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Todo: add to Tiki an icon picker which scan all icons available within a Tiki instance, to add to Menu, PluginIcon and wherever else it makes sense.

samy wrote:

as shown in the picture, an icon picker will help a user or a super user to update an icon (fontawesome or .png etc).
related to

i don't know if there's some libraries or plugins for that, but i have done what's on the picture with some jquery and css
someone has an other idea?

I added a preference to choose to make the icons editable or not, look at the pictures below.
if it's "Y" the admin has the ability to edit an icon with an icon picker, I'm at the stage where i have to update the icon's name in the database

I suggest to make all icons editable for the Admin, thus he can edit an icon when he want.

This should work for any icon set, of course, not just Font Awesome, since Tiki supports multiple/selectable icon sets.

i've added a menu icon picker, it works with any icon set, see the result in the .gif below