theme Width Option Non-Functional
tracker item
Thumbnail lightbox option doesn’t open in Comments
tracker item
Tiki comments wiki syntax not parsed anymore with PluginInclude as seen on https://nextdev.tiki.org/File-a-bug
tracker item
Tiki installer fails with System error after the last step when MyISAM database engine is selected
tracker item
Tiki Survey editing is broken
tracker item
Tiki view tracker show multiple row for the same item
tracker item
tiki-listpages.php: Layout of the page is broken with Tablesorter enabled
tracker item
tiki-minical_reminders.php causing 500 errors
tracker item
Tiki.org Forum Posting Issue
tracker item
tiki.org: unified mysql reindexing fails due to missing tracker record for user
tracker item
TikiDb::set() must be an instance of TikiDb, boolean given
tracker item
Titles (headers) in FADE plugin call content are included in table of contents (maketoc)
tracker item
toc shows or not depending on URL params
tracker item
Today button on date pickers broken
tracker item
Show.t.o requires php 7.1+ (was: Tracker Field Location no longer fetching coordinates from tracker field address)
tracker item
tracker field text append and prepend is not handled properly in the plugin list when using default value
tracker item
Tracker fields textarea content wiki parsing doesn't work the same as wiki page content parsing
tracker item
Tracker fields type header should be displayed as selectable fields for relation and linked field type
tracker item
Tracker Item popover preventing clicking on the title link
tracker item
Setting fields order on Tracker plugin (GUI)
tracker item
TrackerCalendar in 19.x (new lib) doesn't allow to change resource from an item through drag and drop
tracker item
TRIM fails to install Tiki
tracker item
Trying to make a text with link highlighted in bold syntax breaks the page layout
tracker item
Unable to Detach Geo Location from Wiki Page, Article, Blog
tracker item
Unable to insert images directly from file gallery
tracker item
Unable to modify my Consultant profile item (edit and save)
tracker item
Uploading a file using a tracker file field type at doc.tiki.org is chaotic
tracker item
Use current Tiki (nice) icons on Tiki Webmail and Groupmail
tracker item
User banning on basis of email-address
tracker item
User Registration Field Errors not Obvious
tracker item
User tracker information not saved if no fields is set to be filled at the registration
tracker item
UTF-8 warning when upgrading Tiki18 to Tiki19
tracker item
UX Improvement: Add an Image Importer when changing the logo
tracker item
validateUsers set to no by User_Trackers profile but new registrations on hold due to validation pending (& email not sent even if validateUsers set to yes)
tracker item
Notification email watches in 19.x: URL links diff from first to last, instead of 2 latest
tracker item
We can't open the modals multiple times on a Wiki page in edit mode
tracker item
Wiki Edits in 18.x-20.x with mobile devices duplicate some trailing chars from strings when Codemirror is on
tracker item
Wiki History: multiple display regressions (Bootstrap 4)
tracker item
Wiki Syntax: add support for @username mentions with notification
tracker item
Wiki-Link points to tiki-editpage.php
tracker item
Wish: enable post/article layout that has large image above content
tracker item
Wish: Infinite scroll to automatically load/display more articles, blog posts, etc.
tracker item
Wish: navbar height offset input as a L&F admin option
tracker item
WSOD on doc.t.o tracker view tracker pages
tracker item
WYSIWYG Table builder, link buttons and others not working correctly.
tracker item


The following is a list of keywords that should serve as hubs for navigation within the Tiki development and should correspond to documentation keywords.

Each feature in Tiki has a wiki page which regroups all the bugs, requests for enhancements, etc. It is somewhat a form of wiki-based project management. You can also express your interest in a feature by adding it to your profile. You can also try out the Dynamic filter.

Accessibility (WAI & 508)
Articles & Submissions
BigBlueButton audio/video/chat/screensharing
Browser Compatibility
Communication Center
Contacts Address book
Contact us
Content template
Custom Home (and Group Home Page)
Database MySQL - MyISAM
Database MySQL - InnoDB
Date and Time
Debugger Console
Directory (of hyperlinks)
Documentation link from Tiki to doc.tiki.org (Help System)
Draw -superseded by Diagram
Dynamic Content
Dynamic Variable
External Authentication
Featured links
Feeds (RSS)
File Gallery
Friendship Network (Community)
i18n (Multilingual, l10n, Babelfish)
Image Gallery
Inter-User Messages
Kaltura video management
Live Support
Logs (system & action)
Lost edit protection
Meta Tag
Missing features
Visual Mapping
OS independence (Non-Linux, Windows/IIS, Mac, BSD)
Organic Groups (Self-managed Teams)
Performance Speed / Load / Compression / Cache
Revision Approval
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Semantic links
Shopping Cart
Site Identity
Smarty Template
Social Networking
Spam protection (Anti-bot CATPCHA)
Staging and Approval
Syntax Highlighter (Codemirror)
Tell a Friend
Terms and Conditions
Federated Timesheets
Token Access
Toolbar (Quicktags)
User Administration
User Files
User Menu
Webmail and Groupmail
Wiki History, page rename, etc
Wiki plugins extends basic syntax
Wiki syntax text area, parser, etc
Wiki structure (book and table of content)
Workspace and perspectives

Useful Tools