
Category: ~Trackers (mirror)

Removed in Tiki 6
~Trackers (mirror)
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Name Type
"Use 'explicit' names in the mirror table" checkbox avoids tracker creation
On 1.10 cvs, trakers configured with mirror tables.
When creating a new tracker (the first one), if you click on "Use 'explicit' names in the mirror table" checkbox, then the tracker is not created. When not selecting that box, the tracker is created. Tried several times with simple names without spaces or accents, and it happened the same.
tracker item
tracker item
Mirrord tracker does not store field Description
When defining a field in a mirrored Tracker, the Description of the field is not stored. This was in 2.0, and I'm told on IRC that mirrored trackers are not supported. But mirroring is an option in Admin>Trackers.
tracker item
tracker item
Add field to mirror table fails
While adding field Group as a group selector got following error (Tried again for a text field & same error):

Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Group TEXT' at line 1 in query:

alter table tiki_trk_Groups add column Group TEXT

in /home/tikivam/public_html/cms/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tikivam/public_html/cms/lib/tikidblib.php on line 145
Then when list tracker items:
Notice: Undefined index: Group in /home/tikivam/public_html/cms/lib/trackers/trkWithMirrorTablesLib.php on line 594

for each item.
Then when edit item:
Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Group='yrc94' where `itemId`='18'' at line 1 in query:

update tiki_trk_Groups set Group=? where `itemId`=?

in /home/tikivam/public_html/cms/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134
Checking DB: Group column was not created in table.

This is from a test site http://tiki.vamason.org while trying to recreate trackers as mirrors from http://cms.vamason.org. I installed lastbranch1.9 on 8/3 and copied the DB & ran 1.8-1.9 upgrade. Deleted old trackers, changed Tracker feature to use mirror tables. Emptied tracker tables using SQLyog before starting. Loaded data from CVS using SQLyog.
tracker item
After creation of two records on a mirror table tracker, two warnings appear on top anywhere in Tiki
After creating two records in a mirror table tracker, I got those two warnings on every page I visit on that tiki site (I'm admin and I have the warnings on for admins). I know I can deactivate that message for admins, but I guess it shows there's a bug somewhere...

Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/carpetiki/lib/cache/cachelib.php on line 47

Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/carpetiki/lib/cache/cachelib.php on line 47^

!!!!- Tracker contains those fields:
fieldId = 1
name = Alumne
position = 10
type = u
options = 1
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 28
name = Equip de DM II
position = 15
type = d
options = ,Brokers,Equip 4,Los Nueve,Persèfone
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 2
position = 20
type = h
options =
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 3
name = Els arguments dels meus companys m'han fet revisar els meus plantejaments inicials
position = 30
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 4
name = He sabut escoltar les opinions dels meus companys
position = 40
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 5
name = Les reunions prèvies amb l´equip han tingut molta influència en la meva presa de posició sobre el tema
position = 60
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 6
name = Els meus companys m´escolten quan jo parlo
position = 70
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 7
name = Em sento còmode quan jo parlo
position = 80
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 8
name = He arribat a conclusions concretes sobre els temes debatuts
position = 90
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 9
name = Estic satisfet amb el mapa conceptual que he dissenyat
position = 100
type = d
options = ,1,2,3,4,5,6
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
tracker item
Column Heading Display Bug in tiki-view_tracker.php w/ mirrortables ON
This inlcludes more specific information about a previous bug posting:

This bug affects Trackers when mirrortables are turned ON. It occurs with explicit names on or off.

Column headings in trackers disappear in tiki-view_tracker after a few columns when user has non-administrative permissions. This means any privs that are less than tracker-admin. The column headings table is drawn succesfully for a few columns, but then disappears, along with the column names, in the rightmost columns.

tracker item
Deleting Tracker items
Upgrading to TW 3.0 beta 3, I'm getting this message

Error Error

No tracker indicated

whenever I want to delete any item or field from Tracker. The message appears after clicking at "confirm your action"

tracker item
Editing Tracker TPL Files Through Tiki Edit Interface Inserts "" into TPL and Causes Error
Using the Tiki's built-in TPL file editor to change a title on a TPL page (e.g. "Admin Tracker" to "Administer Reports" for "tiki-admin_tracker.tpl" file) causes insertion of "" character sequence at several places throughout the modified "tiki-admin_tracker.tpl" file. The original "tiki-admin_tracker.tpl" is unmodified. The modified "tiki-admin_tracker.tpl" file contains "" in such places as "javascript" (rather than "javascript"), which breaks the links on the Admin Tracker tabs.
tracker item
function get_item_id in 3 different files
I am poking around trackers trying to maybe copy the code to make a personal module or some such, and I noticed this:

[r@s tw]# grep -R function\ get_item_id ./*
./lib/trackers/trkWithMirrorTablesLib.php: function get_item_id($trackerId,$fieldId,$value) {
./lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: function get_item_id($trackerId,$fieldId,$value) {
./lib/tikilib.php: function get_item_id($trackerId,$fieldId,$value) {

Seems risky to me to have 3 version of the same function. Is that as designed?
tracker item
Not possible to comment a tracker entry - Tiki 8.4
It is not possible to write a comment for a Tracker entry. If you click the "comment" button, there is no editor or anything.

[https://dl.dropbox.com/u/13543865/comment-error-tracker.jpg|Picture of missing editor]

All permissions for tracker comments are granted. No admin and no other user can comment on a Tracker entry. The comment feature is activated and it is possible to comment on wiki-pages.

tracker item
Trackers: Modified Item Status does not work
Set the Tracker Status option "Modified item status" to Pending but when any field is updated the status remains as open. This is in Tiki 9.0. I haven't tried it in any other version.
tracker item
Mirrord tracker does not store field Description
When defining a field in a mirrored Tracker, the Description of the field is not stored. This was in 2.0, and I'm told on IRC that mirrored trackers are not supported. But mirroring is an option in Admin>Trackers.
tracker item
Mirrored tracker does not display calculated field values
The value of calculated fields is not shown in the list of entries in a mirrored Tracker. A calculated field using #3+#5 had the value displayed when looking at the individual item, but the value was empty when viewing the list of all items in the Tracker.
tracker item
Mirrored tracker does not display calculated field values
The value of calculated fields is not shown in the list of entries in a mirrored Tracker. A calculated field using #3+#5 had the value displayed when looking at the individual item, but the value was empty when viewing the list of all items in the Tracker.
tracker item
mirrortables - Changing the value of "explicit table names" fails after Tracker has been created
When a tracker was created, you can't afterwards switch the option "Use "explicit" names in the mirror table" on or off.

You get a lot of database errors. Best to try out and see yourself. Things get worse, when there are already fields defined in the tracker. Then the tracker is completely lost. Without any fields defined, you can still access and use the tracker - you just get errors in the top-bar

UPDATE: Switching back solves the problem - errors disappear and you can access the tracker again
tracker item
mod_last_modif_tracker_items doesn't work with mirror tables
When using mod_last_modif_tracker_items on a tracker in mirror tables, then it just shows the item numbers, but not the content of the assigned field.

I looks like that:

tracker item
tracker item
Need a way to insure people vote only once (more of a voting system than polls)
*polls (Could be with trackers)
**need a way to insure people vote only once (more of a voting system than polls).
***Possibly with unique URL sent by email
***Not sure, but probably that votes need to be anonymous (We know who voted but not for whom)
**Need a way to remind people that haven't voted.
***CRM style wiki & tracker merge
****Do a query on trackers (ex. people that haven't voted)
****Cross with a wiki page to create a form letter "Dear XYZ, according to our records, you have not voted. Please click here to vote.

{wish id=2388}

tracker item
Submit new tracker mirror fails on php error function in TikiDB.php

I have changed my trackers options to Trackers mirror.

This needs to suppress old ones (just test). It as been immediate.

I tried a test, create a new tracker, define major parameters and I obtains the following error :

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in /homez.53/spacprot/www/teawik132/lib/core/lib/TikiDb.php on line 56.

__Do you know what can happen.__
I imagine that the $this->query(.... ) fails because of right on database. But as admin my user and passwords allows tables creation. I will try to test the same with simple test program.

I imagine (with no means to verify) that if this come from a lock of right of data base the error on the query should raise a PDO error.

Nota :
Because I still (after a lot of job)could not obtain an operational installation on Windows, I cannot debug myself or localize (using XDEBUG, PHPECLIPSE).
The problem is on an operational site running by a provider service (OVH - with php 5-2 mysql 5-4- etc...) but normally without access to debugging tools.

So I am preparing a computer running on windows for this (I have to implement installations of tikiwiki on Windows) and collaborate operationally to tikiwiki development.

Best regards

tracker item
tracker picture upload fails for me in 1 site (mirror tables enabled) but succeeds in a disabled one
Using 1.9.cvs of a couple of days ago in both sites.

This site (single tiki install): http://margalef.ourproject.org has trackers without mirror tables. Tracker image upload works fine (image field, 50,50,400,400,400 params).

[http://margalef.ourproject.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=2&itemId=1&show=view&from=personal|Example here]

This other site site (in a multitiki install.): http://moviments.net/valldelcorb has trackers __WITH mirror tables__ enabled. Tracker image upload fails (image field, 50,50,400,400,400 params), producing lines of rare code, but no image.

[http://www.moviments.net/valldelcorb/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=10&show=view&offset=0&reloff=3&status=o&trackerId=3&sort_mode=lastModif_asc|Example here]

Perms on ./img/trackers/valldelcorb directory are 755 www-data.www-data (it's writable by apache). No file is uploaded there, btw....
The problem is not only image upload problem, but it doesn't show the default image either when viewing items with no image uploaded with them, ("no picture available" square image), which is in the server and seems to be fine ([http://moviments.net/valldelcorb/img/icons/na_pict.gif])
tracker item
Tracker Plugin fails with trackers with mirror tables

Using 1.9.cvs

!! 1st trial
!!! Using a tracker plugin code within this page content:
!! Ofertes de recursos o serveis

!!! Oferiments de transports
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Transport, exactvalue=>Transport, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments de recursos (materials)
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Recurs, exactvalue=>Recurs, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments de serveis (immaterials)
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Servei, exactvalue=>Servei, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!!! Oferiments d'altres coses
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>2,fields=>5:6:7:17:8:11, showtitle=>n, showlinks=>y, showdesc=>n, showinitials=>y, showstatus=>y, status=>opc, sort_mode=>asc, max=>20, filterfield=>6, filtervalue=>Altres, exactvalue=>Altres, goIfOne=>n)}Com????{TRACKERLIST}

!! Insereix nous oferiments a la base de dades
{TRACKER(trackerId=>2, fields=>5:6:7:17:8:16:11, action=>Envia les dades del teu oferiment, showtitle=>n, showdesc=>n, showmandatory=>y, embedded=>y)}Oferiment enviat amb èxit! Pots continuar navegant per la web amb normalitat. {TRACKER}

!!!- Tracker 2 is this one:
trackerId = 2
name = Ofertes
description = Ofertes de recursos i serveis de persones de la Vall del Corb i afins
useExplicitNames = n
showStatus = y
defaultStatus = o
showStatusAdminOnly = n
outboundEmail =
simpleEmail = n
newItemStatus = o
modItemStatus =
writerCanModify = y
writerGroupCanModify = n
showCreated = y
showLastModif = y
defaultOrderKey = -1
defaultOrderDir = asc
useComments = y
showComments = n
useAttachments = y
showAttachments = n
attachmentsconf = 0,1,3,0,2,0,0,0
useRatings = n
ratingOptions =
categories = 3

!!!- And its fields are these:
fieldId = 5
name = Què ofereixes?
position = 10
type = t
options =
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 6
name = Tipus d'oferta
position = 20
type = d
options = Recurs,Servei,Transport,Altres
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = y
fieldId = 7
name = Descripció
position = 30
type = a
options = 1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 17
name = Foto
position = 35
type = i
options = 50,50,400,400,400
isMain = n
isTblVisible = n
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 8
name = Persones interessades
position = 40
type = l
options = 3,15,5,14,1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 16
name = Demanda relacionada
position = 45
type = r
options = 3,9,1
isMain = n
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = n
isPublic = y
isHidden = n
isMandatory = n
fieldId = 11
name = Persona que ho ofereix
position = 50
type = u
options = 1
isMain = y
isTblVisible = y
isSearchable = y
isPublic = y
isHidden = p
isMandatory = n

!!! I inserted this information:

||Què ofereixes? *: | Manual d'administració de Webs com aquesta
Tipus d'oferta *: |Recurs
Descripció: | En pdf..., i en català . tot i que la versió en anglès és més complerta.
Foto: |
Demanda relacionada: |
Persona que ho ofereix | admin
| submit button ||
''(At this page: [http://www.moviments.net/valldelcorb/Ofertes] )''

!!! I get this message after attempting to insert a new record:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='Ofertes' where `itemId`='13'' at line 1

!! 2nd trial
I made another trial in another page just having the tracker plugin ([http://moviments.net/valldelcorb/prova]), with just this content in the page:
{TRACKER(trackerId=>2, fields=>5:6:7:17:8:16:11, action=>Envia les dades del teu oferiment, showtitle=>n, showdesc=>n, showmandatory=>y, embedded=>y)}Oferiment enviat amb èxit! Pots continuar navegant per la web amb normalitat. {TRACKER}

I got this message:
Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='prova' where `itemId`='14'' at line 1 in query:

update tiki_trk_2 set =? where `itemId`=?

in /home/httpd/tiki19/lib/tikidblib.php on line 134
tracker item
Trackerlist & trackerfilter plugin don't show Mirror Tracker fields
I couldn't make trackerfilter and trackerlist plugins work with a tracker with mirror tables
tracker item
Trackers /(\w+)/ and /$1\s+\w*/ are considered same, if using "Mirror-Tables" AND "explicit names"
This problem occurs only when using the features "mirror-tables" AND "explicit names".

Using such a setup you can create a tracker like

- test

but then afterward no more trackers like:

- test 2
- test hello
- test (<- just a space here)

Quoting doesn't help!
tracker item
Trackwithmirrortables Doesn't Display Useful Notification Email - No old/new values
Trackers without mirrortables now has a notification email that displays old vs. new values.

Due to the replication of the trackerlib for mirrortables, this functionality was not added. This is a needed improvement for mirrortables notification emails.

tracker item
Two person working on a tracker entry with different access rights
Two person need to work on a tracker entry. Some fields are only editable byan admin, the others can be handled by registered users. When I now add data in the defined tracker fields as an admin, everything is fine.

Now the registered user takes over the case, wants to update/change the fields he has to. So far everything looks fine, he only can edit the one he has access to but as soon as he wants to save it, the fields only editable by the admin suddenly disappear:


Maybe it is on purpose designed like this, but then I just would not get the logic behind it.
tracker item
Use trackers with mirror tables
If you use the tracker with mirror, when creating the fields, you cannot save any comments, options, descriptions. You have to do it directly in the Database, then it works.

If you use the tracker without mirror, it works just fine.
tracker item
When viewing a tracker item the status is not correct (only with mirrortables)
- Use mirror tables for trackers
- Create a tracker
- Create an item (default status open).
- It gets shown correctly in the list view
- click on the item -> status is shown as "pending"

It behaves this way only with mirror tables!
tracker item
wikiplugin_tracker.php crashes in tracker with mirror tables
I've got this error while attempting to insert data in a tracker with mirror tables from a Wiki page through wikiplugin_tracker.php.

In fact, the wiki page return an error message, and it seems as if item was not inserted, then, but item is inserted. However, the field "user" (login user, 1) is not saved in the tracker (and I was logged in, and I could insert a tracer item from the same user account through the tracker directly).

Note: Tracker has less than 40 fields, and I included 40 consecutive field ids in the plugin syntax.

That's the code in the wiki page:
{TRACKER(trackerId=>1,fields=>1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:22:23:24:25:26:27:28:29:30:31:32:33:34:35:36:37:38:39:40,action=>Name of submit button,showtitle=>y,showdesc=>y,showmandatory=>y,embedded=>y)}Ben fet!{TRACKER}

Thant the error message:
{QUOTE()}Notice: Undefined index: name in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/carpetiki/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php on line 138

Warning: mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='prova4' where `itemId`='5'' at line 1 in query:

update tiki_trk_1 set =? where `itemId`=?

in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/carpetiki/lib/tikidblib.php on line 154

Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/gclub/htdocs/carpetiki/lib/cache/cachelib.php on line 47
tracker item
  • 1
  • 2 (current)
  • »


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